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All posts from Technologies Pvt Ltd Kochi : Sharepoint Training,Advanced Diploma Course

Name Of the Institute : Escube Technologies Pvt. Ltd (
Location Of The Training Institute : Kochi
Training Offered : Sharepoint Training

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Sharepoint Basics :
** Hardware and software requirements for sharepoint
** History of Sharepoint
** Sharepoint Central administration
** Create a New Web application
** IIS virtual directory and application Pool
** Site collections
** Create Site collections with different Site Template
** Enabling default features in a site collection
** Configure permissions for a site collections
** Custom permission levels and site groups
** Configuring search
** Creating and Customizing Lists
** Libraries
** Calenders
** Form Libraries
** Custom lists etc
** Using Webpart pages
** Familiarise with out of the box web parts( Content Editor, Current user filter, Page viewer etc)
** Customisation using Sharepoint Designer
** Master Pages and Themes
** Familiarise with Site settings and List settings page
** Site Template and List Template
** Site Columns and Content Types
** Item level permission for Library Items
** Sharepoint content database and config database
** Browse through the databases of the sharepoint installation
Sharepoint Advanced :
** Sharepoint Object model
** SPLIST and collections classes
** Create Web parts using Object Model and deploy manually
** Add usercontrols to webparts and deploy
** Creating features
** Deploy a web part as a Feature
** Create a solution package(WSP) and deploy
** Depoy a custom Master page as a feature
** Custom application using Sharepoint Object Model(Upload documents to a library using Object model)using Elevated privileges
** Sharepoint designer workflows
** Approval workflows
** Site definitions and List Definitions
** Steps to create a custom site definition and List definition and deploy as a feature/solution
** STSADM commands
** SSP’s, configuring profile Import
** Configuring search
** Excel services and BDC
** Sharepoint Webservices
** Sharepoint 2010 Basics

Advanced Diploma Course in Software Programming :
Part One : System Analysis and Design (30hrs)
Overview of System Analysis and Design, System Development cycle, System Planning and Analysis, Tools and Techniques for modeling, System Design and Modeling
Part Two : Advanced Java (80 hrs)
Introduction to Java, OOPs, Java programming OOPs in java Exception Handling ,Threads,String Handling,JDBC , Socket programming,Interfaces and Abstract class,Collection Framework,Wrapper Classes ,IO streams ,Serialization ,Applets,Swing and AWT and Generics
Part Three :Database Management System (30 hrs)
Introduction to Database Management System Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS,components of DBMS,Levels of architecture,Entity Relationship models ,attributes,mapping constraints,aggregation Entity set and Relationship Sets,Relational Models ,Relations ,Normalization ,Relational Algebra,Overview of advanced DBMS ,Introduction to MYSQL, Database creation, Table creation, SQL queries.
Part Four :Web application Development using JEE(68 hrs)
Introduction to Enterprise Edition ,Web Servers ,Application Servers, Servlets ,JSP,Custom Tags,JavaBean,Enterprise Java Bean,MVC Architecture,JSTL and EL, Struts Framework,Java Server Faces
Part Five :XML(16hrs)
Introduction to XML ,Attributes ,Entities ,Namespaces,DTDs,Advanced XML ,XML Web Services(WSDL)
Part Six :Introduction to Android(72 hrs)
Android Overview and History ,Android Stack ,SDK Overview , Hello World App, Main Building Blocks Basic Android User Interface ,Android System Overview, Advanced UI Multimedia in Android ,SQLite Database ,Basic Content Providers ,Handling Activity Lifecycle Events, Custom Content Providers Location Services ,Services, Intent Filters ,Telephony .

Contact Us :
M/s. Escube Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Third Floor, Raman Centre,
Valanjampalam, Ernakulam, South

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