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Name Of Training Institute : Vish Tumu Associates (
Location of the Institute: Hyderabad
Training Offered : Financial Training

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Financial Training :
Course Background :
An executive in the present day global economy faces complex situations comprising of thousands of variables that need to be identified, related and processed, in order to arrive at an optimal decision, whether it is a M&A Situation, an Option Pricing Situation, an Econometrics Situation, a Treasury Situation, a Consumer Finance Situation, a Private Equity Situation, a Human Resources Situation or a Marketing Situation.

The use of spreadsheets and databases as decision making tools in such situations is fraught with limitations as these address simplistic situations and rely over-abundantly on Excel functions and recorded Macros whose effect is to transform a spreadsheet into a complicated theater where causes and effects become difficult to discern.

While a model can be constructed without writing a single line of code, such models tend to be severely limited in utility. Thus, the need to graduate to the next level of model building using Excel and its programming counterpart, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

A properly designed model enables a situation to be easily examined and its dimensions intricately manipulated to facilitate optimal decision making, whether it is a merger & acquisition model, an option pricing model, a budget, a securitization model, a model to forecast operations of an enterprise, a tax collections model or a lease pricing model.

This program exposes participants to advanced features of Excel and more importantly, to Excel’s programming counterpart, Visual Basic for Applications. The program anchors topics by exposing participants to real-life models to encourage development of models that address unique requirements.

Regardless of the functional background of a participant, the program imparts skills to (a) conceptualize (b) break-down (c) order and (d) map variables to a modeling eco-system using Microsoft Excel.

Course Structure :
Before participants are able to manipulate variables for an end-objective, they need to break down a situation into its constituent parts by identifying relevant variables and by understanding relationships between variables.

Participants also need to understand the tools for creating a financial model and to appreciate the difference between database techniques (and data stored in enterprise databases) and tools for financial modeling – they are not the same – do not expect the database administrator of your organization to provide you with these tools.

Finally, participants will need to develop skills in using a desktop modeling tool; participants will need to realize that skills are incomplete when these extend only to manipulating Excel with the User Interface, no matter the degree of expertise in Excel; participants will be exposed to the power that can be unleashed when Excel is programmed

Course Objectives :
This course focuses on modeling as a generalized subject, regardless of the functionality a participant comes from. The course will focus on conceptualizing relationships that apply to variables in a given situation and the manipulation of variables for an end-objective. Participants will take part in a project to create a financial model from scratch by programming Excel and in the process, applying theory to practice. The course will impart valuable perspectives and skills in applying financial modeling techniques to address situations with a high degree of preparedness, whether it is in a bank, in a mortgage lending institution, in corporate finance, in a central bank, in astronomy, or in a chemical or biological research institution.

Teaching Method :
This course comprises of slide presentations, problem solving, and discussions on (a) conceptual topics, (b) the architecture of the Excel User Interface, (c) the Excel Programming Architecture, (d) important features of Excel, (e) Excel objects and object hierarchy, (f) the structure of the visual basic language for programming Excel. Participants will be divided into groups of two to four and each group will work on situations using Excel; participants will receive a floppy with topics for problem solving and will be encouraged to discuss and question. A complimentary copy will be provided of “CapInvest”, a sophisticated financial model developed by the course director, to provide focus to the program and to construct from scratch, one of the pricing modules in CapInvest. Participants will receive background notes, summary notes and instruction sets on relevant topics.

Financial Modeling / Program Schedule :
Introduction :
** Introduction to Financial Modeling
** About Vish Tumu Associates
** Definition of Financial Modeling
** Components of Financial Modeling
** What is not a Financial Model
** Advantages of Financial Modeling
** IPO Framework
** Layout Issues
** Examples of Models
** Databases and Spreadsheets
** Excel Overview
** Accessing Excel
** Code Modules
** Objects
** Collections
** Manipulating Objects
** Identifying Objects
** Worksheet as a Platform
** Form as a Platform
** Requirements for Modeling
** Demo of CapInvest and LeaseEx 2000

Financial Modeling Schedule – Advanced Excel :
** Arrays
** Functions
** Built-In
** Analysis Tool Pak
** User-Defined
** Names
** Formatting Values
** Excel Controls
** Add-Ins
** Data Validation
** Data Management
** Lists
** Data Filters
** D Functions
** Pivot Tables
** What-If Analysis
** One Variable Data Tables
** Two Variable Data Tables
** Goal Seek
** Solver
** Scenario Manager

Financial Program Schedule – Excel Programming :
** Entry Points into Excel
** GUI Vs Code
** Visual Basic Code
** Parts of a VB Procedure
** Executing Code
** Manipulating Excel with Objects, Properties and methods
** Object Hierarchy
** Object Collections
** Excel Object Model
** Macro Recorder
** Control Structures
** Types of Control Structures
** Excel Events
** User Forms
** VB Controls
** Alternatives to Forms
** VB Functions
** Object Browser
** Range Object
** Worksheet Object, Properties, Methods and Events
** Range Properties and Methods
** VB Variables and Constants
** Arrays
** VB Operators
** Examples of Code
** Hands-On Programming

Contact Us :
Vish Tumu Associates
Shanti Nagar
Hyderabad 500 028

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