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All posts from Doomshell Academy Of Advance Computing Jaipur : Asp.Net Training

Company/ Institute Name : Doomshell Academy Of Advance Computing (
Training Offered : Asp.Net Training
Location : Jaipur

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Asp.Net Training :
Console Application with Core C # :
** Introduction of .Net
** CLR
** Just In time Compiler
** Assembly Concepts
** Syntax and DataType Reference
** Classes and Objects
** Property Development
** Access Modifier
** Inheritance
** Abstract and Seald Classes
** Interface
** Namespaces
** Partial Classes
** Collection Classes
** Boxing and UnBoxing
** Delegate in .Net
** File handling
** Windows Forms
** Web Pages

Asp .Net Web Development :
** Managing IIS (Internet Information Server)
** Data transfer Between Server and Client
** Dynamic use of get Method
** Navigation from html to HTML Controls
** Concepts of PostBack in Asp .Net
** Previous Page Controls Concepts
** State management through View State
** Dynamic Event Merging
** Data Binding Concepts
** Rich Server Controls
** Dynamic Creation of Controls
** Dynamic Event Handling
** Validating Page through Validation Controls
** Separate Block of Validation
** Understanding Classes
** Generating and Consuming DLL
** Web user Control
** Generating Property within Classes
** Handling of Child Control in Parent
** XML Concept
** Using Master Pages
** Master Page Nesting
** Applying Navigation Controls , menu, TreeView
** Giving Sitemap
** Themes
** Error Handling in Web Pages
** Cookies Handling
** Implementing Sessions
** Caching
** Partial Caching
** Web Security
** Login Controls
** DB Operation by Ado.Net
** DataProvider
** Connected Mode Architecture
** Create , Insertion, Updation in Tables
** Parameterize Queries
** Binding Controls to database
** Working in DisConnected Mode Architecture
** Using DataTemplates
** Using Multiple tables
** Implementing Joins and Views
** Implementing Stored Procedures
** DataControls
** Managing Master Child relationship in DataControls
** Providing Navigation Facility Within Grid
** Key Field Editing in Grid
** Paging in GridView
** Formatting GridView
** Form View and Detail View Control

SQL Server :
** making DB
** make Table
** Drop Statements
** Alter table
** Giving Constraints
** Select Statements
** Insert ,Update and Delete Statements
** SubQuery
** Using Like , Between ,In , Null Operators
** Generating Views
** Stored Procedure
** Function
** Transactions
** Triggers
** Xml
** Data Integrity
** Making Relationship

Using Advance Features in Web Development :
** Security using Database
** Web Services
** Crystal Reports
** Add Crystal Reports
** Accesss Reports through Web
** Grouping and Aggrgation Formulas
** Aplying Run time query in Reports
** Mobile Web Pages
** using Mobile Device Simulator
** Generating Web Assembly and Deployment
** Web Hosting
** Remote Server Management

Rich Internet Application (RIA) :
** LINQ to SQL
** MVC .Net
** DNN
** Multi Tier Architecture

Working with WCF & WPF :
WCF – Windows Communication Foundation :
** Define WCF Service Contract
** Implement WCF Contract
** Host WCf Service
** Create EndPoints
** Create & Configure WCF Client
** Use WCF Client
** Security

WPF – Windows Presentation Foundation :
** Design Layouts
** Add Controls and UI
** Event Handler
** Applying Styles
** Data Templates
** Binding Data to controls

Developer Essentials :
** Working with Generic Classes
** Multithreading
** Dynamic Loading of Crystal Reports
** Building Custom Control
** Adding your Own Controls in Toolbar

Developer Level Client Side Interaction(Advance Java Script) :
** Managing Runtime CSS
** Rich Java Script Animation
** Menu Through Java Script
** Applying JavaScript on Server Controls
** Implementing Runtime JavaScript by Server Side Programming
** Integrating java Script with DataBase

Advance AJAX :
** DataBase Operation by AJAX
** DropDown Effect by Ajax using DB
** Ajax Implementation using .net interface Method
** Integrating Ajax Toolkit

** SILVER LIGHT Application
** Silver Light Animation
** .Net Integration with Silverlight
** Event handling in SilverLight
** Understanding Layout
** SilverLight Tools Integration in .Net
** Using Multiple XAML on Single web
** Database Interaction in SilverLight
** WCF

Power Sessions :
** Sending Email by Domain Account
** Sending Email by GMAIL Account
** Implementing Web Service on Html Page
** XML in Advance Mode
** Dot Net NUKE (DNN)

N – Tier Architecture :
** Development in Multi Tier Architecture
** Database and Business Component Classes
** Implementing DAL and BAL
** Implementing Static and Non Static Methods of DB Layer
** Dynamic Binding of DataControls through DAL and BAL
** Using Microsoft Business Component
** Developing N-Tier using XSD

.Net Developer – The Data Guru :
** Working With DataView
** DataTable Class
** Relationship on DataSet
** DB Modification through DataSet
** Using Transaction
** Giving Insertion facility in GridView
** Using DropDown in Default Mode of Grid-View
** Drop Down Event Handling in Grid-View
** Hierchical Grid Operation
** Understanding Template Structure in GridView
** Traversing in GridData
** Editing in GridView by Manual Code
** Updation in GridV. by Manual Code
** Deletion in GridV. by Manual Code
** Passing data to Session within GridV.
** Providing Manual Sorting in GridView
** dynamic Indexing in GridView
** Defining unbound DataGrid
** Giving Editing , Updation facility in UnboundGrid
** Giving deleting facility in UnboundGrid
** Transferring data of unbound grid to Database
** Showing Product catalog in DataList
** Binding Images in Grid Using Database

Developer Leadership Skills :
** Enabling DB for Caching
** SQL Cache
** Globalization and Localization
** Generating XML Doc
** RSS Feed
** Consuming RSS Services
** Advance Search Concepts
** Traversing in grid
** Playing with Binary data in .Net and SQL
** Storing Images in DataBase
** Retrieving Images Through DB
** FileUploading within GridView
** Apply security on forms by Using Captcha Control
** Language Interoperability in VB .Net and C#(Bi language Communication)
** Binding Images in grid without database
** Applying Data Filters in Grid
** Binding Images in Grid Form Binary format
** Sending Pictures in Email
** Multi Language Application

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Contact Us :
Doomshell Academy Of Advance Computing
A-8 Krishna nagar-2,
Behind New Vidhansabha ,
Lal Kothi Jaipur

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