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Tezpur University Model Question Paper : Entrance Examination

Name of the Organisation : Tezpur University (
Type of Announcement : Model Question Paper
Designation : Entrance Examination

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Model questions for Entrance Examination
Total Marks :100
Time :2 hrs
** The question paper consists of three Sections A, B and C.
** Section A consists of 40 multiple choice questions of 1 marks each, section B consists of 15 short questions of 2 marks each and Section C consists of conventional questions on Programming in C of total 30 marks.
** The topics covered in the test are – Programming in C, Computer Organization , Data Structure (in C) , DBMS, Digital Logic, System Software, Operating System and Theory of Computation.
** Answers to the questions should appear in the space provided and nowhere else.
** There will be no negative marks but no partial credit will be given for questions in section A.

(40 multiple -choice questions of 1 mark each)
Q1. Start and Stop bits do not contain any ‘information’ but are used in serial communication for the following
A. Error detection B. Error Correction
C.Synchronization D. Slowing down the communication
Q2. A page replacement policy is not necessary for
A. Fully associative caches B. Set associative caches C. Directly mapped caches D. Write- through caches
Q3. The number of select input lines in a 8- to -1 multiplexer is-
A.1 B.8 C.256 D. None of these
Q4. In a heap with n elements with the highest element at the root, the 7th highest element can be found in time
A. O (nlog n) B. O (n) C. O(log n) D. O(1)
Q5. Which one of the following permutations can obtained in the output ( in the same order) using a stack assuming that the input is the sequence 1,2,3,4,5, in that order?
A. 3,4,5,1,2, B. 3,4,5,2,1 C. 1,5,2,3,4 D.5,4,3,1,2
Q6. Part of a compiler that keeps record of names of variable and their associated attributes /values is known as
A. Parser B. Symbol Table C. Lexical Analyzer D. Intermediate Code
Q7. In SQL, which of the following is not a DDL command
Q8. Which of the following features cannot be captured by CFGs
A. Syntax of if -then-else statement B. Syntax of recursive procedures
C. Whether a variable has been declared before its use D. Variable names of arbitrary length
(15 short questions of 2 marks each)
Q1. Assume that a CPU has only two registers R1 and R2 and that only the following instruction is available.
XOR Ri , Rj ;{ Rj ! Ri Å Rj , for i, j=1,2}
Using this XOR instruction , find an instruction sequence in order to exchange the contents of the Registers
R1and R2.
Q2. A binary search tree is generated by inserting in order the following integers-50, 15, 62, 5, 20, 58, 91, 3. The no. of nodes in the left and right subtree of the root respectively is ?
Q3 Suppose you are given an array s[1..n] and a procedure reverse (s,i,j,). Which reverses that order of elements in s between position i and j (both inclusive)? What does the following
sequence do, where 1<=k<n
reverse (s,l,n)
Q4. Give a production grammar for the language L={aibi|i,j >= 1,i!=j}
Q5. Given the following Relational Schema
EMP (emp_no, dept_no,emp_name,salary)
Write SQL query to find all the department names where the number of employees in the department is greater than 500.
Q6. Consider n processes sharing the CPU in RR fashion . Assuming that each process switch takes s seconds. What must be the quantum size q such that the overhead resulting from process switching is minimized, but at the same time each process is guaranteed to get its turn at the CPU at least every t seconds?

Model Questions for Entrance Examination
The Written Test consists of the following :
1. Test of GK : 40 marks
2. Test of reasoning : 30 marks 3. Test of English : 30 marks
Total marks : 100 No negative marks for wrong answers Time : 2 hours
General Knowledge :
1. Which is the largest sugercane producing state in India ?
(a) Bihar (b) Andhra Pradesh (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Assam
2. Which particular city is known as the “Garden City” of India ?
(a) Mysore (b) Bangalore (c) Agra (d) Varanasi
3. Mother Teresa arrived in India from Europe in the year
(a) 1910 (b) 1921 (c) 1929 (d) 1939
4. What is the name of the currency of Russia ?
(a) Mark (b) Yen (c) Ruble (d) Peso
English : Which of the Phases marked (1), (2) and (3) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentences.
1. She cooks, washes dishes, does her homework and take relaxing.
i) relaxing then ii) then relaxes iii) then relaxing iv) take relaxes v) no correction required
2. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given below
Charles Darwin was ……………….. (6) …………….. to his studies to a point of madness. However, his findings ………… (7) …………….. fruits when he got sucess in propagating the evoltionary principles. According to this theory, there is always ………………….. (8) ………………… for existence or the ……………… (9) …………………….. of the fittest. this theory taught man to ……………. (10) ………………….. Himself to his prevailing environment.
Q. 6. (a) Addicted (b) Devoted (c) Given (d) Recommended
Q. 7. (a) Bore (b) Gave (c) Carried (d) Indicated
Q. 8. (a) Efforts (b) Striving (c) Struggle (d) Fight
Q. 9. (a) Life (b) Survival (c) Dominance (d) Destruction
Q. 10. (a) Adapt (b) Adopt (c) Adept (d) Adhere
Reasoning :
1. the age of a man is three times the sum of the ages of his two sons. Five years after, his age will be double the sum of the ages of his sons. The father’s present age is
(a) 40 years (b) 45 years (c) 50 years (d) 55 years
2. A town ‘P’ is located in a particular district. The town ‘A’ is West of P. Town ‘T’ is East of ‘P’. Town ‘K’ is East of ‘B’ but West of ‘T’ and ‘A’. They are all in the same district. Which town is the farther West ?
(a) P (b) K (c) B (d) A

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  1. Please provide us sample paper of linguistics and Endangered language.

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