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All posts from Nagpur : J2EE & Oracle, Microsoft Training

Name of Training Institute : Flairtek (
Location : Nagpur
Training Offered : J2EE & Oracle, Microsoft Training

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We offer training & consultancy services in different areas of Information know-how. We provide on-campus & onsite training to reduce the cost of training as affordable to the candidates who are unable to come in Nagpur regions. Most of our training courses are offered at our training middle in Nagpur as well as Institutes/colleges campus. All courses are designed to cover theoretical as well as practical aspects of the subject, to meet international standards & market requirements.

Student of Engineering Colleges, schools are looking to scan a career in various field such as Engineering Firms, Information know-how Sector, Human Resources, Telecommunications or in various sectors in India. We Provide such an Educational Program in their Campus so that Student get all the information behind these field are present in their campus or Online Campus Training, So we named Campus Training in technical Colleges or Schools

Students have opportunity to study a number of related courses Under Communication, Telecom, computer (IT) as project management, planning plus scheduling, risk management, plus far more. Career training for project management includes associates, bachelors plus masters degrees as well as certificate programs like Sun Java Certifications, Microsoft Certifications, CCNA, Networks Security Certification.

Training at this level may consist of coursework such as programming, developing, Design a Project, Managing Team, Project Testing & far moreā€¦.

We deals with the technology :
Java Technology(J2EE)
Microsoft (.net,vb,asp)

These are the expertise on which we work live, so will provide the student online plus Current Project scenario, which give the much more practice on the live project.we have lot of product plus Trainer which will satisfied you in proper manner.

Training Program :
The below details are a specified set tailored for complete development of students to professionals.
The CONTENT, DURATION and schedule are FLEXIBLE.
The courses in Android and HTML5 are exclusive.
We also have placement partners which will give the students access to IT companies in Nagpur, Pune and Mumbai. We also have association with companies which are ready to give live-projects to students.

We assure an un-precedent quality in training and a long-term relationship which will benefit the students in making a successful career in the IT industry.

1. C
This training aims to give the basics of programming, the fundamentals of logic in computing, what is compilation, binary and execution of code. It will allow the students to think in a procedural way, thinking of how to manage, use and conserve memory. Performance and compactness are the focus points.
Contents of the course (in brief):
** Overview of C
** Fundamental Data Types, Storage Classes, and Scope
** Macros
** Functions and Flow control
** Formatted I/O
** Operators and expressions
** Structures and Unions
** Strings, characters and text
** Structured Programming
** Compiler directives and Preprocessors
** Pointers and Dynamic Allocation
** Arrays
Duration of the course: 50 hours

2. C++
This course is the first step of a student into making modern day software for consumers. It introduces trainees to making software using Object Oriented Concepts and work with a type-safe system.
Contents of the course (in brief):
** ANSI C++ Fundamentals
** Data Types, Storage, Classes, and Scope
** Operators and Expressions
** Pointers
** Functions
** Streams and I/O
** Classes and Objects
** File Stream I/O
** Templates
** Use of Libraries
** Exception Handling
** Overloading and Overriding
** Operator Precedence
** The Standard Template Library
Duration of the course: 50 hours

3. .NET Framework with C#
This training aims to give the trainees an introduction to the development in Object Oriented technology with C#. Starting with a background on C++ and OO concepts, it progresses onto the development of libraries, how to make n-tiered applications, with a full-fledged Data Access Layer and an advent into developing a UI for the web, for the desktop and also as a web service.
Contents of the course (in brief):
** OOPs concepts
** Visual Studio as an IDE
** C# language basics
** .NET framework architecture
** .NET classes
** Assemblies and Executable files
** Generics and Collections
** Events and delegates
** File IO
** Database IO
** Exception Handling
** Configuration
** XML usage
** Introduction to WPF, ASP.NET and web services
Duration of thecourse: 45 hours

This training is intended to get you started for developing applications, services on the web. A clear understanding of the ASP.NET Pages will be given including SOAP web-services, IIS as a host server and Entity Framework as a Data Access Layer.
Requirements: Understanding of C#.NET as a language
Contents of the course:
** Understanding of websites
** ASP.NET Architecture
** IIS and its configuration as an application host
** Files in ASP.NET
** Server-side and Client-side scripting
** Compilation and Page lifecycle
** Event handling
** HTML and Server controls
** Master Pages
** Styles and Themes
** Navigation and website structuring
** Login, Security and account management
** State management
** Database connectivity and Databinding
o Entity Framework
** Website deployment
** SOAP webservices
Duration of the course: 45 hours

5. Java Core
This training aims to give the trainees a solid start into developing Object Oriented enterprise applications with Java. Background of Object Oriented concepts, the implementation in Java are the focus. Also, interacting with user via the console and persistent storage with Files and Databases will be covered. An introduction into developing GUI windows applications, Web applications and design patterns will be given.
Contents of the course (in brief):
** OOPs concepts
** Eclipse as an IDE
** Java language basics
** JVM as a platform and host environment
** Java classes
** Assemblies and Executable files
** Generics and Collections
** Events and delegates
** File IO
** Database IO
** Exception Handling
** Configuration
** Multithreading
** Introduction to Advanced Java
Duration of the course: 45 hours

6. Android Mobile Development
This course will get you started with Mobile Development with Java for Native mobile applications. It includes the understanding of Android apps, usage of Android services and SQLite as the database for the applications.
Contents of the course (in brief):
** Introduction to Android as a platform
** Mobile Development concerns and limitations
** Development Environment setup
** Android UI and compatibility
** UI controls
** Activities
** Preferences
** Menus
** Dialogs
** Deployment
** Introduction to PhoneGap for multi-platform development
Duration of the course: 40 hours
Requirements: Understanding of basics of Java as a development language.

7. Websites with HTML5 and CSS3
HTML5 is the new horse that all the browsers and developers are running after. This course will introduce you to developing the next generation websites using the new controls, layout styles in HTML5 and using CSS3 for styling. It includes non-Flash video, audio, animations and offline storage.Offline Storage access will be demonstrated via JavaScript.
Contents of the course (in brief):
** Fundamentals of HTML5
** HTML tags
** Page structuring
** Media types
** Video and audio controls
** Canvas
** New CSS3 features
** CSS3 animations
** Forms API
** JavaScript API
Duration of the course: 30 hours
Requirements: Knowledge of basics of HTML and CSS.

Contact us :
NMC Complex Sadar,
5, A-B, 3rd Floor, Bajaj Wing,,
Nagpur, Maharashtra 440001, India

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