All posts from : Apply For Foreigner Police Clearance Certificate Hubli-Dharwad

Name of the Organization : Hubli-Dharwad Police (
Type of Facility : Apply For Foreigner Police Clearance Certificate
Location : Hubli

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Foreigner Registration :
a) A foreigner is required to register in Foreigners Registration Office (FRO) within 14 days of arrival, if his / her VISA is valid for more than 180 days.
If the foreigner intends to stay continuously in India for more than 180 days on a single visit.
b) Citizens of Pakistan are required to register within 24 hours of their arrival unless exempted from reporting by the Visa Issuing Authority.
c) Citizens of Afghanistan are required to register within 7 days of their arrival.
d) Also, registration is required, if stipulation is made in VISA.
** Registration is not required for children below 16 years of age.
** Tourist visa is generally neither convertible nor extendable. However, foreigners of Indian origin holding Tourist Visa may apply for Visa extension upto 5 years, provided their passport is valid.

Foreigner Registration Office (FRO) in Hubli-Dharwad City :
Foreigners Registration Office (FRO) in Hubli-Dharwad City is located at the
Office of the Commissioner of Police,
P.B.Road, Near Income Tax Office,
Navanagar, Hubli-580025

For Registration and extension of Residential Permit (RP) etc, please contact :
Police Inspector (City Special Branch)
Office of the Commissioner of Police,
Hubli – 580025

Phone : 080-22942354
Fax : 080-22200920
Working hours : 10 AM to 5.30 PM on all working days (Monday to Saturday, except General holidays)

Registration Procedure :
1. Fill-up the following forms :
** Form-A Part-III
** SB Form-1
(These forms are available at FRO office. You can also download them from the above links.)

2. Enclose required documents :
(List of documents varies with the type of visa)
A. Student/research Visa
B. Business Visa
C. Employment Visa
D. Entry Visa
E.medical Visa
F. Other Categories Of Visa
** After submitting the application & documents at FRO office, please collect the acknowledgement / receipt.
** Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) will issue Registration Certificate (RC) & Residential Permit (RP) within two working days normally.
** Registration Certificate (RC) & Residential Permit (RP) may be collected personally or by any person under proper authorization, by producing the acknowledgement/receipt of application.
** At the time of registration you must appear before the Foreigners Registration Office (FRO) personally.

Note : There is no fee for registration

A Foreigner Failing To Register :
Foreigner who fails to register within the stipulated time is liable to be prosecuted under Section 14 of Foreigners Registration Act 1948 which says that:

“If any person contravenes the provisions of this Act or of any order made thereunder, or any direction given in pursuance of this Act or such order, he shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years and shall also be liable to fine”.

Extension Of Stay :
Extension of VISA/Residential Permit is required whenever a foreigner desires to extend his stay after the expiry of VISA / Residential Permit.

Procedure For Extension Of Visa / Residential Permit :
1. Fill-up Proforma-B and submit to the FRO at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiry of VISA/Residential Permit, but not earlier than ninety (90) days – (3 copies)
2. Enclose the required documents (List of documents varies with the type of visa)
A. Student/research Visa
B. Business Visa
C. Employment Visa
D. Entry Visa
E. Medical Visa
F. Other Categories Of Visas

Note :
1. Extension of stay requires payment of fee
2. VISA fee structure for extension
3. In all cases of Visa extension Police verification report will be obtained by FRO from the Station House Officer of jurisdictional police station in the prescribed proforma.
4. RP extension may be sanctioned till two months before the expiry of the validity of passport
5. In case of failure to submit VISA/RP extension application within the valid period, you are liable to be prosecuted

Exit Permit :
** Exit permit is required for a person leaving the country when VISA is expired / extension application is pending for consideration with the State Government/Central Government.
** Exit permit is not required wherever Visa/Residential Permit is valid.
** Exit permit should be obtained only from the Foreigners Registration Office (FRO) where foreigner has registered.

Documents required for obtaining exit permit :
** Approach the FRO with whom you have registered
** Submit an application (Exit Permit Proforma )
** Enclose a copy of the confirmed journey ticket

At the time of final departure you are required to :
1 Surrender the originals of Registration Certificate, Residential Permit and Exit Permit to the Immigration authorities at the check post of departure.
2 Fill up embarkation card furnished by the immigration authorities.

Documents Required For Return Visa/temporary Extension :
** Foreigners who hold a valid Residential Permit and whose entry facility is exhausted, wishes to visit his native country and return to India, may seek Return Visa for required period of his stay, not exceeding 90 days. Return Visa will be issued by the State Registration Officer (SRO) at State Intelligence Office, No. 2, Nrupathunga Road, Bangalore –560 001 on the recommendation of FRO
** Foreigners whose application for extension of Residential Permit is pending for sanction and wishes to visit a foreign country may seek temporary extension for the required period of stay, not exceeding 90 days. The Return Visa/ Temporary extension will be issued by the State Government from the date of request on the recommendation of FRO and SRO
** The foreigner requiring return visa may please contact FRO Bangalore City with a request letter and Relevant documents.
** Foreigners should return to India before the date of expiry of such Return Visa, failing which the foreigner intending to return will be required to come on a fresh visa and undergo registration process afresh.
** For more information, please contact State Registration Office, No 2, Nrupathunga Road, Bangalore City during office hours

Telephone : 080-22123484 / 22942499.

Conversion Of Visa :
** Tourist visa is generally neither convertible nor extendable
** Tourist visa is extendable only for persons of Indian origin on the production of relevant documents.
** A foreigner married to an Indian spouse needs to apply to Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi, for conversion of Tourist VISA/Visitors visa into `X` visa, if they require Residential Permit/Visa extension.
** For details please log on to

Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) :
** Foreigners staying in India or have previously resided in India may apply for Police Clearance Certificate.

An application may be made for PCC to :
The Deputy Secretary, Home Department,
Government of Karnataka,
II floor, Vidhana Soudha,

Home Secretariat will call for a Police verification report from the concerned FRO.

The Applicant has to pay a fee of Rs 200/- for police verification, payable at the State Bank of Mysore, Treasure Section, Lady Curzon Road, Bangalore-1, to the Head of account “005500103004”. Bank Ph. No. 080-25326111 & 080-25326112.
** P.C.C. will be issued by the office of the Principal Secretary to Govt of Karnataka, Home department, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore – 560001.

Change Of Residence Of The Foreigner :
** Please communicate any change of address to the FRO, Bangalore city in writing and get it endorsed on Registration Certificate/ Residential Permit.
** If you wish to change residence from Bangalore city to another City/District (FRO), please communicate to both the FROs and get an endorsement on Registration Certificate / Residential Permit from both the FROs.
** The registration records of the foreigner will be transferred from the previous FRO to the present FRO.
** If you are going out of your registered address for a continuous period of 8 weeks or more, please inform the FRO, Bangalore city in person or through a representative or by registered post about details of departure and probable date of return.
Loss of Passport/Registration Certificate/Residential Permit, What to do-

Loss Of Passports :
** If your passport is lost / misplaced / stolen
** Please make a report to the nearest police station and obtain an acknowledgement / a copy of First Information Report (FIR)
** Communicate the details to the Embassy / Consular officer of your country.
** Get a new / temporary passport or an Emergency Travel Document from your Consulate/Embassy.
** If you are registered, you shall communicate the details to the FRO Bangalore city.
** If you are un-registered, please contact the Immigration officials of the check-post of your entry into India.
** Get the details of the lost passport, its validity, type of visa and its validity etc from the immigration officials of the check post of your entry.
** Approach the FRO Bangalore city for an Exit Permit to leave the country.

Loss Of Registration Certificate And Residential Permit :
** If your Registration Certificate and Residential Permit is lost or misplaced or stolen
** Please make a report to the nearest police station and obtain an acknowledgement / a copy of First Information Report (FIR)
** You can get a copy of the Registration certificate or Residential Permit from FRO, Bangalore city on payment of Rs.15/-

Foreigner Involved In Criminal Cases :
** If foreigners are involved in criminal cases, criminal action would be taken in accordance with law. Their travel documents shall be seized till the disposal of the case.
** Foreigners shall abide by the conditions and restrictions imposed by the Court.
** If their Residential Permit expires during the pendency of the case in the Court, they shall continue to apply for further extension till the disposal of the case.
** After the disposal of the case, foreigners will get the exit permit from the Foreigners Registration Office (FRO), Bangalore City. Then they may leave the country.
** If a foreigner is involved in a criminal case, an endorsement will be made in his passport to that effect.

If A Foreigner Is A Victim Of Crime :
** If you are a victim of crime, please approach the nearest police station in Bangalore city immediately and seek help/relief
** You may also contact the Police Control Room, Bangalore City over telephone Nos.
1) 100
2) 080-22942222
3) 080-22250999

** You may also approach the Foreigners Registration Office (FRO), No. 1, Infantry Road, Bangalore City, if necessary.

Death Of Foreigner :
** Information about the death of a foreigner may kindly be communicated to the nearest police station or to the Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO), Office of the Commissioner of Police, No. 1, Infantry Road, Bangalore City.
** Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) will in turn contact Deputy Secretary (Consular), Ministry of External Affairs (CPV Division), Govt.of India, Patiala House Annex, Tilak Marg, New Delhi – 110001 (telephone No: 011- 23388648, Fax No: 011- 23782821, 011- 23387281) so as to facilitate the authority concerned to contact the relatives of the foreigner for further necessary action.

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