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IP India Online Filing of Trade Marks

Name of the Organization : Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (
Type of Facility : Online Filing of Trade Marks
Location : Mumbai

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Online Filing of Trade Marks :
Login facility is available on the home page. User has to register for logging in. If a user is already registered he can log in using the User ID and Password or by Digital signature.

How to Register ?
User Registration can be done by the following :
** Proprietor/Applicant
** Agents ( having the Agent code issued by TMR)
** Attorneys (Any Practising Advocate)

If the details shown against entered Code is correct “Add digital signature” can be used for selecting the digital signature installed on the machine. (For installing the PKI component on the machine refer PKI Guidelines link available at the Login page)

Select the digital signature and click on OK button

After entering the user id, password and email id details of the user , Register button needs to clicked for registration. The password must be a strong password i.e., It must contain lowercase,uppercase,special character, numeral and it must be at least 8 character long. Once it got registered, the email confirmation will be send to the registered email id for further reference.

Log in Process :
Upon successful Registration User can login either with User Id and Password or User Id and Digital signatures for logging into the system.

Password :
Select login type as Password and enter user Id and password then click on login button.

Login Here

Digital Signature :
Select login type Digital Signature and enter user Id then click on login button a popup window will open with all the digital signatures installed on machine. Select the signature and click OK for login into the system.
On successful login the username and its user code will be displayed on the header. List on menu Items will be displayed on the left frame. Submenu options will be visible on clicking on the individual Menu options.
** Applications for International registration can be filed using the Link IAOI ( International Applications Originating from India)
** The Domestic Applications can be filed using the link New Applications
** Subsequent forms filing will be available under the menu Form Filing.

IAOI : [International Applications Originating from India]
Under IAOI following submenu is appearing
1. New MM2(E) Application
2. Deficiencies
3. Irregularities
4. Forwarded Requests
5. Refused Requests
6. Query
7. Filed MM2 Applications
8. Payment
9. Drafted MM2 Applications
10. Payment History

1. New MM2(E) Application :
a. On clicking the link “New MM2(e) Application” following screen gets opened to enable the drafting of the then MM2 form- :

b. For drafting the MM2e form, The guideline link is available at the top of the form.

c. The various sections of the MM2e form are required to be filled
1. Applicant’s Detail
2. Appointment Of A Representative
3. Basic Application Or Basic Registration
4. Goods And Services
5. Priority Claimed
6. The Mark
7. Color(s) Claimed
8. Miscellaneous Indications
9. Designated Contracting Parties

2. After fill all fields , click on submit button the system will show a massage “Application Saved Successfully” with temporary Application Number allocated to this MM2(E) application.


4. THOUGH THE LINK “Drafted MM2 Applications” all the drafted applications can be viewed and digitally signed.
Edit : To edit the selected application
Upload : To upload the attachment for selected application
Discard : To discards the selected application
Digital Signature : To digitally sign the selected application

5. Digital Signature :
For signing the application Select particular application “532” and click on sign document. A window containing all the installed class III digital signatures will appear for selecting the signature for signing the document.

6. And select Digital signature then click on OK.
7. On successful signing the message will appear : “Document signed successfully”

8. Click on “Payments” link to list all the applications ready for the payment.

9. Select the application and click on the “Make Payment” to display the amount to be paid. The mode of payment and the bank can be selected for redirecting the request to the bank portal.

10. Once the payment process is successful at the bank end, it will be redirected back to the e -filing portal, where it will generate the Acknowledgement /receipt. The Acknowledgement / receipt can also be printed latter from the link “Payment History”.

11. Deficiencies :
Under this submenu , user can see the deficiency letter despatched by the Madrid section of the trademarks registry for further compliance and reply. User can also submit the reply by uploading the same against the deficiency letter.

12. Irregularities :
Under this submenu, user can see the irregularities forwarded by the Trademarks registry along with the irregularities received from WIPO .

User can also submit the reply by uploading the same to the Irregularity letter.

Filling New Applications :
Under this submenu user can file New Trademark Applications through National filing route. According to the type of new TM application being filed, the appropriate TM form can be selected from the dropdown list, or can be clicked from the submenu.
1. Click on New Application tab and select the application form type such as TM-1 and put the class where the corresponding Goods and Services are falling before submit (For description of Goods & Services falling under various Classes, Click on “See Class details”).

2. On submitting the form Type and Class, system assigns a Temporary Application number (TEMP#) for drafting purposes, and creates an entry of the application in the users account under Drafted Applications submenu.

3. On clicking the close sign it will open the submenu “Drafted application” to list all the applications under drafting. To edit an application for further details, user can click on the edit link button corresponding to the temporary Application to be edited.

4. On clicking the edit link button the application form gets opened for entering or updating the content of the application.

5. User can edit the details pertaining to the Mark details, Applicant
details, Class and goods details, Priority details etc followed by uploading of the required documents like Power of Attorney etc. In case of non availability of any information user can save the entered information for further editing using the link “SAVE AND RESUME” Once all the details are entered and complete user can click “Digitally sign and Submit”. On clicking Sign document button system prompts with list of installed signature on the client machine for signing the application. If the application successfully signed and verified the following message will appear.

6. Successfully signed Applications will become available in the list of applications ready for payment. The Make Payment submenu under “Payments” menu option will list all applications ready for payment.

7. Multiple Applications can be selected for payment under a single transaction. On clicking the Make payment button the fee calculation sheet along with payment mode options appears, From here user can select the Bank for redirecting the request to the Bank Portal.

8. After the payment is successful at the bank it will be redirected back to the e-filing portal with Acknowledgement /receipt. Which can also be printed latter from the submenu “Payment History” under “payments” menu. Choose the Bank

9. The Acknowledgement of the application can be obtained from the submenu “Filing History” under the menu option “Forms History”.

Control Panel :
Change Password :
1. Go To Change Password Menu under Control Panel Menu Tab
2. Fill the old password , new password, confirm new password and click on Save button.

How to Renew Digital Signature ?
1. Go To Renew Digital Signature Menu under Control Panel Menu
2. After entering the user id and serial number of old certificate registered with the portal, Click on choose New Certificate button.
3. Select your Signature in popup window and click OK button

Downloads :
This menu provides the links for downloading important annexures and documents.

Contact us :
This menu provides the email ids to be used for escalating the queries regarding procedures related to Madrid protocol and e-filing related problems.

Help Desk :
Email us at

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