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CBSE Sample Question Paper : Class XII

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Type of Announcement : Sample Question Paper Class XII

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Sample Question Paper :
Computer Science (Theory) :
Multimedia & Web Technologies :
Marking Scheme Computer Science :
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Sample Paper for Marking Scheme Computer Science :
Duration: 3 Hrs
Marks : 70
Subject Code : 083
1. Write the prototype of a function named Percent, which takes an integer as value parameter and return a float type value. The parameter should have a default value10.
2. Find output of the following program segment: int A[][3] = {{1,2,3}, {5,6,7}}; for (int i = 1; i<2; i++) for (int j = 0; j<3;j++) cout<<A[i][j]<<“*\n”;
3. Write a function in C++ to accept two integers as parameters and returns the greater of these numbers.
4. What do you understand by Data Encapsulation and Data Hiding? Also, give a suitable C++ code to illustrate both.
5. What is constructor overloading? Give an example to illustrate the same
6. Write a function TRANSFER(int A[], int B[], int Size) in C++ to copy the elements of array A into array B in such a way that all the negative elements of A appear in the beginning of B, followed by all the positive elements, followed by all the zeroes maintaining their respective orders in array
7. Each element of the array A[8][6] is stored using 4 bytes of memory. If the element A[2][4] is stored at location 936, find the address of A[5][1]. Assume that the array s stored column- wise.
8. Write a function TRANSFORM(int A[4][3]) in C++ to swap the elements of the first column with the corresponding elements of last column of array A
9. Convert the expression (A-5)*6+(10/B)/2 to corresponding postfix expression. Also show the status of operator stack after each step
10. Write a function in C++ to count the number of lines starting with a digit in a text file “DIARY.TXT”.
11. Write SQL commands for the flowing statements
(i) To display the names of all the subjects for which practical marks are 0.
(ii) To display the total number of teachers in each subject separately.
(iii) To display the names of all the teachers in the ascending order of the Sub_Code.
(iv) To display each subject’s details along with Total_Marks in each subject from the table SUBJECT. (Total_Marks = Marks_Theory + Marks_Practical).
11. Write SQL statement to display each teacher’s name along with his/her respective subject name from the tables TEACHER and SUBJECT.
12 Give the output of the following SQL queries
(i) SELECT DISTINCT(Marks_Theory) from SUBJECT
(ii) SELECT TCode, Name from Teacher where Sub_Code like ‘0%’
(iii) Identify primary keys of the tables SUBJECT and TEACHER.
13. State the dual of the absorption law X+X.Y = X and prove it algebraically
14. Draw the logic diagram for the Boolean expression X.(Y’+Z) using basic logic gates.
15. Write the SOP form of the Boolean function F(P,Q,R) = (0,2,3,5)
16. Find the simplified expression for the following Boolean function using Karnaugh’s map: F(A, B, C, D) = ?(0,1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10)

Multimedia and Web Technologies :
Duration : 3 Hrs
Marks : 70
Subject Code : 067
1. a) What is the difference between the Number and Auto Number data types of Access?
b) Name the following:
i) The extension of an Access database file.
ii) The view in which we can add,edit and view records in MS-Access.
c) What is the full form of PNG?
d) Study the following data and answer the questions given below:
Table: Book_Title Acc_no Author Price
ASP 1002 Russell 325.00
VBScript 1010 Simon 295.00
HTML 1001 Ray 350.00
Jscript 1020 Jaworski 375.00
Issue Book: Member_no Issue_Date Return_Date Acc_No
1432 07/12/2003 07/22/2003 1001
2042 09/30/2003 10/10/2003 1020
1245 10/08/2003 10/18/2003 1002
1432 10/03/2003 10/13/2003 1014
1324 09/30/2003 10/03/2003 1001
(i) What type of relationship exists between table Book and table Issue ?
(ii) Name the fields, which can act as the primary key and foreign key for the table Book and the table Issue respectively.
e) Differentiate between the .FLA and.SWF file formats of a Flash movie.
f) Shrinivas wants to provide links to his favorite songs on his website. He wishes to listen to all songs before giving a link to them. Which of the following hardware is essentially required by him?
a) Graphics Card
b) MIDI Interface Card
c) Sound Card
d) Network Interface Card
g) Mr. Raja Maheshwari is planning to gift a digital album to his daughter on her birthday. All the images have lots of colour shading and are all static images.
Which of the following formats are best suited for this purpose-
(i) GIF (ii) JPEG (iii) AVI Justify your choice
2. Answer the following questions based on Macromedia Flash :
a) What is the full form of fps? What will happen if the Frame rate is decreased from 12 to 5 fps?
b) Write the difference between a guide layer and a mask layer.
c) Differentiate between a Symbol and an Instance.
d) What is the difference between hiding a layer and locking a layer?
3. Answer the following questions based on HTML :
a) Write the HTML code to create a framed web page in the following format
b) Write the HTML code to generate a Web Page in the format given below
Consider the following while writing the HTML code
1. Title of the page should be Tourism Industry
2. Background colour of the page should be Silver, Link colour should be Maroon visited link colour should be Red
3. Picture used in the page is the file beach.jpg
4. Table should have a border of width 2.
5. Use the concept of nested lists for creating the list given in the web page with specified bullets.
6. Pages linked to : Front Office as front.html ? Food & Beverages as food.html ?

See More Questions refer the above PDF File

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