All posts from Class 12th Sample Questions 2013-2014 : Jharkhand Academic Council

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Unit – I :
UNIT – I ( Electrostatics )
Group-A ( 1 mark each)
1. How many electrons constitute one coulomb of negative charge?
2. What is the cause of charging?
3. Is mass of a body affected of charging?
4. Consider three charged bodies P, Q and R. If P and Q repel each other and P attracts R. What is the nature of force between Q and R?
5. What is the minimum charge ?
6. A glass rod rubbed with silk acquires a charge + 1.6×10-12C. What is the charge on the silk?
7. What is the origin of frictional electricity?
8. What is the value of charge on an electron? (Is a charge less than this value possible?)
9. What is the dimensional formula of o?
10. Four charges of same magnitude and same sign are placed at the corners of a square of each side 0.1 m. What is electric field intensity at the centre of the square?
11. Is electric field intensity a scalar or a vector?
12. What is the unit of electric field intensity?
13. When is the net torque on an electric dipole in an electric is field maximum?
14. What is the net force on a dipole in uniform electric field?
15. When is an electric dipole in stable equilibrium in an electric field?
16. What is the direction of dipole moment?
17. When is an electric line of force straight?
18. Give the S.I unit of electric moment of a dipole?
19. Two point charges of 3 c µ + each are 100cm apart. At what point on the line joining the charges will the electric intensity be zero?
20. What is the amount of work done in moving a 200nc charge between two points 5cm apart on an equipotential surface?
21. Name the physical quantity which has its unit joule/coulomb.
22. Does the electric potential increase or decrease along the electric line of force?
23. What is electric flux? Is electric flux a scalar or a vector?
24. What is the unit of electric flux?
25. What is the dielectric constant of metal?
26. Is there any conductor which can be given almost unlimited charge?
27. Two spheres of silver of same radii, one solid and the other hollow are charged to the same potential, which one has greater charge?
28. What is the net charge on a charged capacitor?
29. What is the dimensional formula of capacitance?
30. How many picofarads are there in a farad?
31. What is the basic use of a capacitor?
32. What is the relation between dielectric constant and electric susceptibility?
33. A parallel plate capacitor has a capacity of 6uF in air and 60uF when dielectric medium is introduced. What is dielectric constant of medium?
34. What is electric charge? Is it scalar or vector?
35.What is the value of 1?
36. What is capacitance? Is it scalar or vector?

Group B (2 mark each)
1 Give any two basic properties of charges?
2 What is super position principle?
3 What is electric field? Give its physical significance?
4 What are the conditions for maximum potential in a Van De Graff generator?
5 What are di-electrics? Give two examples?
6 What are polar and non-polar di-electric?
7 Dielectric constant of medium is unity. What will be its permittivity?
8 Two point charge of +2uc and +6uc repel each other with a force of 12N. If each is given an additional charge of -4uc, what will be the force?
9 Why no two electric lines of force can intersect each other?
10 Define the term electric dipole moment. What is its direction
11 Equi potential surface are perpendicular to field line Wohy?
12 Two protons are 6.0 ×10-15 apart. Find their electrostatic P.E.
13 Is it possible for a metal sphere of 1cm radius to hold a charge of IC?
14 n small drops of same size are charges to v volt each. They coalesce to form a bigger drop. Calculate the capcity and potential of bigger drop.
15 Two capacitors of capacitances 6uF and 12uF are connected in series with a battery. The voltage across the 6uF capacitor is 2V. Compute the total battery voltage.
16 What is quantization of charge ?
17 Find P.E. of an electric dipole & in an electric field ?
18 How much work must be done to charge a 24 F µ capacitor upto a potential diffeence 500 V.
19 Mention the factors on which the capacity of a parallel plate condenser dipends.
20 State the law of conservation of charge.
21 Difine equipotential surface. Draw equiotential surface for an isolated point charge.

Group C (3 marks each)
1. What is neutral point? What will be the position of the neutral point, if the charges are (a) of same kind (b) of opposite kind
2. What is the force of repulsion between two charges of IC each kept 1m apart in vacuum?
3. What is continuous distribution of charge? What do you mean by linear, surface and volume distribution of charge?
4. Two point charges +5×10-19c and +20×10-19c are separated by a distance of 2m. find the point of the line joining them at which electric field intensity is zero.
5. Find electric field on the axis of electric dipole? or equater of dipole.
6. Obtain the expression for the torque acting on an electric dipole placed in a uniform electric field?
7. Show that enrgy stored in a charged capacitor if Q2/2c.
8. Find equivalent capacity for condensers arranged in (a) Series (b) Parallel.
9. Deduce coulamb’s law fram Gauss’s Theorem.

Group D (5 marks each)
1. Derive an expression for the electric potential due to electric dipole –
(a) on axial line (b) on bi-sector line
2. State and prove Gauss’s theorem? Find electric field intensity due to a uniformby charged thin spherical shell (hollow sphore)
3. Derive an expression for the electric potential and field at a point any where due to electric dipole?
4. What is a capacitor? Find capacity of a parallel plate capacitor with compound dielectric?
5. State and prove Gauss’s theorem in electro statics. Use Gauss’s theorem to derive electric field due to infinitely long straight charge wire.
6. What is Van De Graff generater? Give its purpose, use, principle, construction and working?

More Details Refer the above link.

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  1. Define critial angle

  2. Capacitor 6uf in air and 60uf in dielectric medium
    What is electric constant?

  3. Explain the formation of a chemical bond.

  4. paresh nath kumbhakar

    what is vector ?

  5. English and history questions.




  7. What is magnetic flux?

    1. What is wheat stone bridge?

    2. Electric flux :- Electric flux is the property of any vector field the electric flux through a given area held inside an electric field. It is the measure of the total number of electric line of force passing normally through that area. It is scalar quantity and denoted by phai e.

    3. The quantity of charge pasass through the surface is called magnetic field

      The quantity of charge pasess through the surface is called magnetic flux

  8. Find P.E of an electric dipole and in an electric field?

  9. State joules law.

    1. Joule’s law is a physical law that defines the connection between the heat produced by the current flowing through a conductor. The law states that the heat generated by an electric current is equivalent to the product of the resistance of the conductor.

    2. what is electricity

      Mahesh Hansda

  10. What is accountancy?

  11. When is an electric dipole is in stable equilibrium in an electric field?

  12. What is electric potential? What is superposition principle?

  13. What is electricity?

  14. How is price determined under perfect competition?

  15. What is Economics?

  16. What is super position principle?

  17. What is dielectric?

  18. What do you mean by electric potential ?

    1. The difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts.

  19. Define coulombs law and gauss theorem.

    1. Coulombs law :
      A law stating that like charges repel and opposite charges attract, with a force proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
      gauss theorem :
      In vector calculus, the divergence theorem, also known as Gauss’s theorem or Ostrogradsky’s theorem, is a result that relates the flow of a vector field through a surface to the behavior of the vector field inside the surface

  20. Dielectric constant of medium is unity. Then what will be its permittivity?

  21. Question bank questions can be repeated in exam or not?

    1. It is just a sample questions. Questions may or may not be repeated in the exam.

  22. How cyclotron works?

    1. How does a cyclotron work?

      A cyclotron body consists of electrodes, called ‘dees’ because of their shape, in a vacuum chamber. This vacuum chamber is flat and sits in a a narrow gap between poles of a large magnet which creates a perpendicular magnetic field. A stream of charged particles is fed into the centre of the chamber and a high frequency alternating voltage is applied across the electrodes. This voltage alternately attracts and repels the charged particles causing them to accelerate.

      The magnetic field moves the particles in a circular path and, as they gain more energy from the accelerating voltage, they spiral outwards until they reach the outer edge of the chamber.

      Modern cyclotrons accelerate negative ions created in a plasma. When these negative ions reach the outer edge of the chamber the excess electrons are stripped off the ions forming positive particles such as a proton or deuteron, which can then be extracted from the cyclotron as a beam. The size of the vacuum chamber determines the length of the spiral path and hence the amount of energy attained by the particle.

  23. What is a capacitor?

    1. Capacitor is a device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator.

  24. What is magnetic flux?

    1. A measure of the strength of a magnetic field over a given area.

  25. What is the solution?

  26. What is electric dipole ?

    1. vikas kumar(MORBEY)

      A pair of two equal and opposite charges separated by small distance is called electric dipole.

    2. Electric dipole is a distance between two charges and first is positive& another is negative.

  27. How will you convert a galvanometer in ammeter and voltmeter?

    1. Since Galvanometer is a very sensitive instrument, therefore it can not measure high potential difference. In order to convert a Galvanometer into voltmeter, a very high resistance known as “series resistance” is connected in series with the galvanometer.

  28. State the law of conservation of charge.

    1. The Law of Conservation of Change states that electrical charges cannot be made or destroyed. Whatever changes a system may go through, the net charge which is the number of positive charge less the number of negative charges will not change. That means it will always be constant. The only possible way this net charge can be changed is if some charge is removed from the system or added to it.

  29. Why are de Broglie wave associated with a moving football not visible?

  30. Who is the father of Economics?

    1. Adam smith

    2. Santosh kumar bedia

      Adam smith

    3. Adam smith.

  31. When temperature is increased, the resistance of conductor increases. Why?

    1. When t.p increases then ionic core of conductor increases hence resistance increases.

  32. Why is electric field always normal to the surface just outside a charged conductor?

  33. Describe the Maxwell’s equations.

  34. How many percentage of questions will be asked in exam, from these unit wise questions?

    1. These are only sample questions to serve as a pointer to the type of questions to be asked. There is no guarantee that any of these questions will be repeated in the actual exam.

  35. Computer science book is not available in Hindi. Why?
    N.C.E.R.T. nor TEXT BOOK.

    1. Its JAC’s website and they maintain it. We have no idea why the book is not in Hindi.

  36. Show that enrgy in a charged capacitor is Q2/2C ?

  37. What is photo electrons?

    1. An electron emitted from an atom by interaction with a photon, especially an electron emitted from a solid surface by the action of light.

  38. Which of the following has maximum ionization potential?

  39. What is coercivity?

    1. The resistance of a magnetic material to changes in magnetization, equivalent to the field intensity necessary to demagnetize the fully magnetized material.

  40. What is the magnetic flux?

    1. The total electric field lines passing through a metal surface is known as magnetic flux.

    2. Magnatic flux:-magnatic flux over a surface with in a magnatic field is defined as the no of force crossing through that surface

  41. What is controlling ?

    1. You can search for answers in official website or through any search engine since I could not provide you the answer as data is not available in the advertisement.

  42. May I know the answers for all the questions above?

    1. Only the questions are available in the website. You can search for answers in official website or through any search engine.

    2. Can I know the answers for all the questions above?

    3. Can we know the answer of 1 marks?

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