All posts from : Procedure For Registering Birth & Death Srinagar

Name of the Organization : Srinagar Municipal Corporation
Type of Facility : Procedure For Registering Birth & Death
Location : Srinagar

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Birth and Death :
Registration and Issue of Birth and Death Certificates :
You are legally required to register births and deaths that take place in your family under Registration of Births & Deaths Act 1969 revised as on 2001.. The Health Department of Municipal Corporation of Srinagar has been authorized to register these events and issue certificates to you for events that take place in the jurisdiction of SMC. You would need these certificates for getting your children admitted in schools and for the purpose of inheriting the assets of the person who has passed away.

Procedure for registering birth and death :
1. Births and Deaths can take place anywhere. However they normally occur either in hospitals or in your home. When these events happen in any institution such as hospital, jail, hostel, lodging, or in a public transport or in any home for women, these events are called institutional. When these events take place in your home or in a building that cannot be called an institution, then these events are called non-institutional.
2. The procedure for registering institutional and non-institutional events is different. In case of institutional events it is the primary responsibility of the head of the institution to inform SMC about the event that has taken place in it. He does that in a form that has been prescribed. These forms are freely available in all hospitals and are supplied free of cost by SMC. Alternatively the form can also be collected from any Ward office free of cost. The form has two sections. One portion of the form deals with legal information. The other portion is about statistical information. Both the portions of the form have to be filled in completely before the certificates can be issued to you.
3. You would have to provide the information necessary to fill in both these portions to the head of the institution so that the information is correctly filled in by him. For reporting non-institutional events, the law authorizes the head of the family or the nearest relative to inform the event to the municipal office. You would need to fill in the form and submit it to the nearest registration centre viz. Ward Officer or Head Office SMC. For information about the location of registration centre that is closest to your home you may contact the Ward Office Addresses. A list of telephone numbers of all the 34 Ward Officers, including the SMC Exchange and Registrar Birth & Death is given in this web site under conatct us section.

Registration of Birth & Death Event :
1. Births and Deaths events can be registered in different ways.
a. By the Institutions to forward to SMC
b. At registration centers
2. You can register the birth of a child even without giving the name of the child in the form.
3. For registering events in Ward office, you need to visit the nearest (Ward Office), fill up the registration form we have kept there and submit it to the Ward Officer in-charge.
4. The in-charge will give you Receipt for registration of the event.
5. The law allows you 30 days with in which to register events with us . If you fail to register an event within 30 days of its occurrence, you are liable to pay late fee that would depend upon the number of day excess days of the occurrence of the event that you took to inform the authorities.

The fee and late fee charges are as :-
a. Information about event given :
Birth :
i. Registration fee up to 7 days – Rs. 10.00
ii. After 7 days to 1 month – Rs 11.00

Death :
i. Registration fee up to 3 days – FREE
ii. After 3 days to 1 month – Rs 10.00

b. If information about event is given after the expiry of one year from the date of its occurrence, an order from Municipal Magistrate is necessary for which the Non-availability certificate is to be obtained from the Head Office. While after a month upto one year, an affidavit is to be supported with the information form.

Entry of Child’s name in the birth record kept by SMC :
1. If you have registered a birth without the child’s name, you are entitled to a birth certificate – which in actual practice is a true copy of the original record kept by SMC.
2. However if you wish to include the name of the child in the record later on it can be done only as per the following procedure
a. You need to submit an affidavit to the Registrar Birth & Death or otherwise.
b. If you have visited Head Office for inclusion of the name of your child in the municipal record within one year of the registration of the event, the record would be updated without collecting any charges from you.
c. If you visit the Head Office Main Center for this purpose after one year from the date of registration of event but before expiry of 15 years, Rs. 5/- would be collected from you.

Issue of Certificate of Birth and Death :
1. Information contained in the certificates issued by SMC is taken word for word from the municipal record kept by SMC.
2. These certificates are issued only from Head Office Main Center through computerized system for a current records and manual for old records.

Stepwise procedure for issue of Birth and Death Certificates :
1. If you need a birth or a death certificate you can apply for its issue in one of the following two ways :-
a. By visiting Head Office Main Center and applying personally.

2. Procedure for applying personally is as follows :-
a. you need submit an application for issue of a certificate.
b. You need to hand over the application to the in-charge B&D Head office.
d. The Registrar B&D of SMC might ask you come 2 days later to collect the certificates for previous records, while the Certificate for the Current date Registration can be issued on the said date under computerized system.

Applying for correction of mistakes in certificates :
1. Law permits correction of spelling mistakes in the names mentioned in the certificates issued to you. However no changes in the names recorded earlier are permitted.
2. You can apply for correction of spelling of names only at Central office.
3. For institutional births and deaths where these events were first registered, you would have to contact the head of the institution and get an authority letter from him stating that the corrections have been made in the original record kept at the institution or an affidavit.
4. Stepwise procedure for applying for correction is as follows :-
a. Fill in the application form and attach the authority letter from the institution in original if the event is institutional or an affidavit.
b. For non-institutional events you would need to submit an affidavit (Format attached at Annexure) in support of your claim for correction :-

Fees for issue of certificates :
Birth :
Office – Rs. 70.00 per certificate
Affidavit – Rs. 80.00 per certificate
Court – Rs. 80.00 per certificate

Death :
Office – Rs. 30.00 per certificate
Affidavit – Rs. 35.00 per certificate
Court – Rs 40.00 per certificate
Non-Availability – Rs. 25.00 per certificate.

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1 Comment
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  1. mohammad hamas ratta

    I want to confirm my son birth registration number 23639
    Date of registration: 15/10/2013

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