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SCERT Kerala K-TET Sample Questions : Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test

Name of the Organisation : State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) Kerala (
Type of Announcement : Sample Questions Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET)

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(K-TET) 2012

1. Which of the following period is generally termed as “the period of conflicts” in one’s developmental stage?
A. Infancy
B. Childhood
C. Adolescence
D. Adulthood

2. Assume that a student is given a list of correlated words to study and is asked to recall the words at a later time. Then according to Guilford’s Structure of Intellect model, the content of this test is:
A. Symbolic
B. Behavioural
C. Figural
D. Semantic

3. In order to help a mentally challenged child in your class which of the following strategies would you adopt?
A. Send him to special school
B. Do not give him special attention
C. Provide him with simple, concrete experience
D. Ask him to change his learning style

4. A student of your class is being ridiculed by his classmates because he gives foolish answers to all questions. What would you do?
A. Stop asking questions to him so that such situation can be avoided
B. Advice the other students to be sympathetic and not to ridicule him
C. Inform his parents and advice them to arrange for providing private tuition
D. Frequently ask very simple questions to him

5. A child in your class always tries to attribute his failure to other children or materials. What kind of defence mechanism does he use?
A. Rationalization
B. Projection
C. Repression
D. Compensation

Questions 1 -4
Read the passages given below and fill up the blanks using the best alternatives from those given below. Each question carries one mark :
Mr. Ramaswami is a very strict man. He ….(1)…. that life is meant only for work and it is foolish to waste one’s time or money. He is not a poor man (he earns nearly ten thousand rupees a month), but he wants his children to lead simple lives. His wife ….(2)…. dead and his eldest daughter, Meena, keeps the house. She has seven brothers and sisters. The children get up at 4.30 every morning.

They read their lessons from 5am to 8 am while Meena prepares breakfast. She gives only one dosa and a little chutney to each child. The children walk to school. They do not wear shoes. They carry some rice and ….(3)…. sambar in a tiffin-box to school and eat their lunch under a tree. They return home at 4 in the evening. Srinivas, Mr. Ramaswami’s eldest son, goes to market to buy vegetables. The children read their lessons again from. 5.30pm to 8.30 pm. Then they have dinner and go to bed. They ….(4)… go to the cinema or to a restaurant.

1. A . believed B. had believed C. believes D. is believing
2. B . has B. is C. are D. had
3. C . many B. a little C. much D. some
4. D . never B. always C. hardly D. scarcely

Questions 5 -8
Read the following passage and answer the Questions
Biological Rabbit
Rabbits are eaten in most European countries; and some of the early settlers in Australia introduced rabbits into that country as meat was hard to obtain. The European rabbit has many natural enemies which prevent the rabbit population from growing, but in Australia it had no such enemies. Rabbits breed very easily, with the result that very soon their numbers in Australia became enormous. They caused a great deal of damage by making holes in the ground to live in and eating up the grass and other plants which were needed to feed the sheep and other cattle that were a great source of wealth to Australia.

Scientists discovered that a disease called myxomatosis was fatal to rabbits and to no other animals. They also found out that it was possible to spread the disease by infecting a few other animals and letting them loose in places where rabbits were enormous. It was also discovered that a certain type of mosquito could carry the disease and the infection could be spread by means of mosquitoes. So it happened that while other countries tried to destroy mosquitoes, Australia encouraged these species. By these means, myxomatosis was spread rapidly all over the country and the rabbit population was greatly reduced.

5. Rabbits were introduced in Australia because…..
A. the European rabbit had many natural enemies
B. the people in Australia wanted rabbits as pets.
C. meat was not available then.
D. it was hard to obtain rabbits.

6. Which statement is a correct one?
A. Myxomatosis affects all animals.
B. Myxomatosis is transmitted by mosquitoes.
C. Myxomatosis kills mosquitoes.
D. Myxomatosis is found only in mosquitoes.

7. Australia encouraged mosquitoes while other countries tried to destory them. Why?
A. Mosquitoes are harmless.
B. Australians like mosquitoes.
C. Mosquitoes prevent the rabbit population indirectly.
D. Australians are environmentalists.

8. The word “bring in” used in the above passage means :
A. insist
B. instill
C. inaugurate
D. introduce

1. Which method given below for acquiring the concept of multiplication does not conform to the approach to mathematics learning
A. Rote learning of multiplication table
B. Repeated addition
C. Applying in new situation
D. Solving practical problems.

2. A bus starts at 2: 40 in the morning from Trivandrum and reaches Kannur at 4 : 05 in the evening. The time taken for the journey is
A. 13 hours 25 minutes
B. 12 hours 25 minutes
C. 13 hours 15 minutes
D. 12 hours 15 minutes

3. Which of the following concepts is not a correct interpretation of 3 4 ?
A. three one fourths
B. three of the four equal parts into which 1 is divided
C. dividing 3 into 4 equal parts
D. four one-thirds

5. If all the numbers in the operation 5 × 3 × 2 are doubled, then how many times the original would be the new product?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

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