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All posts from : Transasia Fine Papers Kyoorius Exchange Design Award Contest 2014

Name of the Organisation : Transasia Fine Papers Pvt Ltd
Name of the Contest : Kyoorius Design Awards 2014
Location : Mumbai

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Kyoorius Design Awards 2014 :
This contest is organized by Kyoorius Exchange, a division of Transasia Fine Papers Pvt. Ltd. Having its offices at 2nd Flr, Kohinoor Estate, 165 Tulsi Pipe Road, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013 hereinafter referred to as “Kyoorius”.

By submitting an entry for the Awards (Entry), each person, company or organisation submitting an Entry (Entrant) accepts these Awards Rules.

The 2014 Awards Qualifying Entry Period is 1 January 2013 to 31 March 2014.

Entry Criteria :
Each Entry must comprise work that satisfies all of the following criteria :
** is a work of advertising, design or digital, produced in response to a genuine brief composed by a legal entity for the purpose of marketing, communication or promotion solution
** the work is not commissioned as a piece of art or installation for an exhibition or gallery or similar
** has been made available to the public through any medium which is legally permitted in a way that has been approved by the entity or person receiving the benefit of the solution
** has been made available to the public for the first time in accordance with the qualifying period
** complies with all relevant laws and regulations (compulsory or voluntary) of the region in which it was first made available to the public
** is submitted without any alterations from the work made available to the public other than such alterations as are expressly permitted under paragraph 2-b. below
** has not already been entered into the same category by another Entrant
** has not been submitted by the same or any other person in any previous Awards Qualifying Entry Period unless the idea or realisation has been developed or significantly changed since the work was previously entered

Enter Now :

For the avoidance of doubt, for the purpose of sub-para i. concept designs or work created solely for the purpose of entering the Awards are not eligible and for the purpose of sub-para ii. fly-posting is not accepted as a legally permitted medium.

Submission of Eligible Entries :
** Entries must be submitted in the correct format as detailed in the Preparing your Entries section unless otherwise agreed with Kyoorius. Kyoorius maintains the right to withdraw Entries that do not comply with the formatting specifications as set out in the Preparing your Entries section.
** Alterations may be made to work comprising an Entry for the sole purpose of satisfying the Preparing your Entries document requirements for the presentation of Entries. Such permitted alterations, if necessary for such compliance, may include resizing and mounting print advertising and dubbing non-English film Entries with translated voice-overs. Alterations to colours, artwork or copy, or changing the language of the type copy shall not be permitted in any circumstance.
** All advertising, design & digital work that has been issued to the public in a language other than English is eligible for entry, but a translation must be supplied in the form of subtitles, dubbing, narration, translation of radio script or printed translation depending on Category requirements. Translations provided in a format other than that listed is not permitted and may result in an entry being disqualified.
** Entrants will submit an Entry into a specified Category. No refunds will be given for duplicate Entries. If Kyoorius is not advised of duplicate Entries by Entrants promptly, only the first Entry to be paid for and received will be accepted.

If the Entrant has collaborated on a piece of work with any other entity or person, it is the Entrant’s responsibility to ensure that :
** The Entry is only submitted by one of the collaborating parties who will be the designated Entrant and will be responsible for administering all aspects of the Entry.
** If the Entry qualifies for an Award, the names and other details of all other individuals and companies who have collaborated are provided to Kyoorius in response to a request for credit information in accordance with clause 5

** Kyoorius reserves the right to move Entries to more appropriate Categories if deemed in Kyoorius’s sole discretion as necessary. Such action may be taken without informing the Entrant. However, it is not the responsibility of Kyoorius to amend Entries or move them to different Categories if they have been entered incorrectly. Individuals will not be allowed to move Entries between Categories during judging.
** Entries will be judged on the quality of the materials actually submitted. Entrants are urged to ensure that digital files in particular are of good quality. Kyoorius shall be under no obligation to request alternative or replacement materials.
** Entrants submitting Entries concerning an integrated campaign may be required to submit specific elements of such campaign or evidence that the campaign was run across more than 1 medium.
** Entrants must ensure that Entries arrive with Kyoorius at the designated collection centers by Monday 28 April 2014. Kyoorius reserves the right to exclude Entries that are not received by the delivery deadline.
** If, after submission of an Entry an Entrant becomes aware that his/her Entry has infringed any of its country-of-origin’s laws or voluntary or regulatory codes of practice the Entrant shall contact Kyoorius immediately to request the withdrawal of the Entry from the Awards.

Judging of the Awards :
** Kyoorius together with D&AD will appoint a jury, which shall be composed of judges who in D&AD’s discretion have the appropriate qualifications to judge the Entries. Judges shall consider all Entries on the basis of the criteria explained in the Kyoorius Design Awards Entry Rules.
** Entries will be judged on the basis of the materials supplied to Kyoorius.
** Judging will take place between Monday 13 June and 15 June 2014.
** During the judging all juries are reminded of the Awards Rules and are asked to consider whether Entries comply with the Awards Rules. In the event that a jury queries the eligibility of an Entry, the Entrant will be required to provide such documentary evidence or supplementary information as may reasonably be required to demonstrate the eligibility of an Entry.

Kyoorius reserves the right to :
** suspend an Entry from the Awards until such time as an investigation has been concluded
** remove an Entry from the Awards at any stage following investigation if it is not fully satisfied that the Entry is eligible and the Awards Rules have been followed.

Awards Results :
Nominations will be posted on the Kyoorius Designb Awards site, throughout the week beginning 7 July 2014. The person named in an Entry as the main contact for the submission will be contacted during the week beginning 7 July 2014 with further information.

Each winning entry will receive :
** 1 Blue Elephant trophy for each win in a category
** 1 pass to the 2015 Kyoorius Digiyatra & Designyatra – 3 days
** 1 free entry to the 2014 D&AD awards (any entry that meets the D&AD entry rules)
** feature in the Kyoorius Awards Annual as per the awards programme

Each nominated entry will receive :
** 50% off on one pass to the 2015 Kyoorius Digiyatra & Designyatra – 1 day
** 50% off on one entry to the 2014 D&AD awards (any entry that meets the D&AD entry rules)
** feature in the Kyoorius Awards Annual as per the awards programme

Request for Credits Information :
** Entrants of nominated Entries will be required to submit full credits or any other requested material to enable use by Kyoorius of an Entry by Friday 18 July 2014. If such credits are not supplied in time the relevant Entry will not be eligible to receive an Elephant.
** Entrants of Entries selected for inclusion in the Kyoorius Awards Annual will be required to submit full credits or any other requested material to enable use by Kyoorius of an Entry by Friday 18 July 2014. If such credits are not supplied in time the relevant Entry will not be published in the Kyoorius Annual.
** Entrants are responsible for making sure that the credits that are submitted by the deadline are correct and accurately reflect the roles of the individuals and companies responsible for that awarded Entry. Once credits have been confirmed by the Entrant, they cannot, other than in exceptional circumstances and at Kyoorius’s absolute discretion, be changed.
** If in its discretion Kyoorius accepts any amends to credits it will not be held responsible for the accuracy of such published changes in response to any requests made after the Friday 18 July 2014.
** Individuals names, Company names and credit roles, submitted in the entry credits will be used by Kyoorius to calculate and determine Kyoorius rankings and Kyoorius 2014 Most Awarded winners.
** Kyoorius can not guarantee that changes in entry credits that are made after Friday 18 July 2014 will be reflected in the ranking table and 2014 Most Awarded Winners.
** It is essential that Kyoorius is informed if the main submission contact person changes. It is the Entrant’s responsibility to ensure the accuracy of all information supplied especially for updated contact details. Entrants who do not comply with this will not be informed of the results of the competition.

Action against Entrants who breach the Awards Rules :
If Kyoorius establishes that an Entrant or his/her Entry has broken the Awards Rules, the offending Entry shall be immediately suspended from the Awards.

In addition to any other sanction referred to in the Awards Rules Kyoorius reserves the right to :
** remove an Entry from the Awards
** disqualify an Entrant from the Awards
** bar an Entrant from submitting Entries to future Awards

Payment Terms :
** An Entry is not considered to be an Entry by Kyoorius until such time as full payment is received. On receipt by Kyoorius the fee paid in respect of each Entry will be checked and the Entrant will be liable for any underpayment of fees. Kyoorius will contact the Entrant to collect any additional fees.
** All Entries must be paid for in full at the time of entering online by credit card, or within seven working days from Entry for Bank Transfers or cheque payments.
** Work that has not been paid for will not be submitted for Judging. Kyoorius reserves the right to withdraw Entries for which the full payment of the Entry fee has not been received. No refund of any fees paid will be given if an Entry is withdrawn due to underpayment.
** Entrants are to ensure that all carriage and shipping costs and custom fees are fully paid before items arrive at Kyoorius. Any items sent to Kyoorius without carriage and shipping fees fully paid will be returned to sender. The shipping invoice should be clearly marked ‘Competition Material – No Commercial Value’.The value indicated should be purely nominal. Kyoorius cannot be held responsible for items damaged or lost in transit.

Key dates:
Open for entry: Thursday, 20th March 2014
Entry deadline: Monday, 19th May 2014
Deadline for postal entries: Monday, 26th May 2014
Judging: June 2014
Awards Ceremony: Kyoorius Designyatra 2014 in Goa

For More Details, Click Here :…nd-conditions/

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