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Bhoj Open University Model Question Paper : Physics

Name of the Organaisation : Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University (
Type of Announcement : Model Question Paper

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Physics Model Question Paper
Subject : I- Quantum mechanics

Assignment Question Paper – I
1. Explain Direc delta function
2. Explain Heitler -London theory of hydrogen molecule.
3. Explain Pauli’s exclusion principle.
4. Explain orbital angular momentum.
5. Explain born approximation
6. Explain the properties of dirac matrices
7. Define bosons & fermions
8. Explain emission and absorption of radiation
Assignment Question Paper – II
1. Explain time-independent perturbation theory for non-degenerate case.
2. Explain the theory of x-decay
3. Explain transition probabilities
4. Define spherical harmonics
5. Explain scattering cross section
6. Define Klein – gordan equation
7. Explain Fermi-dirac statistics
8. Explain wave function for many electron system

Subject : II- Solid State Physics and Material Science

Assignment Question Paper – I
1. Explain free electronic model.
2. Obtain an expression for effective mass of an electron.
3. Discuss schottky and franked defect.
4. Discuss BCS theory of superconductivity.
5. Explain quantum theory of Paramagnetism.

Assignment Question Paper – II
1. Explain the behavior of electron in periodic potential.
2. Derive boltz Mann transport equation.
3. Explain band gap and law mass action.
4. Explain josephs on effect and flux quantization.
5. Discuss nuclear magnetic resonance.

Subject: History of Geography thought

Assignment Question Paper – I
1. Write an essay on the nature of geography,
2. Discuss in short the contributions of various schools of thought in modern geography.
3. Write short note on cosmos.
4. Write short note on Neo Determinism.
5. Write is quantitative resolution in geography? Explain.

Assignment Question Paper – II
1. Diseurs the scope of geography and ascertain its place in the classificational of science.
2 Discos the merits and demerits of the systematic and the regional approach to geographical study
3. Discuss the achievements of Jean brushes
4. Discuss the distributions of Vidal dela blanches
5. What do you mean by Geographic information system? Explain in detail.

Subject: Geomorphology

Assignment Question Paper – I
1. Explain the ‘Uniformitarianism Concept’ of Geomorphology.
2. What do you mean by Earthquake? What are the reasons of its origin? Describe the major earthquake belt of world.
3. Explain the Isocracy. Discuss Air’s views regarding isocracy.
4. Discuss the causes, types and classification of Weathering.
5. What do you mean by ‘Geomorphic Processes’?

Assignment Question Paper – II
1. Describe the ‘Aeolian Landform’s in details.
2. Analyze the Eros ional or Depositional landforms of marine.
3. Describe the ‘Climatic Changes and Geochronological Method’s in Geomorphology.
4. Discuss the ‘Role of Geomorphology in Regional Planning.
5. Write short notes on the following
(i) Meaning of Geomorphology.
(ii) Rift Valley.
(iii) Gradation.
(iv) Waterfall.

Model Question Paper
Subject: Economic Geography

Assignment Question Paper – I
1. Describe the meaning and scope of Economic Geography.
2. Describe the relations of various sciences with economic geography.
3. Critically examine Alfred Weber’s theory of the Location of the Industries?
4. Review critically the Van Thunen theory of agricultural location.
5. Write an essay on the relating significance of different means of transport.

Assignment Question Paper – II
1. Write an essay on “Globalization” and its impact on Environment.
2. To which extent physical factors affect the location of economic activities? Explain with examples.
3. Give the definition of economic geography and discuss its area.
4. What is the meaning of Green Revolution?
5. What do you understand by Footloose industries?

Subject: Population and settlement Geography

Assignment Question Paper – I
1. Define the “Population Geography”.
2. Explain the major problems of mapping of population data.
3. What do you mean by density of population?
4. Explain the various factors that influence the density of population.
5. Write an essay on Urbanization in India.

Assignment Question Paper – II
1. What is the concept of under population?
2. Describe the population theory of Malthus.
3. Describe the elements of rural settlements.
4. Explain the central place theory of Christaller.
5. Describe the population-resource regions of India

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  1. Describe the law thermodynamic an application in biological system?

  2. Model question
    M.A English 1350-1660

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