All posts from : Register & Renewal With Himachal Pradesh Employment Exchange Online

Name of the Organization : Department of Labour & Employment Himachal Pradesh
Type of Facility : Register & Renewal With Employment Exchange Online
Location : Shimla

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Instructions to Registration :
The applicant can get himself registered in three ways :

Visit Employment Exchange at the Place of residence
i. Bring the Original Documents related to Date of Birth, Qualification and Proof of Area of residence in the form of Copy of Telephone Bill, Water Bill or Electricity Bill etc.
ii. Fill in the X1 Card with the help of Employment Exchange Employee. In case a particular column is not understood, take the help of Exchange Official.
iii. After filling in the form hand it over to the Exchange Official who will register you and allot the registration number.
iv. A stamp will be pasted on the back of Original Qualification Certificate as a proof of registration.
v. An Acknowledgement in the Form of X10 Card will be given to you for reference and record. Check the details on X10 Card and get it changed/updated if required in case of any discrepancy.
vi. Preserve X10 for future reference.
vii. Check the date of Renewal mentioned on the top of X10 and get the registration renewed as per the time mentioned on X10 other wise the name will be struck off from the exchange.

Visit Citizen Service Centres (CSC) in the Panchayat :
i. Bring the Original Documents related to Date of Birth, Qualification and Proof of Area of residence in the form of Copy of Telephone Bill, Water Bill or Electricity Bill etc.
ii. Bring One Set of Self-Attested photo-copies of the documents mentioned above.
iii. Get the information entered on the Registration form through CSC Operator.
iv. X1 Card will be printed by the CSC operator which may be checked. In case of error ask the operator to correct and again print the X1 Card.
v. If there are no mistakes then X10 will be generated and signed by the CSC Operator.
vi. The Original documents will be stamped on the back with a pre-defined stamp by the CSC operator and photocopy of the documents will be retained by the CSC Operator which will be sent to the concerned Employment Exchange by the CSC Operator through its Agency (SCA).

Enter details online and visit Exchange in the area of Residence :
i. Visit the web-site and choose option ‘Candidate Registration’ and enter details related to you. Pls. enter the name, father name and date of Birth as mentioned in the certificates
ii. A reference number will be generated which may be noted.
iii. Visit the concerned Employment Exchange along with Original Documents related to Date of Birth, Qualification and Proof of Area of residence in the form of Copy of Telephone Bill, Water Bill or Electricity Bill etc.
iv. Inform reference number to the Employment Official.
v. The Official will check the details entered and cross-check against the certificates and allot the registration number.
vi. A stamp will be pasted on the back of Original Qualification Certificate as a proof of registration.
vii. An Acknowledgement in the Form of X10 Card will be given to you for reference and record. Check the details on X10 Card and get it changed/updated if required in case of any discrepancy.
viii. Preserve X10 for future reference.
ix. Check the date of Renewal mentioned on the top of X10 and get the registration renewed as per the time mentioned on X10 other wise the name will be struck off from the exchange.

Important Note :
a. It is in your interest to provide the correct and exact information as it will not only enhance your chances of getting the better job opportunities but also give you the job according to your qualifications.
b. Candidates are advised to give the correct status of employment/self-employment as it will help the exchange concerned for proper sponsorship as well as the private employers will be in better position to asses your willingness to work based upon the remuneration being offered by them.
c. In case the status of employment is not given correctly and later on it is detected, then the name will be struck off from the Employment Exchange.

Instructions to Renewal of Registration :
The applicants, who have got them registered earlier, may see that they renew the registration in time. All registrations are due to be renewed after 3 years from the date of registration. One month grace is also given after the renewal date, but it is in the interest of the applicants to renew the registration in time. Renewal may be done in case regular renewal after three years and/or the addition of qualification, experience, special consideration, change in status (i.e. Handicapped), addition of special considerations (like IRDP, BPL etc.)

Renewal of registration can be ensured through following ways
At Employment Exchange :
i. Bring the original registration proof that is X10 card provided earlier as a proof of registration.
ii. The official concerned will enter the registration number and in case the renewal is within permissible time limit (3 years + one month grace) then it will be renewed and new X10 card will be given as a record of renewal.
iii. If in addition to routine renewal, updation of registration details as mentioned above like qualification, experience etc. is required, a documentary proof will be required to be put up to the employment officer for updation in the registration.

Online Renewal :
Online renewal is allowed only in cases it is routine renewal i.e. without any qualification, experience addition.
i. Visit the web-site and select option ‘Renewal’ and enter the registration number and date of birth to view the information.
ii. If the renewal is being done in the time, the renewal will be done and an X10 card can be printed.
iii. If renewal date including the grace period is finished, the renewal is not possible. In such case, the concerned employment exchange may be visited with an application stating the reasons of delay in time non-renewal. In such cases, depending upon the merit of the case, the Director of Employment may allow the renewal or reject the application.

Renewal Through Citizen Service Centres(CSC) :
Renewal through CSC may be done through the following process. Renewal at CSC can also be related to Qualification Addition, Experience Addition etc.
i. Visit the CSC in your Panchayat along with X10 issued earlier.
ii. In case if addition of qualification, experience etc. is required, bring original documents along with photocopy of the document.
iii. The CSC operator will enter the registration number and then do the necessary renewal. Inc case, renewal date is over, no renewal can be done except vide procedure as mentioned in 2(iii) above.
iv. If renewal is done, then a new X10 card will be given and photocopy of the documents will be taken as a proof and later sending it to the concerned employment exchange.

Instructions to Transfer of Registration :
If in case registration is required to be transferred to another exchange within the state, then following procedure may be adopted :
i. Visit the exchange where the transfer is be taken that is where you intend to register yourself on transfer along with X10 issued by the exchange where from transfer is sought. Bring along with new proof of residence.
ii. Produce the X10 card to the Employment Officer, who will enter the registration number issued earlier and on the verification of details will initiate the transfer and issue new X10 card on successful transfer.

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  1. I want to know if we do the registration through online and if we don’t go to the regional office then our name will be expired. Then again how many days we can register ourselves?

  2. It is not at all in online reg.

  3. How I can do online registration?

  4. I renewed my registration online. I have tried so many times but I can’t do. Please tell me what I can do.

    Last time I have renewed my registration through exchange.

    1. How can I renew my employment registration card through on line which way I go ahead?

    2. Tell me how I can renew my registration through online

  5. Sir/madam,
    How can I register my registration online and getting the information? Because I am not an online candidate in employment exchange, I registered my self in 1999 yrs. So please tell me, how can I do this?

    1. Please use the above link for new registration.

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