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DCMSME : Design Clinic Scheme Application & Status Online

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (
Type of Facility : Design Clinic Scheme Application & Status Online
Location : Delhi

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Design Clinic Scheme For Dsign Expertise to MSME sector :
As part of the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), the office of Development Commissioner (MSME), Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of India, will be implementing the Design Clinic Scheme for Design Expertise to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector (hereinafter referred to as the Design Clinic Scheme) during the 11th Plan Period.

Objective :
The objective of Design Clinic Scheme is to enhance the understanding and application of design and innovation in MSMEs. It aims to promote design as a value adding activity and integrating the same into the mainstream business and industrial processes of MSMEs. The scheme will be implemented in pursuance of the longer term goal of helping the manufacturing segment in the MSMEs move up the value chain from “original equipment manufacturing” through “original design manufacturing” to “original brand manufacturing”.

The overarching approach in implementing the scheme will be to bring Indian MSMEs and the design experts on a common platform. This will enable the MSMEs to access expert advice and cost effective solutions for their real time design problems, with some financial support from the Government. The expected outcome of such interventions are new product development or discernible design improvement and value addition for existing products. The total scheme budget will be Rs. 73.58 crore, out of which Rs. 49.08 crore will be GoI assistance and the balance amount will be contributed by the beneficiary MSMEs.

The National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad has been designated as the nodal agency for the scheme.

Activities :-
The broad activities planned under the scheme include creation of Design Clinics Centre along with four regional centres for intervention on the design needs of the MSME Sector. Further these centres will have linkages with engineering, management, design institutes of the country.

The Scheme :
The Design Clinic Scheme will be guided by the following key principles :
** Rigorous, yet applicant friendly, process;
** Promotion and dissemination of design concepts in regional/local languages understood by the MSMEs;
** Establishing benefits without overwhelming the MSMEs;
** Learning from other successful design support programs;
** Establishing systematic processes for design and product development in MSMEs.

Apply & Track Status Online :

The purpose of the scheme is two-fold :
** increase the awareness of the value of design and establish design learning 55in the micro, small and medium sized industries, and
** increase the competitiveness of MSME products and services through design.

The larger objective of the scheme is to create a sustainable design eco system for the MSME sector through continuous learning and skill development, and to promote use of design by MSMEs for developing products and services which are market led.

The focus of the scheme will be on building the design capability of MSMEs to enable them to improve business performance and to compete in the global market.

The scheme description is divided in two major parts, viz., Design Awareness and Design Projects.

Design Awareness :
This will be done through seminars, workshops and Design Need Assessment Survey for the participant members of the selected clusters. These activities will help create general awareness and sensitization about the value and power of design for businesses.

Design Projects :
The Design Need Assessment Survey will form the basis for further dialogue between professional consultants and individual units (or group of units) in the cluster for the preparation of project proposals for funding. The funding assistance will be provided to the MSMEs for engagement of design consultants and professionals and other admissible items under the project as per the guidelines.

Applicability :
The applicability of design project funding is to an individual MSME or a group of MSMEs. In other words, the scheme permits a group of MSMEs based in an industrial clusters to come together and seek project funding for design improvement consultancy. For the sake of convenience, herinafter in these guidelines, the term MSME shall include a group of MSMEs also.

Financial Assistance :
The Design Clinic Scheme shall provide financial assistance to support design work undertaken by individual MSMEs, group of MSMEs and student projects.

The beneficiary unit(s) must typically be micro, small or medium enterprises as per the definition in MSMED Act 2006. It must be new to using design and preferably should not have used internal or external design expertise before. The designer that a unit employs in this scheme should be selected from a pool of qualified designers empanelled for this scheme.

Need Analysis :
MSME level need analysis will have to be conducted either as a follow-up of the cluster level workshop or as a stand-alone one-to-one exercise by expert and MSMEs. The MSMEs desirous of design intervention could get the Design Need Analysis conducted from a designer/design company / academic institution approved by Design Clinic Centre.In case they cannot locate a designer/design company / academic institution, they can contact the Design Clinic Centre for help. Design Clinic Centre on receiving the intent shall suggest designer / design companies / academic institutions from which the MSME can choose from and consequently also notify suggested companies / institutions. A template for design need analysis will be prepared by NID. The experts shall submit the report using the given template.

Consulting :
Consulting develops detailed solutions, and helps the units to do and to learn by doing. The most important part of the consulting aspect is to convert design solution into a business solution. No design activity is complete without good business understanding or inputs relating design to business. In specific cases, an independent business evaluation could be commissioned to act as input for design consultant. Help from business consultant / management students could be incorporated at this juncture.

Project Duration :
Design Project duration will be less than one year.

Eligible Applicant :
The local designer / design company / academic institution and the local 5 MSME in collaboration are eligible to apply for funding support as co-applicants. An MSME with the consent of the Design company or academic institution, may submit an application as the principal applicant, subject to 5 the following conditions :
** The designer / design company / academic institution and the applicant MSME have to be bodies or companies established or incorporated in India under the Indian Laws with on-going business;
** The applicant designer / design company / academic institution will be responsible for carrying out the design project;
** The applicant design, design company / academic institution and the applicant MSME in a project application must not be an associate or associated person or agent or employee of the other of them before 55 submission of the application;
** The project team members representing the designer / design company / academic institution must not be directors / shareholders / management team members of the applicant MSME.

Following are the criteria for qualifying the applicant MSME under Design Clinic :
** The MSME should be a profitable entity in the last 3 years of its operations
** The MSME must demonstrate either an export performance or potential to export
** PMAC can stipulate / relax criteria for this purpose

Following are the criteria for qualifying the co-applicant Designer / Design company under Design Clinic :
** The Designer or the Design company or acclaimed institute should have demonstrated expertise and qualification in the problem area that it seeks to solve for the applicant MSME
** It shall be the responsibility of the designer / design company to complete the project on time and as per agreed scope.

If the application is approved, the applicant design company / academic institution will become the recipient of the grant, and both the applicant design company / academic institution and the applicant MSME have to sign an agreement with the Design Clinic Centre to ensure that both parties are fully aware of the terms and conditions under which the grant will be offered.

For administration purpose, the MSME will be called the “principal applicant” and the Designer / Design Company / academic institution will be called “coapplicant”.

Plan for the Project Outcome :
The principal applicant is required to provide in the application a brief plan on how it will commercialise the project deliverables and preserve IPRs subsisting in the project deliverables and other project materials when discharging the project.

Project Coordinator
In each application, the principal applicant should nominate a project coordinator. ** If the application is approved, the project coordinator is responsible for overseeing the project generally; monitoring its expenditure and ensuring the proper usage of project funds in accordance with the approved project budget, this Guide and other instructions set for the project and answering enquiries.

Timing for Application :
The Design Clinic Scheme is open for applications throughout the year, unless notified otherwise.

Application Procedures :
Applications for the scheme can be made in multiple ways Application can be made by the MSME with request for grant without a design company. In such cases Design Clinic Centre will suggest the possible design consultants to the MSME from which to choose from.
** Application can be by the MSME along with a Design Consultancy which satisfies the criteria given in here.
** Application can be by the SME along with an academic institution which satisfies the criteria given in here.
** Applications may be submitted to the Design Clinic Centre by way of electronic submission via the internet at the website.
** Each application can only cover one project.
** Applications not fulfilling required condition will not be considered.
** The applicants will be informed of the assessment result within 50 clear working days after receipt of full information.
** It is recommended that the applicants should plan ahead when submitting their applications and make sure that all requisite documents are submitted.
** No application fee will be charged.

Approval of Applications :
Approval of applications depends on their individual merits, and the funding limit set out above.

The PMAC reserves the right to reject an application on grounds including :
** a petition is presented or a proceeding is commenced or an order is made or a resolution is passed for the winding up or bankruptcy of the principal applicant or the co-applicant; or
** a false inaccurate or incomplete statement or representation is contained in the application or a promise or a proposal is made knowingly or recklessly that it will not be able to fulfil or deliver such promise or proposal; or
** in the event of a claim alleging or the Government having grounds to believe that any thing(s) or material(s) to be designed or conceived or produced as part of the project deliverables infringe or will infringe any IPRs of any third party; or
** the principal applicant or the co-applicant is in default of its obligation(s) under other grant agreement with the Government whether or not in relation to the Design Clinic Scheme.

Resubmission :
A declined application may be resubmitted only if it has been revised substantially or if it has been able to produce additional information to address the comments made by the Assessment Panel in its earlier review. The differences of the resubmitted application should be set out clearly vis- à-vis the previous one.
Any revised application will be treated as a new application.

Vetting Procedures :
** Upon receipt of an application, the Design Clinic Centre will conduct a preliminary screening and may seek clarification or supplementary information from both the applicant design company/academic institution and applicant MSME.
** After screening, the Design Clinic Centre will submit the application together with its comments to an Assessment Panel for consideration.
** The Assessment Panel would comprise officials, professionals, industrialists, businessmen, designers, academics or other expert individuals. Its functions are to assess applications, make recommendations, and monitor approved applications.
** The applicant design company / academic institution and applicant MSME and its project team members may be required to attend assessment meetings to present their applications and answer questions.

Notification of Results :
** The applicants will be informed of the assessment result within 50 clear working days after receipt of full information.
** If an application is recommended for grant, both the principle applicant and co-applicant concerned will be informed of the result together with any terms and conditions that may be imposed by the Assessment Panel in addition to the standard terms and conditions. They may need to revise their application accordingly before the application is approved.
** If an application is declined, reasons will be provided.

Withdrawal of Application :
The principal applicant and co-applicant can write to the Design Clinic centre to withdraw an application at any time before signing the grant agreement.

Reporting Requirements :
The principal applicant will be required to submit 3 interim reports during the project including the details of performance of the project in a specified format. Specific dates of interim report submission shall be identified by the applicant in the funding application, and accepted by NID.
The principal applicant will be required to submit a completion report including details of the results, performance and evaluation of the project.

Procurement Procedures :
The fund recipient shall ensure that all procurements for goods and services for the project will be carried out in an unbiased and fair manner. All quotations shall be kept for the Design Clinic Centre’s inspection, if necessary.

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