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Krishna University Model Question Paper : BA, BSc, BCom

Name of the Organisation : Krishna University (
Type of Announcement : Model Question Paper

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III B.A., B.Sc. & B.Com. Part I Paper
(Foundation Course at the end of third Year Undergraduate Programme)
With effect from 2012-2013
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 100

Answer any four of the following questions 4 x 15 = 60
1. What is Earth? Explain different types of earth system in detail.
2. Explain the evolution and diversity of life
3. What are pesticides? Explain different types of pesticides. Write their uses and disadvantages.
4. What are drugs? Explain different types of drugs available in the market with their advantages and disadvantages.
5. What are the important types of communication types available today? Explain.
6. What is energy? Explain different forms of energy available in nature.
7. What is biotechnology? Explain its applications in human health and agriculture.
8. Name few National institutions in our country. Explain national institutions in research role in the development of our country.

Answer any Eight of the following questions 8 x 5 = 40
9. Write on green revolution.
10. Explain Energy conservation.
11. Write the functions of mass communication.
12. Write on internet.
13. Write about the importance of communication.
14. Mushroom Culture.
15. Wheel Explain.
16. Write on food processing.
17. Explain soil and its fertility.
18. Write some applications of poly vinyl chloride (PVC).
19. Write the importance of Vitamins in maintaining our health.
20. Explain DNA and its role in life
21. What are detergents?
22. What is blood? Explain its groups.
23. Explain the importance of Ozone layer
24. Write about the drugs available for treating AIDS.

Part-II BIOCHEMISTRY (Examination at the end of third year)
PAPER-III: Physiology, Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology
Time: 3hrs
Max. Marks: 100

Part-A :
(Two questions are to be set from each unit)
Answer all the questions
Each question carries 5 marks 8X5 = 40
Write short notes on
1. Neurotransmitters.
2. Parathyroid hormone.
3. Kwashiorkar and Marasmus.
4. Vitamin-E
5. Thalassemias.
6. Glucose tolerance test.
7. Monoclonal antibodies.

Part-B :
(Two questions are to be set from each unit)
Answer any four questions
Each question carries 15 marks 4X15 = 60
9. a.)Describe the structure of myfibril and discuss the mechanism of muscle contraction?
b.)Explain the mechanism of hormonal action and add a note on anterior pituitary Hormones?
10. a.)Define BMR? Discuss the factors affecting the BMR?
b.) Describe the structure, biochemical role and deficiency disorders of vitamin-A?
11. a.)Discuss the biochemical parameters for the differential diaganosis of jaundice?
b.) i) Discuss different renal function tests to evaluate function of kidneys? 8M
ii) Discuss the serum enzyme marker to evaluate heart diseases? 7M
12. a.)Explain the structure of IgG and add a note on clonal selection theory?
b) Write a short notes on
ii)Graft rejection.-5M
iii)Recombinant vaccines.-5M

More Questions refer the PDF link :

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