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MLSU Model Question Paper : Zoology

Name of the Organisation : Mohan Lal Sukhadia University (
Type of Announcement : Model Question Paper

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Second Year Examination of the Three Year Degree Course, 2001
ZOOLOGY First Paper (Invertebrates and Evolution)
Time: 3 Hours
[ Maximum Marks :50]
Attempt any five questions, selecting at least one question from each unit, All questions carry equal marks.
1. Write general characters of phylum mollusca and classify it upto classes, giving at least two examples of each class.
2. Describe the respiratory organs and mechanism of respiration in pila.
3. What do you understand by “Ciliary feeder”? Describe it in connection with alimentary canal of Balanoglossus.
4. Give general characters of phylum echinodermata and its classes with example.
5. Define the term variation. Give detailed account of chromosomal variation and their sources.
6. Give an account of various kinds of isolating mechanism found in nature. Give their importance in speciation.
7. What is fossil? Write the formation of fossil with diagram.
8. Define adaptation. Write detailed account of structural adaptation.
9. What is Organic evolution? Describe the embryological evidences of evolution.
10. Write notes on any two of the following:
(a) Natural selection
(b) Oriental region
(c) Neo-Lamarkism.

Second Year Examination of the Three Year Degree Course, 2001
ZOOLOGY Second Paper (Cell and Molecular Biology)
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks :50
Attempt any five questions, selecting at least one question from each unit, All questions carry equal marks.
1. What are Enzymes? Give classification and discuss their properties.
2. Describe ultrastructure and functions of Flagella.
3. Give a brief idea of cell-cycle.
4. What is Plasma-membrane? Discuss its ultrastructure on the basis of Fluid-Mosaic-model.
5. Write detailed account of structure and function of Endoplasmic-reticulum.
6. Write short notes on any two:
(a) Functions of Golgi bodies
(b) Types of Lysosomes
(c) Functions fo Endoplasmic-reticulum.
7. Give structure, chemical nature and functions of Mitochondria.
8. Describe structure and function of Ribosomes.
9. Differentiate between DNA and RNA.
10. Discuss steps involved in synthesis of Proteins.

Second Year Examination of the Three Year Degree Course, 2001
ZOOLOGY Third Paper (Heredity and Genetics)
Time : 3 Hours
[ Maximum Marks :50]
Attempt any five questions, selecting at least one question from each unit, All questions carry equal marks.
1. Describe structure of Chromosome:
(a) when observed under light microscope
(b) when observed under electron microscope.
2. Describe these stages of cell cycle :
(a) Initial growth period
(b) Second growth period.
3. Giving suitable example, describe sex-linked inheritance in drosophila.
4. Differentiate between :
(a) Sex limited gene and sex influenced gene.
(b) Complete sex linkage and incomplete sex linkage.
5. Draw following diagram of various stages of meiosis showing situation of chromosomes:
(a) Pachytene (b) Diplotene (c) First metaphase (d) First anaphase
(e) Second metaphase (f) First telophase
6. Write notes on :
(a) Down syndrome
(b) Klinfelter’s syndrome
(c) Turner’s syndrome
7. What do you understand by gene mutation? Differentiate between somatic and germ mutations.
8. What do you understand by chromosomal mutation? Differentiate between chromosomal number and chromosomal aberrations.
9. What do you understand by genetic engineering? Describe various steps of formation of recombinant DNA.
10. Explain :
(a) Triplet
(b) Chain initiation codon
(c) Chain termination codon

Three -Year Degree Course, 2001 (Faculty of Science)
ZOOLOGY (Chordate Anatomy and Development)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 50
The candidates are requested to attempt FIVE questions in all taking at least ONE question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss the statement tht Amphioxus exhibits rimitive, pecialized and simplified characters. 10
2. Write short notes on : 5+5
(i) Retrogressive metamorphosis.
(ii) Neural complex of Herdmania
3. Describe in tabular form the names, origin, branches, distribution and nature of cranial nerves in Scoliodon.
4. Give an account of Parental care in Amphibia. 10
5. Describe the characteristics and affinities of Sphenodon. 4+6
6. Write short notes on : 5+5
(i) Poisonous and nonpoisonous snakes.
(ii) Biting mechanism of any poisonous snake.
7. Give an account of urinogential system of Pigeon and discuss the significance of single ovary in birds.10
8. Write short notes on: 10
(i) Flight adaptations
(ii) Mechanism of perching.
9. Giving salient features of class Mammalia classify it upto orders with characters and examples. 10
10. Define migration and explain fish migration. 2+8

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