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DCMSME : Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme Application & Status Online

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (
Type of Facility : Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme Application & Status Online
Location : Delhi

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Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme under NMCP:
The pilot phase of Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme (LMCS) as a component of NMCP was approved on 08.07.2009 for 100 Mini Clusters. The Scheme is basically a business initiative to reduce “waste” in manufacturing. The objective of the Scheme is to enhance the manufacturing competitiveness of MSMEs through application of various Lean Manufacturing Techniques (e.g. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), 5S, Visual control, Standard Operation Procedures, Just in Time, Kanban System, Cellular Layout, Poka Yoke, TPM, etc.). National Productivity Council (NPC) functions as National Monitoring and Implementing Unit (NMIU) for facilitating implementation and monitoring of the Scheme for the Pilot phase. Work completed in 58 Mini Clusters under the Pilot phase of LMCS so far.

The scheme has been up-scaled considering the recommendations of the evaluation study report conducted by Quality Council of India (QCI). The evaluation report on Implementation of pilot LMCS has recommended the continuation of the Scheme keeping in view benefits amounting to about 20% increased in productivity to the units. The up-scaled Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme has been approved with a Total Project cost of Rs 240.94 cr. (GOI contribution Rs 204.94 cr.) for 12th Five Year Plan for 500 Mini Clusters. National Productivity Council and Quality Council of India are the National Monitoring and Implementing Units (NMIUs) for the scheme.

Online Application and Tracking System :

Marketing Assistance and Technology Up-gradation Scheme :
The Scheme :-
MSMEs sector has emerged as a highly vibrant and dynamic sector of the Indian economy over the last five decades. MSMEs are not only playing crucial role in providing large employment opportunities at comparatively lower capital cost than large industries but also helping in industrialization of rural and backward areas, thereby, reducing regional imbalances, assuring more equitable distribution of national income and wealth.

It may be mentioned here that Marketing, a strategic tool for business development is critical for the growth and survival of MSMEs. Marketing is most important factor for the success of any enterprise. It is one of the weakest areas wherein MSMEs face major problems in the present competitive age. Due to lack of information, scarcity of resources and unorganized way of selling / marketing, MSME sector finds problems in exploiting new markets.

Objectives :-
The objective of this programme envisages that some of those clusters of MSMEs, which have quality production and export potential, shall be identified & encouraged and assisted through this scheme to achieve competitiveness in the national and international markets. The programme aims at improving the marketing competitiveness of MSME sector by improving their techniques and technologies’ promotion of exports and to provide a check on imports also

Activities :-
The broad activities planned under the scheme include Technology up gradation in Packaging, Skills up gradation/Development for Modern Marketing Techniques, Competition Studies of threatened products, Special components for North Eastern Region (NER), Identification of new markets through state/district level, local exhibitions/trade fairs, Corporate Governance Practices, Marketing Hubs and Reimbursement to ISO 18000/22000/27000 Certification.

Technology and Quality Upgradation Support Scheme :
Technology and Quality Upgradation have emerged as the two important attributes in enhancing competitiveness for any manufacturing industry. Cost of energy is an important component of the cost structure of any manufacturing unit. With the spiraling cost and uncertain supply, energy has already become a critical input in any modern manufacturing process and for cost competitiveness; MSMEs need to focus on economising on energy use. The small and medium enterprises have so far no compulsion to conserve energy and use energy in an efficient manner. The purpose of the scheme is to encourage and support energy efficiency for the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. Scheme address to the various facets of Quality and Technology Upgradation, the present scheme focuses on to the two important issues in enhancing competitiveness of the MSME sector, through Energy Efficiency and Product Quality Certification. The scheme also focuses on additional spin-offs for the MSME sector through clean development mechanism (CDM). An innovative concept of cluster based carbon credit aggregation centers (CCAs) has been planned under the scheme to initiate MSMEs to CDM benefit.

Objectives :-
The above objectives of the Scheme will be achieved through the following major activities :
** Capacity Building of MSME Clusters for Energy Efficiency/Clean Development Interventions and other technologies mandated as per the global standards.
** Implementation of Energy Efficient Technologies (EET) in MSME sector/units.
** Setting up of Carbon Credit Aggregation Centres (CCA) for introducing and popularising clean development mechanism(CDM) in MSME clusters.
** Encouraging MSMEs to acquire product certification/ licences from National/International bodies and adopt other technologies mandated as per the global standards

Study of Impact of the scheme, administrative and other miscellaneous items.

Scope of Work :-
Capacity Building of MSME Clusters for Energy Efficiency/Clean Development Interventions and other technologies mandated as per the global standards – Organizing Awareness Programme in clusters and Preparations of DPR.

Implementation :-
Office of DC (MSME) will identify MSME clusters for conducting the awareness programme on Energy Efficiency Technologies (EET), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) etc. on the basis of the responses received from the MSME-DIs, cluster based associations and NGOs, technical institutions.

For More Scheme Details, Click Here :

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