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Kerala Taxes : Instructions For File Return Form Downloading

Name of the Organization : Kerala Commercial Taxes Deptartment (
Type of Facility : Instructions For File Return Form Downloading
Location : Thiruvananthapuram

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Website :

Kerala Commercial Taxes Department Related Content:
Personal Accounts VAT e-Payment:
Get e-Return Current Status Online:
VAT e-Consignment Declaration:
VAT e-Payment Procedure:
File Vat Return Online:

e-Forms Downloading :
** This is a system where dealers can download the statutory forms directly from Commercial Taxes Department’s official website

The following forms can be downloaded :
** Form C – Interstate Purchase
** Form E – Transfer of documents
** Form F – Declaration for stock transfer
** Form H – Proof for export

** Dealer has to connect to and select e-filing.
** After entering the username (TIN) and password, the user reaches dealer’s homepage.
** Dealers have to e-File their respective monthly return (along with invoices) prior to downloading forms.
** A new option to download the forms provided along with other options like File Return, Upload invoices etc.
** Select the respective return month with respect to the invoices on which Statutory Forms are issued from the list available.
** Captures the minimum data like Interstate Supplier TIN to whom the form is issued along with their name and address, Purchase Order details, Destination State etc.
** Subsequently all invoices furnished by the selected Interstate Supplier TIN would be displayed.
** Select the invoices for which the form is being issued to the Interstate Supplier TIN.
** If the dealer has entered any bogus TINs, system would not allow the dealer to proceed further.
** Finally, the dealer has to confirm the process to generate the print.
** All form issue details would be uploaded to TINXSYS on a regular basis.
** Also the Form Issue detail can be verified through Kerala Commercial Taxes website for the Assessing Authorities in other states.
** As its directly integrated with dealer’s return, data entry is avoided, thus avoids usage of bogus TINs and invoice numbers.

Download Forms Here :

Know More :
Whether Interstate transactions need to shown in the Invoice format?:
Yes, Interstate Transactions has to be shown in the invoice format. If TIN is not available, 88888888888 can be entered as the TIN.

Whether all 8B bills (Sales to end customer only) need to be shown individually in the invoice format?:
No. Only consolidated figures required for 8B bills in a single row as follows,
** Invoice No – Sequence details (Eg : 1-1000)
** Invoice Date – Date of last Invoice No
** TIN – Enter 99999999999
** Name / Addres – Retail Sales
** Value – Sum of Turnover of all 8B bills
** Tax – Tax of all 8B bills
** Total – Total of all 8B bills.

Can sales to unregistered dealers can shown in 8B?:
No, Use Form No. 8 only.

Whether 8E bills (Purchase from unregistered dealers / agriculture growers) can be consolidated in a single row?:
No. Purchase bills from Unregistered dealers have to be shown individually.

Whether Dealer to Dealer transactions be consolidated in the invoice file?:
No. All dealer to dealer bills have to be shown individually.

Can Interstate sales be shown as exemption in the Local Sales?:
No. Separate section (A2) has been included in the Form 10 to capture Interstate sales.

Can Sales returns be shown as exemption in the Local Sales?:
No. Separate section (F) has been included in the Form 10 to capture Credit Note details.

Contact Postal Address :
Kerala Commercial Taxes Deptartment
Tax Tower, Killippalam,
Karamana P. O,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 002

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  1. How to open e-token no?


    If e-declaration filled copy missed in transit how can we get another one of the copy through website? I need reply

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