All posts from How to get Tax File Number : Australian Government

Name of the Organisation : Australian Government(
Type of Facility : How to get Tax File Number
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Tax File Number :
Your TFN is a unique number we give you to help us manage tax and other government services.
We normally only issue one TFN to you during your lifetime, even if you change your circumstances such as your name or residency. You should keep your TFN secure at all times and advise us if you change your name or address so we can update your details
You can apply for a tax file number (TFN) online only if you are currently in Australia and you have:
** a valid permanent migrant visa, or
** a valid visa with work rights, or
** a valid overseas student visa, or
** a valid visa allowing you to stay in Australia indefinitely.
Only one TFN will ever be issued to you. Once you have a TFN , you don’t need to re-apply for one if your circumstances change, for example, if you change your name, have investments or claim government benefits.
If you already have a TFN but do not know what it is, go through this application process and indicate when asked that you already have a TFN. A notice with your TFN will be forwarded to you.
If you know your TFN but wish to advise the Tax Office of changes to your details, go through this application process and enter your updated details.
If you need more information, visit the nearest Tax Office shopfront site or phone 13 28 61. If you do not speak English you should contact our translating and interpreting service (TIS) on 13 14 50. People with a hearing or speech impairment can contact the Telephone Typewriter Service (TTY) on 1300 130 478.
More Information :
TTY users, phone 13 36 77 and ask for the ATO number you need Speak and Listen (speech to speech relay) users, phone 1300 555 727 and ask for the ATO number you need internet relay users, connect to the NRS on and ask for the ATO number you need.

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