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JKBOPEE Previous Years Question Paper JAKBOPEE : J&K Board Of Professional Entrance Examinations

Name of the Organisation : Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examinations (J&K BOPEE)
Type of Announcement : Previous Years Question Papers

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Previous Years Question Papers :
31. Black-board can be included in which of the following 39. Which of the following is most necessary to raise categories of teaching-aids ? the standard of education ?
1. Audio aids 1. Continuous evaluation of students
2. Visual aids 2. High salary of teachers
3. Audio-visual aids 3. Revision of curriculum
4. None of these 4. Good school building

32. which of the following was the report submitted by 40. The in-service teacher training can be made more Yashpal Committee in 1993 ? effective by I
1. I.C.T. in teacher education 1. using training package which is well prepared in
2. Learning without burden advance
2. making it a residential programme 3. Learning through broadcasting
4. None of these
3. using cooperative approach
4. practicing training followup procedures

33. Which of the following is the most effective method 41 If majority of students in your class are slow to modrfy the undesirable behavior of a student ? you should
1. punish the student 1. not care about the high achievers
2. Bring it to the notice of parents 2. keep your teaching slow
3. Find out the reasons for the undesirable behaviour 3. maintain your usual speed of teaching and provide remedies 4. keep your teaching slow along with some extra
4. Ignore it guidance

34. Environmental education should be taught in schools 42. A new teacher is maltreated in his class. Which of because the following will be the best way for him to deal
1. it will affect environmental pollution with the students ?
2. it is important part of life 1. Get his class changed after consultation with the
3. it will provide job to teachers Principal
4. we cannot escape from environment 2. Improve his qualities and present before the students in an effective manner

35. Navodaya schools have been established to 3. Punish them
1. increase the number of schools in rural areas 4. Give them a threat of expulsion
2. provide good qualityeducation in rural areas
3. complete ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ 43. A student tries to solve a problem without any help
4. check wastage of education in rural areas from the teacher. The teacher should 1. pay no attention to himlher

36. The idea of basic education was given by 2. scold himlher for foolishness
1. Mahatma Gandhi 3. offer help to solve hislher problem
2. Zakir Hussain 4. appraise hislher individual effort
3. Kaka Kalelkar
4. Jawaharlal Nehru 44. The new education policy was approved by Parliament in

37. The aim of National Council for teacher education is 1. 1986 2. 1982 to 3. 1979 4. 1977
1. open colleges of education 45. Which of the following is the most important work of
2. promote research in education a teacher ?
3. maintain norms and standards in colleges of 1. Maintain discipline in the class education 2. Conduct examination
4. provide grant to colleges of education 3. Check home work 1

38. Aguardian never comes to see you in school. You 4. Make teaching interesting will 46. Students should be allowed to play games because
1. ignore the child 1. it develops cooperation amongst them
2. write to the guardian 2. it inculcates discipline amongst them
3. go to meet him yourself 3. it helps in their physical development
4. start punishing the child 4. all of these

Direction (Questions 94 to 96) : In the following questions, Direction (Questions 103 to 105) : In the following out of the given alternatives, choose the one which best questions some of the sentences have errors and some
expresses the meaning of the given word have none. Find out which part of the sentence 1,2 and 3 has an error. tf there is no error, mark your answer as 4 94. SERENE
?. Solemn 2. Meak 103. Mahatma Gandhi tauqht us that one should respect
3. Delicate 4. Calm 1 the reliqions of others as much as his own.
1. Cunning 2. Frank No error 3. Courteous 4. Clever 4
96. ACCENTUATED 104. People have a riaht to criticise but at the same time ‘
1. Projected 2. Exhibited 1 2 3. Sharpened 4. Mitigated each of them have to remember his dutv also. ‘

Direction (Questions 97 to 99) : Each of the following No error questions consists of a sentence in which one word is 4 written in bold. It is followed by some words. Select the word which is closest to the opposite in meaning to the 105. The parents scolded the child for havinq broke the word in bold 1 2 window but their words fell on deaf ears. No error
97. Should I communicate the date of the meeting to 3 4 all the members ?
1. yield 2. conceal Direction (Questions 106 to 108) : In the following 3. refrain 4. withhold questions you are provided with the first and last part of a sentence. The remaining sentence is broken Into four parts

98. His arrogant behaviour made him successful in his labelled P, Q, R and S. You are required to arrange these trade parts so as to form a complete meaningful sentence and
1. flattering 2. humble then choose the correct combination 3. polite 4. pleasant 106. 1 . The social groups in power

99. His short but pointed speech was applauded by P. especially when these happen to depend upon all sections of the audience the state
1. welcomed 2. praised Q. have always manipulated the education systems
3. misunderstood 4. disapproved R. for their very existence, S . to strengthen and perpetuate Direction (Questions 100 to 102) : In the following 6. their own privileged position. questions pick out the most effective word from the given 1. QPRS 2. QRPS words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully 3. QSRP 4. SPQR complete 107. 1. There are people

100. Some people themselves into believing P. to be able to say that they are indispensable to the organisation they Q. not because they enjoy the book, work for R. who read a book
1. fool 2. force S . but because they want
3. denigrate 4. delude 6. that they have read it 1. PSQR 2. RQSP

101. Although he never learnt to read, his exceptional memory and enquiring mind eventually made him a 3. RSPQ 4. SQPR very man 108. I. The greatest tragedy of Bhopal
1. dedicated 2. erudite P. we in India 3. pragmatic 4. charismatic Q. is that ever after the Bhopal disaster

102. He R. have not realized in wearing the old fashioned coat S. the necessity inspiteof hls wife’s disapproval 6. of town planning
1. resists 2. desists 1. PRQS 2. PRSQ 3. persists 4. insists 3. QPRS 4. QSRP

Direction (Questions 109 to 111) : In the following questions, an idiomatic expressionla proverb has been given, followed by some alternatives. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given idiomlproverb

109. To be at loggerheads
1. To have tough encounter 2. To be at enmity or strife
3. To face stiff opposition 4. To tax one’s mind and body
110. To wash one’s dirty linen in public
1. To criticise one’s nature in public 2. To quarrel in the open 3. To do some ugly work in public
4. To discuss dirty and scandalous matters of personal nature in the presence of strangers
111. To put somebody in his place
1. To turn him out 2. To honour him 3. To give him due respect 4. To make him humble

Direction (Questions 112 to 114) : In the following questions, find out which one of thewords given below the sentence can most appropriately replace the group of words italicised in the sentence
112. He is very careful and particular about everything he does
1. precise 2. scrupulous 3. meticulous 4. conscientious
113. The officer was not willing to take a definite stand on that point
1. vague 2. evasive 3. ambiguous 4. complex
114. The advertisement assured the public that the medicine would give back to the users, their youthful vigour and appearance
1. rejuvenate 2. restore 3. replenish 4. render

Direction (Questions 115 to 120) : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow

Books are, by far, the most lasting product of human effort. Temples crumble into ruin, pictures and statues decay, but books survive. Time does not destroy the great thoughts which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author’s mind. These thoughts speak to us through the printed page. The only effed of time has been to throw out of currency the bad products. Nothing in literature which is not good can live for long. Good books have always helped man in various spheres of life. No wonder that the world keeps its books with great care

115. Of the products of human effort, books are the most
1. enjoyable 2. useful 3. permanent 4. important
116. Time does not destroy books because they contain
1. high ideals 2. great ideas 3. useful material 4. subject-matter for education
117. “To throw out of currency” means
1. extinguish 2. forget 3. destroy 4. put out of use

Speech is a great blessing but it can also be a great curse, for while it helps us to make our intentions and desires known to our fellows, it can also, if we use it carelessly, make our atittude completely misunderstood. Aslip of the tongue, the use of an unusual word, or of an ambiguous word, and so on, may create an enemy where we had hoped to win a friend. Again, different classes of people use different vocabularies, and the ordinary speech of an educated man may strike an uneducated listener as pompous. Unwittingly, we may use a word which bears a different meaning to our listener from what it does to men of our own class. Thus speech is not a gift to use lightly without thought, but one which demands careful handling. Only a fool will express himself alike to all kinds and conditions of men

118. Speech can be a curse, because it can
1. reveal our intentions 2. lead to carelessness 3. hurt others 4. create misunderstanding
119. The best way to win a friend is to avoid in speech
1. ambiguity 2. verbosity 3. promposity 4. irony
120. While talking to an uneducated person, we should use
1. polite language 2. ordinary speech 3. his vocabulary 4. simple words

More Questions refer the PDF link :

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  1. Please give me syllabus of b.ed professional entrance examination 2015 of bopee college of education Srinagar

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