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Kota University Question Paper : BA Part III Exam

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Type of Announcement : B.A Part III Exam -2013 Model Question Paper

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Time Table 2014 :

Paper – I – Administrative Thinkers
3 hrs. duration Max. Marks : 100
Note : The question paper will contain three sections as under –
Section-A : One compulsory question with 10 parts, having 2 parts from each unit, short answer in 20 words for each part. Total marks : 10
Section-B : 10 questions, 2 questions from each unit, 5 questions to be attempted, taking one from each unit, answer approximately in 250 words. Total marks : 50
Section-C : 04 questions (question may have sub division) covering all units but not more than one question from each unit, descriptive type, answer in about 500 words, 2 questions to be attempted. Total marks : 40

Unit – I
Administrative Ideas of Kautilya, Henri Fayol and F.W. Taylor with particular reference to :
1. Kautilya :
(i) The Machinery of Government
(ii) Principle of Authority and Obedience
2. Henri Fayol
(i) Managerial Activities
(ii) Principles of Organization
3. F.W. Taylor
(i) The Scientific Management Movement
(ii) Impact of Taylorism on organization Theory

Unit – II
Administrative Ideas of Elton Mayo, Chester Bernard and Herbert Simon with special reference to :
1. Elton Mayo :
(i) Hawthorne Experiments
(ii) Human Relation Approach
2. Chester Bernard :
(i) Organization a Consciously Coordinated Cooperative System.
(ii) Authority and Responsibility
3. Herbert Simon :
(i) Decision making as heart of Administration
(ii) Stages in Decision Making Process
(iii) Rationality in Decision Making

Unit – III
Administrative Ideas of Mc Gregor, Frederic Herzberg and Maslow with special reference to :
1. Mc Gregor :
(i) Theory ‘X’ and Theory ‘Y’
(ii) Conflict Management
2. Frederick Herzberg :
(i) Two factor Theory
(ii) Job Enrichment
3. Abraham Maslow :
(i) Need – Hierarchy Theory

Unit – IV
Administrative Ideas of F.W. Riggs, Max Weber and Chris Argyris with special reference to :
1. F.W. Riggs :
(i) Sala Model in Prismatic Society
(ii) Concept of Development
2. Max Weber :
(i) Ideal type Model of Bureaucracy
(ii) Authority and Legitimacy
3. Chris Argyris
(i) Organizational Theory : Fusion Model
(ii) Organizational Changes

Unit – V
Administrative Ideas of Rensis Likert, Peter Drucker and Yehezkel Dror with special reference to :
1. Rensis Likert :
(i) Supervisory Style
(ii) Management Systems 1-4
2. Peter Drucker :
(i) Management by objectives
(ii) Concept of the corporation
3. Yehezkel Dror
(i) Policy Science

Core Books :
1. F.W. Taylor : Scientific Management
2. Chester Bernard: The function of the executive
3. Tilest, Kempner and Mills: Management Thinkers
4. Herbert Simon: Administrative Behaviour
5. Simon: The new science of Management Decision
6. March and Simon: Organization
7. Riggs: Administration in Developing Countries
8. Riggs(Ed.): Frontiers of Developing Countries
9. Weiduer (Ed.) : Development Administration in Asia (In items numbers and 9 only the articles of Riggs have to be studied)
10. Chandra Hirawat : Prashasanik Vicharak (Hindi)
11. S.S. Ali : Eminent Administrative Thinkers
12. S.R. Maheshwari : Administrative Thinkers
13. Henry Fayol : General & Industrial Management
14. Gullick & Urulick : Papers on the Science of Administration
15. Narendra Thori : Prashasnik Vicharak (In Hindi).

Subsidiary Readings :
1. Nicolos P. Mauzelis : Organization and Bureaucracy
2. Fermont E. East and James E. Rosenzwlew : Organization and Management
3. James March and Herbert Simon : Organization
4. Katz and Kahu : The Social Psychology of Organization
5. William G. Scott : Organization Theory – A Behavioural Analysis
6. Billy Hodge and Herbert Johnson : Management of Organization Behaviour
7. Ziggs : The Ecology of Public Administration
8. Riggs : Thailand : Modernization of Bureaucratic Policy

See more paper I and II Questions click here :

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