All posts from Three Tier Essay Competition 2014 : West Bengal State Legal Services Authority Kolkata

Name of the Organization : West Bengal State Legal Services Authority (
Type of Facility : Three Tier Essay Competition 2014
Location : Kolkata
Deadline : June 7, 2014

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Three Tier Essay Competition – at the Elementary level :
Organised By State Legal Services Authority, West Bengal

Rules & Regulations of the Essay Competition :
The Rules & Regulations for this competition are outlined below.
Please review the content thoroughly and then put your signature with date.

Entry Dates, Deadlines and winners notifications :
This competition opens on May 7, 2014 and closes on June 7, 2014.
Entries along with Essay received in between May 7, 2014 and June 7, 2014 will only be accepted. Entries must be submitted by hand at the respective offices of the Secretary, DLSA in sealed envelope or be sent through registered post. The title of the document shall be super-scribed on the external cover / envelope containing the Essay. Winners will be announced on July 10, 2014 and will be notified by Email or by Telephone.

Structure of the Essay Competition :
The Competition is divided into Senior ( class A ) and Junior Divisions ( class B). Senior Divisions includes college students registered for Graduate/ Post Graduate/ Masters/ Diploma courses etc. and junior division includes students of classes of VIII- XII. The students should be registered in any of the above mentioned courses in India. Children of employees and officers of DLSAs and SLSA, W.B are not eligible to participate.
Participants must submit a Self Attested passport size photo (non-refundable ) and copy of their student Identity – Card along-with the Essay.

Requirements :
All contestants must submit a completed and signed version of each documents below :
** Essay Competition Entry Form;
** Essay as per the instructions below;
** Parental Consent ( in case of minor ) and Release Form;
** Rules and Regulations Form.

Essay Instructions :
** The Essays must be written in Bengali, Hindi or English and not more than 3,00 words long, excluding references for students of classes VIII – XII and not more than 4,00 words long excluding references for college students. Handwrite an Essay on A4 size paper and it should be single spaced. The handwriting should be legible. You may also send a typed version of the Essay along-with handwritten document. Do not include any pictures or other illustrations .
** The name of the student as well as the name of the school should not be written on the Essay cover page or anywhere in the Essay. This means that the Essays can be judged anonymously. Of course, the pupils name and the name of the school should be provided on the Entry Form.
** The Essay should be an original piece of work. It should be written in the pupil’s own words, and not copied from any books, articles or from the internet.

Essay Subject :
“ Fundamental Duties ”. Describe the importance , impact and imposition of fundamental duties on your life and explain what the fundamental duties mean to you.
Lastly tell us why you should be selected as the winner of this competition. This should be separate ( 50 words ) and in addition to 300 / 400 words.

Publication :
All Essay submissions shall become the property of State Legal Services Authority , West Bengal. Announcements of winners’ name and Essay content may appear in print and/or electronic media at the sole discretion of State Legal Services Authority, West Bengal. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit essays selected for publication.

Judging :
The judging panel shall be comprised of three individuals selected by State Legal Services Authority, West Bengal. The Essays will be assessed in confidence by the said independent panel of Judges. No appeals will be entertained.

The panel will review the Essays and will select the winners based on the following elements :
** Content and Relevance to Essay Subject
** Creativity
** Clarity
** Grammar, spelling and punctuation

Prizes :
The winning essays will be awarded the following prizes :
** First prize – Rs 10,000/- each in both groups.
** Second prize – Rs 5,000/- each in both groups.
** Third prize – Rs 3,000/- each in both groups.
** Consolation prizes – In case it is recommended by the panel of Judges.

Important :
Neither parents nor participants may contact the judges for any reason. Doing so will result in participant’s immediate disqualification from this competition.

Download Form Here :…e-Essay(2).doc

1 Comment
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  1. The results were to be declared on 10th of June. What about that?

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