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GTU Question Paper Contributor Personality Development Program : Gujarat Technological University

Name of the Organisation : Gujarat Technological University (
Type of Announcement : Question Paper

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Subject Name : Contributor Personality Development Program
Section A
As a young girl, Mary Kom got interested in the sport of boxing. Her goal was to excel in the sport. She started training and participating in boxing bouts. When her father came to know, he tried to get her to give it up as it would spoil her looks, but she convinced him otherwise. When she got married, when she gave birth to twins, there was again pressure on her to retire from within the family and outside. But she refused to give in. Women?s boxing was introduced in the London Olympics, but sadly Mary Kom’s weight category was not included. She had to play in the 51 kg category, for which she had to put on weight as well as work very hard. She even practiced with male boxers to get better at the game. She succeeded in winning a bronze medal in the 2012 Olympics
1. What made her succeed in the Olympics?
a] Her dedication to the sport
b] Her strong will to prove those who doubted her wrong
c] Her determination to follow an intense workout and fitness regime
2. Which of the following shows an athlete?s level of engagement with his/her sport is the least?
a] S/He participates in other sports as well.
b] S/He feels like quitting the game every time he loses.
c] S/He is interested in fame and glory, and sports is just one of the means to achieve it.
3. If you were a successful sportsman preparing for a match, which of the following would indicate your deepest engagement?
a] You spend hours practicing your game almost every day before the match.
b] You don?t let anything distract you like media attention, the awards you receive etc.
c] You spend time seeing video clips to study your opponent’s moves to be ready with your moves
4. “I am successful only if I win a medal at the Olympics” – would a contributor sportsman agree with this statement?
a] Yes b] No c] May be

Section B
1. a]The HR Manager says, “Hire more people into the team so that the team can take up more responsibilities.”
b] The HR Manager says, “Hire more people into the team so that more people can divide the work in the team.”
2. a] “I have to convince my friend to go to the library to explore the difficult concepts in Maths together”
b] “My friend can motivate me to accompany him to the library to understand difficult concepts in Maths”
3. The teacher asked the class who would want to take up the difficult assignment.
a] “Only if I do it will I know how difficult it is.”
b] “Why take up something that I already know is difficult?”
4. a] “I won the „Best Athlete Award? last year. For this year?s sports day, I should improve my stamina and speed.”
b] “I won the „Best Athlete Award? last year. I should practice well enough to win it again this year.”
5. Neena approaches the dietician. The dietician tells her,
a] “To be healthy, you have to make many choices. I will be strict about what choice you can or cannot make.”
b] “To be healthy, you have to lose weight. My other clients have lost weight through the strict diets that I have advised them.”

Section C
1. What makes a project successful?
1. An inspiring team leader who can delegate jobs to his team
2. Hardworking team members who complete the tasks which are assigned to them
3. A team who believes the project should be successful
4. People who think like a „team?
a] 4-3-2-1 b] 2-1-4-3 c] 2-1-3-4 d] 4-3-1-2
2. Piyush has just completed a course in computers. He has many job offers. What should he ask himself before making a decision?
1. Is the position / designation that is being offered attractive to me or not?
2. Is the work going to be exciting or not?
3. Will there be opportunities to learn and grow?
4. Is the salary being offered the highest possible for that role?
a] 2-3-1-4 b] 2-3-4-1 c] 3-1-4-2 d] 3-2-1-4
3. Richa worked hard on a project that had never been taken up by the company before. The project failed but Richa got a lot of appreciation from everyone. Why was she appreciated by others?
1. A lot many people were involved in the project and they recognized how much effort Richa put in.
2. People were appreciating the fact that Richa took up a challenge in a new area and worked hard at it.
3. Richa made a good presentation for the project and hence people liked that.
4. Richa is in a senior position. Hence people were being nice to her.
a] 1-2-3-4 b] 3-1-2-4 c] 2-1-3-4 d] 3-4-2-1

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  1. Contributor solution to chailens

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