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All posts from Srihitha technologies Hyderabad : JAVA, PHP, MySQL, AJAX

Srihitha technologies
Srihitha technologies, computer training institute was formed in the view of the ever growing demands of the market, for the skilled manpower in high end technologies like DOTNET, JAVA ,PHP with MYSQL, Search engine Optimization, Testing Tools, Web Designing, Flash, PERL SCRIPTING AND SHELL SCRIPTING to name a few. In a short span of time achieved tremendous success in motive of leveraging successful careers by bridging the gap between Academics to Industry.

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Srihitha technologies software training Institute has all the qualities to be a Premier software training Institute in ameerpet (Hyderabad) with continuous improvement and achieve excellent Student satisfaction in providing high end skilled training and development on emerging technologies by Bridging the Gap between Academics and Industry in the fields of Information Technology. We have developed Software training Methods specifically designed for undergraduates, Graduates, postgraduates from engineering and non engineering background enabling them to discover and build, invent and innovate newer technologies. We also conduct special software training programs for Open University students. Srihitha Technologies is known for its pioneering work in the field of IT education and software training in Hyderabad (India). Our strong research orientation has helped us continuously innovate in the areas of instructional design methodologies, and curricula development that is our cutting-edge. We try to build a long-term relationship with all our Students who get trained with us by ensuring timely delivery of quality software Training and services using continuously improving processes.

Introduction to Java & C++
Objects & Classes
Methods, Interfaces & Access Specifier
Java Packages Introduction
Exception Handling
Collection Framework
OOPS-( Encapsulation,Inheritance,Polymorphism,Data Abstraction)
JDK Versions
JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)

Introduction to PHP,PHP’s role in the WWW,Language fundamentals,PHP Basics,Variable rules,Storing & retrieving information in variables,Decision making in PHP,Comparison operators,The if construct,The while construct,The for construct,Working with arrays,Functions,Declaring functions,Passing data by reference,Variable scope in PHP,Working with web forms,PHP POST & GET form elements,Embedding forms with PHP code,Validating form data,Regular expressions,Guidelines for secure PHP,Understanding magic quotes,Setting default values in forms,Processing uploaded files,Retrieving uploaded file,Sending email using PHP,PHP session handling,PHP cookie handling,Handling date & time,Working with files in PHP,Reading & writing files with PHP,Handling errors

A brief history of databases,Relational database concepts,Database tables,MySQL Data types,Introduction to P HPMyadmin,Creating and Checking Tables,Auto_increment and Primary Keys,Inserting Values into Tables

Introduction to ajax:
What is ajax,Connecting to server using JavaScript,Downloading data behind scenes,Modifying web pages on the fly,Creating an XMLHttpRequest Object in different browsers,Checking the XMLHttpRequest Object’s readyState property,Checking the XMLHttpRequest Object’s status property,Getting Your Data With the XMLHttpRequest Object,Problems creating an XMLHttpRequest Object,Fetching Text Data From the server,Using the text data received through XMLHttpRequest

Contact us :
Srihitha Technologies
B7,3rd Floor, Eureka Court
Beside Image Hospitals
Pin: 500073.

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