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IRMA Sample Question Paper Anand : Written Examination

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Type of Announcement : Sample Question Paper

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Sample Question Paper
Syllabus for Written Test :
The syllabi of analytical reasoning, quantitative ability, and English comprehension are almost similar to other management entrance tests. The syllabus of the section on issues of social concern is given below.
The questions of the section on Issues of Social Concern are likely to test the candidate’s basic understanding of all relevant issues, and ability to analyze, and take a view on conflicting socio-economic goals, objectives and demands.
This part is intended to test the candidate’s awareness of current national issues and topics of social relevance in present-day India, such as the following
1.The Indian economy and issues relating to India’s national income and its composition; per capita income,etc.
2. Millennium development goals, human development, HDI and its achievements by India.
3. Issues in demography: rural and urban population, sex ratio, etc.
4. Issues arising from the social and economic exclusion of large sections from the benefits of development such as poverty and inequality: poverty levels; poverty line; disparities in income, employment and literacy by rural-urban background, and gender and social groups like caste and religion.
5. Right to information; Issues relating to good governance and accountability to the citizens including the maintenance of human rights, and of probity in public life.
6. Planning in India, 11th Five Year Plan- goal, targets and strategies.
7. Agriculture in India, crop and livestock production systems.
8. Approaches to rural development: basic features of target based approach, area based approach, right based approach; participatory development, etc.
9. Rural poverty alleviation and development programmes– goals, features and major achievements: green revolution, operation flood, land reforms, NREGA, ICDS, IAY, SSA, and NRHM.
10. Institutions in rural development-policy, role, and characteristics; rural banks, NGOs, co-operatives, PRIs, corporate social responsibility.
11. Health issues including the management of public health, health education, and ethical concerns regarding health-care.
12. Primary education, regional variation in the level of education, educational status of different social groups.
13. Social movements, recent legislation on social issues.
14. Internal security, naxalism, and related issues such as the preservation of communal harmony.
15. Environmental issues, ecological preservation, conservation of natural resources.

Test 1 – Analytical Reasoning :
1. Assuming that the statement ‘Every library has books’ is true, which of the following statements is definitely true?
(1) Books are only in library (2) Some libraries do not have readers
(3) Libraries are meant for books only (4) No library is without books
(5) None of these is true.
2. Every person above eighteen years of age who is registered as a voter, can vote. To find out whether Madhu, who was born twenty years ago, can vote, which of the following further information is needed?
(I) Madhu’s date of birth (II) Whether Madhu is registered as a voter
(1) Only I (2) Only II (3) Either I or II (4) Neither I nor II (5) Both I and II
3. Extroverts do not find caffeine beneficial in the evening.
4. Caffeine affects reasoning ability of people who drink tea or coffee.
5. Caffeine has greater effect early in the morning.
6. The adverse effect on the reasoning power of introverts is not due to Caffeine.
7. Complex reasoning ability is made up of word analogies, sentence completion and identification of antonyms.

Test 2 – English Comprehension :
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Power and possession have been central pursuits of modern civilization for a long time. They blocked out or distorted other features of the Western Renaissance (revival) which promised so much for humanity. What
people have been and are still being taught to prize are money, success, control over the lives of others, and acquisition of more and more objects. Modern social, political and economic systems, whether
capitalists, fascist or communist, reject in their working the basic principle that the free and creative unfoldment of every man, woman and child is the true measure of the worth of any society. Such
unfoldment requires understanding and imagination, integrity and compassion, co-operation among people, and harmony between the human species and the rest of nature. Acquisitiveness and the pursuit of power
have made the modern man an aggressor against everything that is non-human, an exploiter and oppressor of those who are poor, meek and unorganized, a pathological type which hates and distrusts the world and suffers from both acute loneliness and false pride.
The need for a new renaissance is deeply felt by those sensitive and conscientious men and women who not only perceive the dimensions of the crisis of our age but who also realize that only through conscious and co-operative human effort may this crisis be met and probably even overcome
1. According to the passage, why has modern man turned out to be an enemy of everything that is nonhuman?
(1) He has been dominated by drives of acquisitiveness and power
(2) He hates and distrusts other human beings
(3) He consciously practices spirit of cooperation
(4) Non-humans have refused cooperation to human beings
(5) None of these
2. Which of the following is one of the requirements to bring out the best in man?
(1) Money (2) Success (3) Understanding (4) Power (5) Acquisitiveness
3. The real attainment of any society can be adjudged by which of the following?
(1) The degree of freedom for pursuing more and more power
(2) The encouragement for acquisitive tendencies
(3) Strict adherence to authoritarian structure
(4) Total victimization of conscientious persons
(5) None of these

Test 3 – Quantitative Aptitude :
1. If 3 workers collect 48 kg. Cotton in 4 days, how many kg. Cotton will 9 workers collect m 2 days?
(1) 216 (2) 32 (3) 108 (4) 72 (5) None of these
2. One third of Gauri’s marks in History equal her marks in Geography. If she obtained 160 marks in the two subjects together, how many marks did she get in Geography?
(1) 60 (2) 40 (3) 30 (4) 90 (5) None of these
3. By how much is two-thirds of 36 lesser than three-fourths of 104?
(1) 24 (2) 80 (3) 68 (4) 54 (5) None of these
4. A 80 meters long, passenger tram, traveling at a speed of 80 km/hour crosses another train, 120 meters long, traveling in the same direction in 24 seconds. What is the speed of the second train?
(1) 110 km/hour (2) 50 km/hour (3) 60 km/hour (4) 120 km/hour (5) None of these

Test 4 – Issues of Social Concern :
1. The Prime Minister of India recently launched a National Action Plan on climate change. The plan contains eight national missions by which India will be able to combat climate change. Which of the following is not one of them? National Mission on ____
(1) Solar Energy (2) Conserving water (3) Nuclear free world
(4) Sustaining Himalayan Eco system (5) Sustainable agriculture
2. The World Environment Day is celebrated every year on which of the following days?
(1) 5th August (2) 5th July (3) 5th June (4) 15th June (5) 15th July
3. The agricultural activities in which of the following states are NO MORE dependent on rains only?
(1) Punjab (2) Uttar Pradesh (3) Orissa (4) Bihar (5) Jharkhand

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