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SRTMUN Model Question Paper : Compulsory English MCQ Pattern

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MARKS-30 TIME: 1 hour
1. In telephonic communication who speaks first?
a) Caller b) Operator c) Receiver d) None of the above
2. Which of the following expressions is never used to greet a person?
a) Good Morning b) Good Night c) Good Evening d) Hello
3. Read the telephonic conversation given below and fill in the blank by choosing the appropriate answer.
Railway inquiry: Good afternoon. Railway inquiry. Caller: ______ you tell me when the Sachkhand Express to Amritsar leaves, please.
a) Will b) Shall c) Could d) All the above
4. Read the telephonic conversation given below and answer the given question.
Fire Service: Hello. Fire station.
Caller: I’m Anju Shukla. A fire has broken out at the Tara Singh Market, Vazirabad.
Please send the fire engines soon.
Fire Service: They’re already on their way, ma’am. They should be there any time now.
Caller: Thank you.
“They’re” in the above dialogue is the contracted form of
a) They were b) There are c) They are d) All the above
5. “Hi, Rani! What’s up?” This expression is an instance of
a) Formal expression b) Informal expression c) Both the above d) None of the above
MCQ Pattern Semester – I Compulsory English
Dr. B.S. Jadhav, Dean, Faculty of Arts, SRTM University, Nanded. Page 2
6. “She’s not feeling well today.” Here She’s means
a) She is b) She has c) She was d) All the above
7. Read the following dialogue and answer the given question.
Rohit: Akash, meet Irfan. He’s the captain of our football team.
Akash: Hello, Irfan. Glad to meet you. I’m Akash Patil, captain of the basketball team.
Irfan: Nice to meet you too.
In this conversation:
a) Rohit introduces Akash and Irfan to each other
b) Rohit introduces Akash to Irfan and Akash introduces himself to Irfan
c) Rohit introduces Irfan to Akash
d) Rohit introduces Irfan to Akash and Akash introduces himself to Irfan
8. On cutting her hair Della looked like ______
a) A man b) A small girl  c) A truant schoolboy d) None of the above
9. The family name of James and Della is ______
a) Dillingham b) Young c) Magi d) James
10. In ‘The Bet’, the lawyer agrees to stay in solitary confinement for how long?
a) 5 years b) 10 years c) 15 years d) 20 years
11. The astrologer sat under the _______ tree.
a) Banyan b) Neem c) Babul d) Tamarind
12. People were attracted to the astrologer as…
a) Calves are attracted to the cow b) Bees are attracted to dahlia stalks
c) Ants are attracted to sugar d) None of the above
MCQ Pattern Semester – I Compulsory English
Dr. B.S. Jadhav, Dean, Faculty of Arts, SRTM University, Nanded. Page 3
13. The fee of the astrologer was ______
a) Five pies per question b) Three pies per question c) Five rupees per question d) One rupee per question
14. “Rub it on your forehead and go home. Never travel southward again, and you will live to
be a hundred.” This is said by ______
a) Jim to Della b) Lawyer to the Banker
c) Socrates to the Schoolmaster d) Astrologer to Guru Nayak
15. According to Socrates, the first lesson at school is…
a) Not A B C, but to wash faces and eyes and hands b) Not to wear jewellery, but to use quinine and mosquito nets
c) Both the above d) None of the above
16. Which of the following authors wrote under the pen-name of O. Henry?
a) William Sydney Porter b) Anton Chekhov c) Henry James d) Stephen Leacock
17. The photographer asks the author to drop his ____ a little more.
a) Eyes b) Hair c) Face d) Ears
18. How old was the author when he visited the photographer?
a) Twenty years b) Thirty years c) Forty years d) Fifty years
19. After all, the doctor is a stranger to the strong and healthy; his work is with
a) The rich and the established b) The poor and the downtrodden
c) The sick and the weak d) None of the above
MCQ Pattern Semester – I Compulsory English
Dr. B.S. Jadhav, Dean, Faculty of Arts, SRTM University, Nanded. Page 4
20. Which of the following is the synonym of ‘impertinent’?
a) Polite b) Kind c) Impolite d) Gentle
21. Which of the following is the antonym of ‘filthy’?
a) Dirty b) Foul c) Unclean d) Clean
22. Match the words in List A with their synonyms in List B and select the proper answer
from the options given below:
List A List B
i) Mould a) slim
ii) Punctually b) deny
iii) Slender c) promptly
iv) Deprive d) shape
a) i-b, ii-c, iii-a, iv-d
b) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b
c) i-b, ii-a, iii-d, iv-c
d) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d
23. Fill in the blank by using the appropriate article:
Just then ___ mother was heard scolding her child and using language which made
Socrates jump with horror.
a) The b) An c) A d) None of the above
24. He had a working analysis of mankind’s troubles: marriage, money and _____ tangles of
human ties.
a) The b) An c) A d) None of the above
25. Fill in the blank by using the appropriate preposition:
Come back on Saturday, and I’ll let you see a proof _____ it.
a) At b) On c) For d) Of
MCQ Pattern Semester – I Compulsory English
Dr. B.S. Jadhav, Dean, Faculty of Arts, SRTM University, Nanded. Page 5
26. Fill in the blank by using the appropriate preposition:
She was ransacking the stores _____ Jim’s present.
a) With b) By c) Over d) For
27. Which of the following modals is used to give advice?
a) Shall b) Will  c) Would d) Should
28. I can swim for six hours at a stretch. Here ‘can’ means
a) Permission b) Suggestion c) Ability d) Request
29. Choose the correct one word substitute for ‘to move on hands and knees’
a) Brawl b) Crawl c) Catwalk d) All the above
30. Choose the correct one word substitute for ‘Study of the position of planets and their
influence on human affairs and the natural world’
a) Astrology b) Astronomy c) Astrophysics d) Astrometry
1-C, 2-B, 3-C, 4-C, 5-B, 6-A, 7-D, 8-C, 9-B, 10-C, 11-D, 12-B, 13-B, 14-D, 15-C, 16-A, 17-D, 18-C, 19-C, 20-C, 21-D, 22-B, 23-C, 24-A, 25-D, 26-D, 27-D, 28-C, 29-B, 30-A.

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