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All posts from High Technologies Solutions Delhi :IBM Mainframe,NetWeaver, J2EE JAVA, Data warehousing Training

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IBM Mainframe :
Mainframe is the industry term used for a large computer, which supports thousands of users across the globe. IBM mainframe computer has been called as dinosaur of the technology world. It is widely used by large industrial houses, Financial institutes, insurance companies, railways, automobile industry etc.
Today most of the big companies are looking for Mainframe professionals. Few of these companies are Infosys, TCS, MBT, Zensar, Patni, Satyam, Keane India, EDS Technologies, Xansa, HCL Technologies, Wipro, Accenture, IBM and many more.
IBM Mainframe Concepts : Mainframe concepts, basic IBM architecture, OS Concepts
COBOL : Business oriented Application programming language.
Job Control Language (JCL) : Batch Processing System.
Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) : Access method for File Management System.
Customer Informatioin Control System(CICS) : basic of online transaction
….Processing, data Handling, data Communication, File Handling. DB2 : Relational database Management System, RDBMS Basics, SQL,
….Embedded and Dynamic SQL, DB2 utilities. TOOLS : File-AID, XPEditor, Endevor.
Projects : Types of Mainframe Projects, Mainframe Project Life Cycle.
Course duration 3 months

.net :
Microsoft .Net Technology Provide completes Environment for Developing Application System (presentation layer, Business Logic and Data link layer). And by which we can implemented any Architecture such as one, two, three or n-tier Architecture.
. NET Framework : Basic Concepts, .NET Architecture
VB.NET : Visual Basic on . NET platform.
ASP .NET : Server side scripting on .NET
XML .NET : eXtensible markup Language Interacting with .NET
SQL Server 2000
C# .NET : Object-oriented language in crossplatform .NET
Crystal Report
Duration : 2 Months Project : 2 Months

NetWeaver is an application builder from SAP for integrating business processes and databases from a number of sources while exploiting the leading Web services technologies. Part of the company’s mySAP product group, NetWeaver is getting a lot of industry attention as the first fully interoperable Web-based cross-application platform that can be used to develop not only SAP applications but others as well. NetWeaver allows a developer to integrate information and processes from geographically dispersed locations using diverse technologies, including Microsoft’s .NET, IBM’s WebSphere and Sun’s Java technologies.

Duration : 2 Months

j2ee :
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is the industry standard for developing portable, robust, scalable and secure server-side Java applications. Building on the solid foundation of Java SE, Java EE provides web services,
Core Java
Advanced Java
J2EE Architecture : J2EE Concepts, Basic J2EE Architecture
Java Server Pages : Secured Server side scripting.
Java Servlets : server side java programming.
Java Beans : A component object model for java.
Enterprise Java Beans : A component architecture for multi-tier client/server system.
BEA Weblogic 8.1 : An Interactive Server.
Java Struts : Development utility framework
Duration : 3 Months Project : 2 Months

A data warehouse is a collection of data gathered and organized so that it can easily by analyzed, extracted, synthesized, and otherwise be used for the purposes of further understanding the data. It may be contrasted with data that is gathered to meet immediate business objectives such as order and payment transactions, although this data would also usually become part of a data warehouse.

Duration : 2 Months

Head Office :
High Technologies Solutions
K-66 B, Kalkaji,
New Delhi – 110019
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