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All posts from B-Plan competition 2014 : E-cell DTU

Name of the Organisation : E-cell, DTU (
Type of Announcement : B-Plan competition 2014

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Here is a perfect opportunity for you to sow the seeds of your dreams and nurture the entrepreneur within you. But this time you will not be alone, there will be experts to make sure that it develops deep roots and strong branches!

E-cell, DTU launches its annual B-Plan competition – for aspiring entrepreneurs from all over the country to come up with their business plans. The best teams will get a chance to present their Business plan at the E-summit on 4th & 5th February 2014. Exciting prizes worth Lakhs are up for grabs.

Why take part :
Get your business plan off the ground – with cash!
Find an idea OR find a business partner
Network with seasoned VCs and Entrepreneurs
First-hand entrepreneurial experience
Third-party validation and feedback
Great Exposure
It’s fun!!!

Roadmap :
** Registration Process
** Submission of B-Plan’s Executive summary
** List of shortlisted teams to be announced
** Submission of Entire B-Plan
** List of 5 Teams to be announced
** B-Plan presentation in E-summit in front of judges

General Guidelines :
The competition is open for any Graduate/Under-Graduate student pertaining to any registered college or university across India.
The BPC (Business Plan Competition) will be held in 3 Rounds.
In Each round, teams will be shortlisted and will proceed to next round.
Shortlisted teams for the round III will present their Plan in E-Summit, 14.
Winners will be selected by the respected jury members and the audience.

How to Participate :
Registration Guidelines A team might consist of one person, or as many people up to 5. The team must designate a ‘Team-leader’.
Deadline for registration: January 25, 2014, 1700 hrs

The ‘Team Leader’ will be the single point of contact for all communication with regards to the contest.
The registered teams need to submit an executive summary of their plans in doc (of maximum 1000 words) by 15th Jan, 2014.
Once Registration is open for a phase, the team leader is responsible for registering the team on the E-summit website. It is not necessary to have all team members registered at once, though please try to register teammates as soon as possible, so that they may be recognized a participants. A team may add members later as needed.
There is no registration Fee.
Team Leader can register on our website:
No registrations/entries will be accepted after the above mentioned dates.
Participating teams are expected to submit original ideas. Plagiarized or copied ideas will be cancelled categorically and the members will not be allowed to participate in any competition conducted by E-cell, DTU.
Send in your executive summaries to us at

Competition Structure :
The BPC is structured in three phases to help teams develop their plans in both a collaborative and competitive environment.
Round I : The plans will be evaluated and shortlisted by a panel of experts on the basis of the submitted summaries. The results of shortlisted teams will be out on Jan 25th.
Round II : Selected teams are required to submit their entire B-Plan till Feb 2nd.
Round III : Among the teams selected in Round III, 5 teams will be shortlisted for B-plan presentation among judges in E-summit, 2014 to be held on 4th& 5th Feb. One winner and two runners up will be decided by the jury members and the audience votes.
The decisions of the evaluation panel will be final and binding.

Entries can be entertained under the domains “Social, Service and Technology”
These three will cover almost every idea of a b-plan. Conventional and non-conventional plans are eligible for the competition, including
New venture/new business
Merger or acquisition, including leveraged buyouts, which will lead to a turnaround, roll-up, or some other significant change that adds value to the current business
Joint venture, alliance or network-based business (e.g., create new entity from current enterprises) The BPC Management Team reserves the right to reject any business plan for reasons including, but not limited to:
Deemed to be in violation of the DTU code of ethics
Violates any local, state or national law
Appears to be vulgar in nature
Does not present sufficient content or material appropriate to send to judges for evaluation and feedback
Plagiarized B-Plans A team is not eligible to submit a business plan that was previously awarded a prize in any E-summit of E-cell, DTU.

The E-Cell, BPC honors the confidentiality of all participant’s business concepts and plans. Business concepts, overviews and plans will not be copied for any purposes other than use in DTU. The judges also recognize the sensitivity of the materials being presented. Moreover, as an activity of E-Summit, DTU, BPC is governed by the Delhi Technological University Code of Ethics.

As members of the BPC, all participants, judges, and committee members should consider themselves bound by this code.

Teams may choose to include the following optional disclaimer on the cover sheet of their submissions, recognizing that it is not a legally binding agreement:

“This business plan is confidential and is presented solely for the purpose of evaluation in Entrepreneurship Summit, 2014. This plan may not be reproduced or redistributed in whole or in part. By accepting a copy of this plan, the recipient agrees not to reproduce or disclose the contents of this plan to third parties without the prior written consent of its authors.”

General questions or concerns regarding confidentiality should be addressed to Entrepreneurship Cell, DTU.

Format of B-Plan :
The following points should be covered in your b-plan, although it is not limited to these points only.
1) Executive Summary
2) Mission, Vision, Goals
3) Company Description (if any)
4) Product or Service
5) Market Analysis
6) Business Model
7) Strategy and Implementation
8) Web Plan Summary (if any)
9) Management Team
10) Financial Analysis

Prizes to be won :
Winner INR 1,00,000
1stRunner Up INR 60,000
2ndRunner Up INR 40,000
All the participants who get through to the 2nd round will be awarded participation certificates.

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