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Bal Bharati Public School Pitamoura Sample Question Paper : CAT Common Assessment Test

Name of the Organisation : Bal Bharati Public School (
Type of Announcement : Common Assessment Test – English SAT Sample Question Paper

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Common Assessment Test -English
Duration : 2 Hrs
Marks : 80

I) Read this passage to answer the questions that follow:
“Are cherry seeds lucky?” asked Rakesh. “Of course”, replied Grandpa “Then I shall keep it.” ‘If you want to try your luck plant it ‘
Rakesh went to a corner of the garden where the earth was soft and yielding. He did not have to dig. He pressed the seed into the soil with his thumb and it went right in.
As the year passed he forgot all about it. One morning in the garden he bent to pick up what he thought was a small twig and found to his surprise that it was well rooted. He stared at it for a moment, and then ran to fetch Grandpa, calling, ‘Dada, come and look, the cherry tree has come up!’
Rakesh went down on his haunches, while Grandpa bent almost double and peered down at the tiny tree.
“Yes it is a cherry tree”, said Grandpa. “You should water it now and then.” He looked at the tree every morning but the tree did not seem to be growing very fast. So he stopped looking at the tree.

I. Circle the correct option :
1. Rakesh went to the corner of the garden to
a) play
b) to plant the seed
c) dig
d) sit under the tree
2. When he lay under the tree what happened
a) birds came and perched on the branch
b) a leaf flew down
c) he stared at the blue sky
d) suddenly the tree was full of insects
e) he saw the clouds floating by
3. Find the synonym of the word ‘sturdy’
a) strong
b) tall
c) fat
d) weak
4. The tree was special because
a) It was a cherry tree. b) He had planted it.
5. Find the opposites of the following from the text
a) remember _______
b) up________
c) hard_______
d) slowly________
e) throw_________
6. Who ate all the leaves ?
a) goat b) sheep c) cow
7. The cherry tree grew quickly during
a) monsoon
c) winter
d) autumn

II. Read this poem to answer the questions that follow:
An Indian Elephant is used for work, For honest toil he does not shirk, All day long, he’ll push and shove, While his owner guides him from above. The owner loves his elephant grey, Sitting behind his ears all day. Speaks to him in a quiet tone
So he never feels alone. The thick tree trunks, they roll along, Helped by the elephant’s head so strong, Along the forest track he goes, Guided by his owner’s toes!
And when the hard day’s work is done, And downward goes the setting sun, To the water they make their way, To wash the mud off in the spray!
1. Circle the correct meaning of each word
i) toil
a) play b) hard work c) picnic
ii) shirk
a) sleep b) enjoy c) avoid
iii) shove
a) push forcefully b)shout loudly c)walk fast
iv) track
a) hill b) path c) tree
v) downward
a) moving forward b) moving or leading down c) none of the two

III. Change the verbs given in brackets into Continuous Tense to complete the sentences :
1) Sonia is _______________ fresh juice. (drink)
2) She was _______________ to her office.(go)
3) My aunt will be ________ next Monday.(come)
4) The baby was _________ in the cradle.(sleep)
5) Zoya is ___________ the fence.(paint)

IV. Circle the correct preposition in the following sentences :
1) He sat on /in the chair.
2) The roof is above/under the floor.
3) My mother is in /at home.
4) The table is made of / for wood.
5) The goat fell in /into the well.

See more question download here :

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  1. Why the comprehension and composition is the most important one and why it comes in every exam?

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