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All posts from Fellowship For Writing Books and Monographs For Year 2013 : Lok Sabha Parliament Of India

Name of the Organisation : Lok Sabha Parliament Of India (
Name of the Fellowship : Fellowship for Writing Books and Monographs
Location : India

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Lok Sabha Fellowships :
The Lok Sabha Secretariat proposes to grant five Fellowships for writing books (three in Hindi and two in English) every year on subjects of parliamentary interest. It is also proposed to grant five Fellowships for writing Monographs (three in Hindi and two in English) every year to interested scholars.

These Fellowships seek to encourage and support original studies on subjects relating to Indian Parliament; and to provide financial assistance to undertake research of high standard on parliamentary themes.

Fellowships for writing Books :
The Lok Sabha Secretariat will grant five Research Fellowships, three in Hindi and two in English, every year, on any particular aspect in one of the following fields : Evolution and Development of Parliamentary Institutions
(i) Parliamentary Institutions/ Systems (including State Legislatures) – Evolution and Development.
(ii) Parliamentary Rules, Practices and Procedures.
(iii) Modern Techniques of Service and Support Systems of Parliament.

The duration of the Fellowships will be of two years. In very exceptional cases, the period may be extended by three months, up to a maximum of six months, subject to the satisfaction and approval of the Fellowship Committee

The Fellowships are open to research scholars, academicians, media persons and others having suitable experience and aptitude to undertake the study. The applicants should at least be Graduates (preferably in Social Sciences) from a recognized University. Selection will be made after giving due consideration to the applicants- qualifications, their past experience and standing in the profession; published works, if any, to their credit; knowledge of the working of the political system and parliamentary institutions, procedures and practices, etc.

Selection Procedure for granting Research Fellowships:
(i) The selection for the grant of Research Fellowships and Fellowships for writing Monographs will be made by a Fellowship Committee.
(ii) An advertisement will be issued in major national dailies in Hindi, English and regional languages announcing the Fellowship. The advertisement will be uploaded on the Lok Sabha website prominently, mentioning therein detailed procedure for submission of applications.
(iii) The Fellowship Committee may also suo motu consider meritorious scholars for the Fellowship.
(iv) The applicant will be required to send in his/her particulars in the prescribed format (Annexure), duly filled in, along with a Synopsis of 1000 words of his/her proposal.
(v) The Fellowship Committee shall consider and recommend the names to the Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha, for grant of Lok Sabha Fellowships.
(vi) If the Fellowship Committee does not find any applicant suitable for the grant of the Fellowships, no Fellowship may be granted during that year. The Committee may, however, consider awarding the Fellowship for that particular year in the next year, subject to availability of funds.
(vii) A Fellow has to submit quarterly Progress Report of the Fellowship project for the consideration and satisfaction of the Fellowship Committee. The final Report shall be submitted in triplicate for the appraisal and perusal of the Fellowship Committee.

Fellowships for writing Monographs :
(i) The Fellowship Committee may consider the grant of five Fellowships for writing Monographs (Three in Hindi and Two in English) on a topical subject of parliamentary interest. The Monograph should be in a single theme, original and well-researched and of a minimum of 50000 words. The procedure for inviting applications for award of Fellowship for Monographs will be the same as in the case of Books.
(ii) The Fellowship Committee may also consider the grant of Fellowship for writing Monographs to those scholars whose proposals were considered for Research Fellowships, but were found suitable and relevant only for conducting a limited study during a short period.
(iii) The Committee may also suo motu consider meritorious scholars for the Fellowship.
(iv) The applicant will be required to send in his/her particulars in the prescribed format (Annexure), duly filled in along with a Synopsis of 1000 words.

Duration :
The duration of the Fellowships for writing Monographs will be six months. In exceptional cases, the period may be extended by one month up to a maximum of 3 months subject to the satisfaction and approval of the Fellowship Committee.

Final Report :
The final report of the project shall be submitted by the Fellow in triplicate.

All the other conditions/facilities, etc. as admissible to the Fellows who have been awarded Lok Sabha Research Fellowships will be applicable to the scholars who are awarded the Fellowships for writing Monographs unless otherwise restricted.

Guidelines for submission of proposals :
While submitting the proposal, the format may broadly be according to the following order of points and guidelines given under :
(a) Title of the Project
(b) Statement of the Problem : In the opening paragraphs of the research proposal, the problem to be investigated should be stated clearly and briefly. The significance of the problem in the theoretical context of the discipline concerned should be specified.
(c) Overview of Literature : Summarizing the current status of research in the area, including major findings, the project proposal should clearly demonstrate the relevance of the findings or approaches for the investigation of the problem at hand.
(d) Conceptual Framework : Given the problem and the theoretical perspective for investigation of the problem, the proposal should clearly indicate the concepts to be used and demonstrate their relevance for the study. It should further specify the empirical dimension, if any, that needs to be explored for investigating the problem.
(e) Research Questions/Hypotheses : Given the conceptual framework and dimensions of the problem, specific questions to be answered and hypotheses to be tested through the proposed study should be explicitly formulated, compatible with the research design.
(f) Coverage : In the light of the questions raised or the hypotheses proposed to be tested, if sampling becomes necessary, full information on the following points should be given:
(i) Universe of the Study,
(ii) Sampling Frame, and
(iii) Units of Observation and Sampling size.

If the study requires any control groups, they should be specifically mentioned. An explanation of the determination of size and type of the sample shall also be necessary. Proposals not requiring a sample selection should specify their strategy appropriately and describe the rationale.

Methodology : A suitable description of the methods of research for the study may be given.

Data Collection: The different types of data that are proposed to be gathered should be specifically mentioned. The sources for each type and the tools and techniques that will be used for collecting different types of data should also be specified.

Time Budgeting: The project should be broken up in suitable stages and the time required for the completion of each stage of work should be specified.

Amount of Fellowship :
(i) The total amount of each Fellowship for writing Books will be maximum Rs. 4,50,000/-, plus Rs. 50,000/- towards Publication Assistance. The amount sanctioned to a Fellow will be disbursed in nine equal installments of Rs. 50,000/- each. However, each installment of the Fellowship amount will be released, subject to the satisfactory progress of the project and recommendation of the Fellowship Committee to that effect.

(ii) The total amount of Fellowship for writing Monographs will be upto Rs. 2 lakh (all inclusive) depending upon the proposal and the approval of the Fellowship Committee. The amount sanctioned to a Fellow will be disbursed in four/five installments, subject to the satisfaction and recommendation of the Committee on the Fellow’s monthly progress report.

In case a Fellow after joining the Lok Sabha Fellowship ceases to work on the Fellowship for a time, either because of ill health or for any other reason, he/she shall have to refund whole of the Fellowship amount granted to him/her, along with applicable interest thereon.

General :
The decision of the Hon- ble Speaker, Lok Sabha, will be final in all matters relating to the Fellowships

Application Procedure :
The Lok Sabha Secretariat invites applications for the Fellowships for the year 2013. The Application Form and the terms and conditions governing the Fellowships are available on the Lok Sabha website under the icon “Lok Sabha Fellowships”.

Download Application Form Here

Sent Application To :
Smt. Meena Malla, Director,
Lok Sabha Secretariat,
Room No. F-047,’I’ Block,
Parliament Library Building,
New Delhi-110001

Last Date : 25 November 2013.

For More Details, Click Here

1 Comment
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  1. I had applied for the fellowship and as per information my application was also forwarded to the committee in Feb 2014. Please inform if the committee has decided something or it is still under consideration or is there any possibility that a new committee may be constituted due to the general elections

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