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Kashmir University Question Paper : Bio Technology

Name of the Organaisation : University of Kashmir (
Type of Announcement : Question Paper

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Bio Technology :
1. According tc coulomb’s law the solubility of a solute increases when
(A) Dielectric constant of the solvent is increased
(B) Dielectic constant of the solvent is decreased
(C) Chargeof the ions is increased
(D) .Both B and C
2. Proton in aqueous solution Mainly exists as
(A) Hydride ion
(B) Hydronium ion
(C) Proton
(D) All of the above
3. Isoelectric point is a point at which
(A). Net charge ofa protein is maximum
(B) Net charge of a protein is zero
(C) Net charge of a protein is positive
(D) Net charge of a protein is negative
4. Which of the following technique is NOT used for protein separation?
(A) Isoelectic focusing
(B) Gel-exclusion chromatography
(C) Denaturating polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis
(D) Southem blotting
5. Which of the following is inversely related witht the electophoretic mobility of ion in a medium?
(A) Charge on ion
(B) Electic force
(C) Viscosity of medium
(D) All of the above
6. Ultracentrification is used for
(A) Protein separation
(B) Nucleic acid scparation
(C) Protein molecular weight determination
(D) All ofthe above
7. Partial double bond character of peptide bond is because of the following reason
(A) Its carbon is bonded to electronegative atom and the nitrogen has loan pair of electrons
(B) Its carbon is bonded to carbon side chain
(C) Its nitrogen is bonded to carbon side chain
(D) Both (B) and (C)
8. Glycosidic bond is present in the following
(A) Amino acids
(C) Monosaccharide
(B) Nucleotides
(D) Fatty acids
9. Red colour of blood is becausw of
(A) Globin part of hemoglobin
(B) Heme part of hemoglobin
(C) plasma
(D) Antibodies
10. The determinant of blood groups are
(A) Glycoproteins
(B) Phosphotipid
(C) Nucleic acid
(D) Lipoproreins

Bio – Chemistry :
l. IARI is located in
(A) Delhi
(B) Chandigarh
(C) Lucknow
(D) Bangalore
2. Bolivar and Rodriguez are associated with the construction of Plasmid
(A) pBR322
(C) pUC108
(D) None ofthe above
3. Lining up of the blastocyst in the wall of the uterus is known as
(A) Fertilization
(B) Impregnation
(C) Implantation
(D) Placentation
4. The rate of cleavage in a zygote depends up on
(A) Amount of yolk
(B) Amount of cytoPlasm
(C) Sizeofnucleus
(D) All the above
5. One of the organelle richest in enzymes is
(A) Lysosomes
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Golgibodies
(D) Endoplasmicrcticulum

M.A. Economics :
1. If the indifference curve is convex to the origin,marginal rate of substitution of one commodity for another commodity is
(A) Increasing
(B) Decreasing
(C) Constant
(D) None of the above
2. Given the prices of two commodities,an increase in income will lead to
(A) Parallel shift out ward of the budget line
(B) Parallel shift in ward of the budget line
(C) Budget line becomes steeper
(D) Budget line becomes flatter
3. Inflation means
(A) Persistent rise in general level of prices
(B) Appreciable rise in general level of prices
(C)Persistent or appreciable rise in general level of prices
(D) Persistent and predicable rise in general level of prices
4. Which payment must be subtract to calculate the net national income at factor cost
(A) Wages
(B) Interest
(C) Net profits
(D) Transfer payments
5. Money which is accepted on the basis of trust between the payer and the payee is known as
(A) Fiat money
(B) Fiduciary money
(C) Credit money
(D) Near moneys
6. Which of the following is true about Chicago approach regarding the definition of money
(A) Currency is more important
(B) Demand deposits are more important
(C) Time deposits are more important
(D) All the three components are equally important
6. Which of the following is not an assumption of Adam Smith’s Cost Theory Absolute Advantage?
(A) Labour is the only factor of production
(B) There is full employment in the economy
(C) Law of increasing rectums to scale operates in the economy
(D) labour is perfectly immobile between the countries
7. The coefficient of correlation
(A) Can not be positive
(B) Can not be negative
(C) Is always positive
(D) Can be either positive or negative

History :
I. Except one all are correct
(a) Nilamatapurana is the first written work to mention that Kashmir was a water body for millions of years
(b) H.D. Sankaliaa long with two experts from A.S.l. took up the field work of the Lidder Valley
(c) The Palaeolithic period was followed by Mesolithic period in Kashmir
(d) At Pahalgam on the bank of river Lidder, the first palaeolithic tool represented by a huge flake was found
2. What finds least mentioning Rajatarangini about lalitaditya ?
(a) Development of agriculture, Crafts and commerce
(b) Construction of temples,mathas and viharas
(c) Foundation of cities, towns and villages
(d) Agarahara grants to brahmanicail institutions
3. Which of the following is Sun temple?
(a) Avantiswamin temple
(b) Martand temple
(c) Payart temple
(d) Pandrethatne temple
4. Who among the following was the founder of Lohara dynasty?
(a) Dida
(b) Harsha
(c) Samgramaraja
(d) Tunga
5. Who among the following showed opend is regard against the dominant religious tradition ofthe time
(a) Harsha
(b) Ksernagupta
(c) Yakshakara
(d) Bikshakara

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  1. Define philosophy.

    1. It is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.

  2. Explain tabulation method.

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