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IP India Online Filing of Patents

Name of the Organization : Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (
Type of Facility : Online Filing of Patents
Location : Mumbai

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Online Filing of Patents :
The Indian Patent Office visualizes the concept of virtual office as the ultimate objective where all the communications, interactions and transactions between the office and stakeholders take place online. As an initial step in this regard, IPO launched the E-filing services for Patents in the year 2007 which enabled online filing of new applications for Patents.

The service is successfully being used by the stakeholders. Appreciating the significance of being more transparent and user friendly in building confidence among stake holders, IPO has further developed the e-filing system so as to cover comprehensive e-filing for Patents, wherein, in addition to online filing of New Applications, subsequent filings have also been integrated. The applicants have the benefit of registering themselves as users and owning personal folders in the IPO’s environment.

New and enhanced features of Comprehensive E –filing services include :
** Web based filing system
** Dual way login (Digital Signature as well as Password based) and password regenerationprocedure
** Provision for filing of all entries as per Schedule 1 of the Patents Rules,2003
** Proper Validations with IPO Patent database
** Facility to upgrade / update the digital signatures
** User Profile
** Improved procedures to minimize transaction errors

Online Transaction Banking Accounts :
** State Bank of India
** AXIS Bank

Registration & Login :
Login facility is available on the home page. User has to register for logging in. If a user is already registered he can log in using the User ID and Password or Digital signature.

Login Here :

How to Register :
Registration can be done by :
** An Applicant (Natural Person)
** An Agent
** Authorized representative of a legal entity (ONP)

Registration by Natural Person :
** Enter Preferred User id and “check for availability. If the preferred ID is not available a message would be displayed and user needs to enter a different user ID
** Enter desired Password as per instructions given on web page
** Enter further details like Name of Applicant. Name should be entered carefully as the same shall be used as Name of Applicant / One of the Applicant in all the filings
** Entries marked with Asterisk ‘*’ are mandatory

Registration by Agent :
** If a Registered Patent Agent wants to register, he/she is required to enter Patent Agent Number. If the system finds it valid, process of registration would proceed and Name of the Agent according to the Register of Patent Agent would be displayed.
** Enter Preferred User id and “check for availability. If the preferred ID is not available a message would be displayed and user needs to enter a different user ID
** Enter desired Password as per instructions given on web page
** Enter other Details like Address of Service.
** Entries marked with Asterisk ‘*’ are mandatory Registration by a Legal Entity (Other than Natural Person) :
** ** In case a legal entity requires registration, an authorized signatory of the legal entity needs to enter his/her name, address, mobile no., email etc.
** Enter Preferred User id and “check for availability. If the preferred ID is not available a message would be displayed and user needs to enter a different user ID
** Enter desired Password as per instructions given on web page
** Enter “Name of Organization”. Organisation Name should be entered carefully as the same shall be used as Name of Applicant/One of Applicant(s) in all the filings.
** Entries marked with Asterisk ‘*’ are mandatory.

After the completion of Registration Entries, add your Digital Signature :
Following window would appear where the user can select his/her installed digital signature (In case of hard token the system would prompt to insert the token). Upon successful Registration User can login either with User Name and Password or User name and Digital signatures.

Note :
** Install Digital Signatures prior to Registration
** Install PKI Components as per Instructions given on Online Filing Portal
** In the event of password loss, user can login with Digital Signature and reset the password
** Agent names are validated as per the “Register of Patent Agents” in IPAIRS at

Navigation Bar :
Left Navigation Bar :
Left Navigation bar includes the whole content of Online filing portal i.e.

Quick Form Filing :
This includes most frequently used forms. After the user logs in, he/she can proceed to file any form by selecting from the drop down list or the “Quick Form Filing“
** Form 1
** Form 2
** Form 9
** Form 18
** Renewal of Patent

Form History :
This includes the details of all the drafted (prepared or filled up) forms as well the details of discarded (deleted) forms

Payments :
This includes the link to Payment Gateways, Payment History (Record of all the payments that have been made through a particular login ID) and a Link to submit committed transactions to IPO server.

The process of filing needs to be done in following sequence
Control Panel :
This section includes the utility features for the user to control its credentials i.e. Link to change the password and Link for updating/renewing the digital signatures.

User Panel :
This section includes the user profile page and the status of User Authorization requests.

Downloads :
This section contains the useful features like the User manual and other components that may be made available from time to time.

Filing Up Forms :
Form 1 :
** After selecting the desired form from the Quick form filing or Main drop down list.
** The entry form of respective form opens up. User needs to fill up the entry form carefully and as per instructions given on the form page.

For e.g. User selects Form 1 :
No. of Pages should include Total no. of Page of drawings, abstract, SQ Listing as well as pages of Description & claims etc. No. of Priorities would be auto filled when Priority details are entered through “Add Priorities” button Form 9 and / or Form 18 can also be filed along with Main Application just by checking the given options.

In case of Natural Person, Applicant or at least one of the Applicant needs to be the person who is logged in as user In case of Legal Entity, Name of Organization of the logged in user needs to be the applicant or atleast one of the Applicants Jurisdiction shall be decided automatically as per input details of Applicant/Address of service as applicable (rule 4)

Save :
After Completion of the form user has to save the draft. Saving the draft would create a new entry in the drafted forms that can be accessed later on.

Upload :
After the draft is saved, user is required to upload the relevant documents by selecting from the drop down list.

Once the document is successfully uploaded, uploaded documents would appear in the tabular form.

Form History :
Drafted Forms :
This section shows the grid of all the saved drafts of the forms filled up. If a user wants to take a Preview or Edit/Upload the respective documents of a particular for he/she may select the form and click the relevant button. For some reason if a user want to discard the draft he/she can do so by selecting the concerned form and clicking the “Discard” button. However, if a user finds the form to be OK in all sense he/she may digitally sign the draft by clicking the “Sign Document” Button.

Once the “Sign Document” Button is clicked, following message appears :
Thereupon the user has to use his/her digital signatures to sign the drafted Form.

Discarded Forms :
All the discarded form are shown in a separate grid :

Payments :
This section contains the link to :

Payment Gateway
After the forms are digitally signed, it is ready for making the payment though the available Payment Gateways. User just needs to check the ready forms that require payment, select the payment mode and bank and proceed:

User session will be transferred to the Bank gateway

If the payment is successful, following screen would appear :
At this moment although the payment transaction is complete the application number or reference number is not generated. User needs to submit the details by clicking “SUBMIT” button. Upon submission of entry the final receipt bearing Docket Number and CBR number/ Reference number shall be generated.

If the user chooses not to submit immediately the transaction details to IPO server, it can be done later on also. The details would appear in the link : “Submit to IPO” under PAYMENTS.

Payment History :
This section shows the history of all the payments done through the current User ID.

Submit to IPO :
As referenced above, this section shows the details of successful payment transactions but are still not submitted to IPO server to obtain application/reference numbers.

Control Panel :
Control Panel contains the links for :
Changing Password

Renewing/ Updating the Digital Signatures :
An option is given to the user to update / renew the existing digital signature thought the portal itself. User is required to type his user ID, Type and old certificate serial number and thereafter click and choose New Certificate :

User Panel :
View Profile :
This section provides the user with a Profile Page where the user can verify its contents.

Downloads :
Downloads section provides for the download of Online filing User Manual and other updates/ utilities that would be made available from time to time.

Help Desk :

Contact Us :
Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks
Bhoudhik Sampada Bhavan,
Antop Hill, S.M. Road, Mumbai-400037,

Phones : 022-24132735,
Fax : 022-24123322

1 Comment
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  1. Clint software is not available on ipindia website. So, CBR is not generating.

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