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All posts from Bioversity International New Delhi : Job-oriented Training

Name Of Training Institute : Bioversity International (
Location of the Institute: New Delhi
Training Offered : Job-oriented training

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Training :
Code: 70/35,
Duration: 2 weeks,
Bioversity International works with a global range of partners to provide a comprehensive programme of training materials, courses and support. This programme means we are able to develop the capacity of both individuals and institutions within our key areas of research – Sustainable Agriculture, Nutrition and Conservation. We assist our scientific staff and partners to plan, implement and evaluate actions to develop capacity, maximise impact and give stakeholders an effective voice.

Rights based approach to food and nutrition security :

Focus of the course :
The right to food is one of the basic human rights. The right to adequate food is realized when every man, woman and child, alone or in community with others, have the physical and economic access at all times to adequate food or means for its procurement. Adequate food means enough food in quantity and quality, safe and culturally acceptable.
A rights based approach is a different way to address food and nutrition insecurity; it emphasises the rights of human beings to food and it obligates governments to create adequate pre-conditions to feed oneself as well as the priority for politicians to protect directly the poor and hungry. In 2004 the FAO Council adopted the “Voluntary Guidelines to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security”, commonly referred to as the Voluntary Guidelines. These guidelines provide guidance to governments to realise the Right to Adequate Food. The definition used of the Right to Adequate Food is not merely the access to food but contains also the access to productive resources so that people can produce and acquire their own food. Governments need to devise a national strategy to provide the means that the right to food will be ensured to its population (right holders).
This course aims to provide professionals working in food and nutrition security and interested in a right based approach with the knowledge, skills and motivation, to strengthen, design and implement programmes and interventions using a right based approach.

Aims and objectives :
New insights about:
** Concepts and principles within human rights based approach, Right to Food and food and nutrition security and its interrelationships
** The role of right holders, duty bearers and accountability agents, and their main rights, obligations and responsibilities
** Voluntary guidelines and its implications for a rights based approach to food.

Strengthened competence to:
** Design a programme or intervention based on the right to food approach using the steps as described in the voluntary guidelines
** Facilitate a participatory planning of interventions directed to the Right to Food.

Clear ideas for:
** Incorporating rights based elements in interventions addressing food and nutrition insecurity
** Lobbying/advocacy to address the right to food
** Developing an intervention addressing food and nutrition insecurity using a rights based approach.

Training methods :
The course is job-oriented and the training approach is interactive, experience as well as evidence-based it provides the participants with the possibility to learn from expert facilitators as well as from each other. Transfer of knowledge goes hand in hand with case studies, working groups, etc. A mix of participants with different backgrounds, yet common interests, will provide a good basis for the exchange of experiences.

Who can participate :
The training programme targets staff of governmental and non-governmental organisations in the following positions
** Policy and planning staff at the national and sub-national level with responsibility for promoting community and household food and nutrition security within different sectors (agriculture, education, health, community development, local government, planning, etc.)
** Staff working at management and co-ordination level in the management planning and/or implementation of community food security and nutrition programmes or rural development programmes Centre for Development Innovation

Requirements for admission :
Applicants should meet the following requirements:
** BSc. (as a minimum) or its equivalent in the field of food and nutrition, food science, home economics, agriculture, medicine or a related field of study professional position with tasks related to the theme of the course
** At least three years of professional experience related to the theme of the course
** Competence in the English language.

Contact Us :
Bioversity, c/o CG Centres Block,
Ch. Devi Lal National Agriculture Research Centre,
Dev Prakash Shastri Marg.
Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012,

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