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WBUT Previous Year Question Paper : West Bengal University of Technology

Name of the Organisation : West Bengal University of Technology
Type of Announcement : Previous Year Question Paper

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CS/B.Arch/SEM-1/ARCH-101/2012-13 2012
Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following : 10 * 1 = 10
i) The use of bullock carts is an outmoded way of transportation. ‘Outmoded’ means
a) Cheaper b) Quicker c) Obsolete d) Rural.
ii) His professional qualification was of paramount value. ‘Paramount’ means
a) advantageous b) foremost c) equal d) little.
iii) The annual meetings of trade unions are always boisterous. ‘Boisterous’ means
a) well-attended b) disturbing c) noising d) serious.
iv) The freedom-fighters advocated the use of indigenous goods. The opposite of ‘indigenous’ is
a) cheap b) native c) foreign d) latest.
v) This news magazine is known for its comprehensive coverage of news. The opposite of ‘comprehensive’ is a) casual b) indifferent c) inadequate d) superficial.
vi) Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word :
Bright colours and simple messages make an advertisement …………………….. .
vii) He stared ………………….. ( incredulously/incredibly ) at the new car he had won in the lottery.
viii) Choose the right word to complete the sentence :
The man was ………………. by the sound of the alarm early in the morning.
a) woke up b) roused c) aroused d) arise.
ix) The temperature in Srinagar has been …………….. 15 degrees for the past ten days.
a) under b) below c) beneath d) within.
x) …………………… their academics, they have extracurricular activities in the school.
a) Besides b) Beside c) Including d) Adding.

( Short Answer Type Questions )
Write short notes on any three of the following. 3*5 = 15
2. The importance of listening in communication.
3. Barriers to good communication.
4. Planning, Preparation, Practice — the 3 P’s of effective presentation.
5. The nature and need for business memos.

( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer the following. 3 15 = 45
6. Comprehension — Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
The sun is the most direct source of energy. It powers the flow of wind and water cycles and sustains all life. Plants use this energy to synthesise carbohydrates from simple substances like carbon dioxide and water. All the food is derived from the process of photosynthesis. In fact, the energy by which all the animals including human beings live is generated by the oxidation of the food produced by the plants.

The sun contains in its core hydrogen nuclei moving at very great speeds. Whenever these nuclei collide and fuse to form a nucleus of a heavier element, it results in nuclear reactions. These reactions generate tremendous amount of energy. It is this energy that powers the sun.

The sun emits light of different wavelengths. If sunlight is passed through a prism, each of these wavelength is refracted by a different amount. Violet has the shortest wavelength and red has the longest. The wavelength of green is midway between that of violet and red. Light with wavelength shorter than that of violet is called ultraviolet light. Light with wavelength longer than that of red light is called infrared light. About one third of the light from the sun is infrared.

We know that nuclear reactions that go on in the interior of the sun liberate a large amount of energy. Nuclei of deuterium, which is the heaviest isotope of hydrogen, collide in the sun’s interior to produce helium. The energy liberated in these reactions fires the sun, which, in turn, emits lights of different wavelengths. Of these wavelengths, it is the infrared wavelengths that heat up the earth. The reaction in which the hydrogen in the sun is converted into helium is called a fusion reaction.

Questions :
i) What are the various uses of the sun’s energy ? 2
ii) Explain how energy is generated in the sun. 2
iii) What is the difference between violet, green and red lights ? 2
iv) How is helium produced ? 2
v) State three important facts about infrared light. 3
vi) From your reading of the passage, explain :
a) Photosynthesis
b) Fusion reaction. 2 + 2

7. Letter Writing :
Assume that you are the Purchase Manager of Alpha Construction Company, Salt Lake City, Kolkata. Your company sent an order for 15 truck loads of cement to National Building Materials Suppliers, Hosur Road, Bangalore, about two months ago. But you have received only 12 truck loads till now. Write a letter to the Sales and Marketing Manager of NBMS making a complaint and asking him to send the 3 remaining truck loads soon, as it is delaying your project.

8. Paragraph Writing :
Write a paragraph of about 150 words on any one of the following topics :
a) Problems faced while travelling by public transport.
b) An interesting experience one Sunday Morning

Time Allotted : 3 Hours
Full Marks : 70
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following : 10 1 = 10
i) Potash-lime glass contains
a) Potassium silicate
b) Sodium silicate
c) Aluminium phosphate
d) None of these.
ii) A process of slow homogenous cooling of glass is
a) rolling b) spinning
c) annealing d) drawing.
iii) Nature of plasticisers is
a) solid b) oily
c) gaseous d) none of these.
iv) Impure crude iron extracted from ores is called
a) wrought iron b) pig iron
c) cast iron d) alloy.
v) Steel is a compound of iron and
a) sulphur b) phosphorous
c) lead d) carbon.
vi) Layer of sap between inner bark and sapwood is called
a) Cambium b) Pith
c) Heartwood d) Crust.
vii) Process of removal of sap/moisture from wood is called
a) drying b) seasoning
c) charring d) dehumidifying.
viii) Good clay for brick manufacturing shall not contain
a) Alumina b) Alkalies
c) Silica d) Iron oxides.
ix) A good example of metamorphic rock is
a) Granite b) Sandstone
c) Coal d) Marble.
x) Calcareous rocks contain
a) clay b) mud
c) sand d) calcium carbonate.

( Short Answer Type Questions )
Write short notes on any three of the following. 3 5 = 15
2. Structural glass and its uses
3. Fibre reinforced plastic and its use
4. M 15 grade of concrete
5. Wrought iron and its use
6. Artificial seasoning of timber
7. Process of manufacturing of clay bricks.

( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 15 = 45
8. a) What is meant by dressing of stones ? 2
b) What are the objectives of dressing ? 3
c) Draw neat labelled sketches of five different stone surface dressings. 10
9. Elaborate on various testing methods of bricks.
10. Differentiate between the following ( any three ) : 3 5
a) Cast iron and wrought iron
b) Load bearing structure and frame structure
c) Coarse aggregate and fine aggregate
d) King closer and queen closer.
11. a) What is plywood and how is it used ? 5
b) What are blockboards and what types are available ? 5
c) Mention a few important characteristics of a good timber preservative. 5
12. a) What is steel and how is it used in the building industry ? 8
b) What are alloy steels and how are they different in property from carbon steels ? 7
13. Enumerate general properties of plastics.

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