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Rajasthan Education Board Model Question Paper : Class X

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Type of Announcement : Model Paper – 2013 Class X

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Model Question Papers For Class Xll:

Subject- English
Time: 3:15 Hours
M.Marks : 80

General Instructions to the Examinees:
(i) Candidates must first write their Roll Nos. on the question paper
(ii) All the questions are compulsory.
(iii) Write the answer to each question in the given answer-book only.
(iv) For questions having more than one part, the answers to those parts are to be written together in continuity.
(v) This paper is divided into three sections A, B and C. All sections are compulsory.
(vi) Separate instructions are given for each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.
(vii) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

Section A :
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.
What are volcanoes ? In appearance it looks like a cone-shapped mountain. But the slop of the cone is rather flat and hollow. This is the crater, which is as it were, the mouth of the volcano. The volcano is formed by matter rock coming up from below the earth’s crust; by molten rock we mean rock which is so hot that it runs like liquid. This rock is called lava.

Imagine a sort of pipe coming up from deep down in the earth’s surface passing through the rocks of the earth’s crust and coming up to the crater. The lava forces its way up this pipe and overflows to form the sides of the volcano. The volcanic mountain is therefore found in the areas where the earth’s surface is for some reason weak and cannot resist the pressure of the molten lava.

One of the most famous volcanic eruptions of ancient times was of Mount Vesuvius near Neples in 79 AD. Some neighbouring towns were buried under huge amounts of ash. The ash preserved the bodies of many of the victims which can still be seen today.

(i) What do we call to the top of volcanoes ? 1
(ii) How does a volcano look like ? 1
(iii) Where are the volcanoes mostly found ? 1
(iv) When did the Mount Vesuvius volcano erupt ? 1
(v) How is lava formed ? 1
(vii) The upper part of the earth is called ……… 1
(vii) Find from the passage the word which means “fluid part of volcano”. 1

2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
A little boy used to play in the shade of a tree. One day the boy sat leaning against the trunk of the tree, cried and sighed. “ I am hungry” “Eat my fruits”, said the kind tree and it bent down one of its branches. The little boy ate the fruits and felt satisfied.

Many years passed and the boy grew up. Then once again he sat under the tree with a look of dejection and helplessness. “What is it ?” , the tree asked. “ My wedding day is bare a week away and I have nowhere to live.” “Cut down my branches and build yourself a house,” said the tree. The young man sat to work immediately. Time passed and now the young man was a sailor. Once again he sat under the tree with a look of remorse on his face. It again asked what the matter was, he pleaded, “ My captain is cruel, so to survive I must own a ship.” “cut down my trunk and build a ship,” said the tree.

The sailor grew old but once again he turned to the tree with a laden expression on his face. It was cold and the sailor leaned on his stick was trembling. “Make a fire of me,” said the stump of the tree. It soon burnt in the fire softly humming a tune.

(i) Why did the tree say to the boy to eat its fruits ? 1
(ii) How did the tree help the man before his marriage ? 1
(iii) What did the man do to survive himself ? 1
(iv) How many times did the tree help a single human being ? 1
(v) Did the tree remain alive at the last ? If yes why/if not why not ? 1
(vi) Name the different parts of this tree. 1
(vii) Find the the word from the passage which is opposite to ‘Kind’ 1
(viii) Find from the passage a word similar to “a strong feeling of sadness”1

Section-B (Writing)
Marks : 15
3. You are Sarika living in Bikaner. Last month you want to Jaipur. Write a ltter to your friend Radhika describing her how you enjoyed this trip. You may take help of the following points.

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  1. Ram kills Ravanan. Change into passive voice

    1. Ravanan is killed by Ram.

  2. Aniket kumar

  3. I always………………… to temple [go]

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