indiafinresearch.com Indiafin Research Development Noida : iPhone Apps Training

iPhone Apps Development:
With the introduction of smartphones, the IT industry is witnessing a mobile computing revolution. IDC forecasts the worldwide smartphone market to grow by nearly 50% in 2011. This is now the hottest growing market. Market research companies keep on talking about the fortunes of the various players in this arena such as Apple, Google, Nokia, RIM, etc.Training with Indiafin will give you the requisite confidence to develop applications on the iPhone and iPad. Our focused classroom and lab sessions will make you professionally capable. During the course, you will be developing simple applications and will build at least one commercial app, which will display your name in the App Credits section. You will know the entire process of making your app available for download through the Apple store.
Week 1:
Introduction to Mac
Introduction to Xcode
Xcode Workflow Tools
Creating and Building Simple Applications
Principle of OOPs
Working with Variables and Constants
Control Statements and Loops in Objective-C
Introduction to Arrays and Pointers

Week 2:
Objective-C Memory Management
Auto Release Pool: Using Accessor Method
Control Statements and Loops in Objective-C
Creating and Building Simple Applications
Managing Memory Using Auto Release Pools
Document Window Workflow Tools
Outlets and Actions
Referencing Outlets

Week 3:
Introduction to Debugging
Types of Debugging and Debugging Preferences
Managing Program Execution
Setting and Viewing Breakpoints
Managing Memory Using Auto Release Pools
Introduction to Cocoa Touch
Design Pattern of Cocoa-MVC Design Pattern
Foundation Classes, Value Objects, Collections

Week 4:
Building Different Types of Applications
View Controllers
View Controllers and Types
Creating View Controller Application
Keyboard Inputs
Customizing Input Types
Displaying, Dismissing the Keyboard
Screen Orientations

Week 5:
File Handling and Basic Data Persistence
Property List Types and Objects
Property List Serialization
Creating and Modifying Data using pList
Working with sqlite Data Base
Creating a Database and using it in iPhone app
Introduction to url Loading System
Working on url Loading System-RSS Reader

Week 6:
Integrating with Core Services
Integrate iPhone App with Address Book, Maps
Safari, Mail, and Other Standard Applications
Viewing and Analysing Traced Data
Working with sqlite Data Base
Creating a Database and using it in iPhone app
Introduction to url Loading System
Working on url Loading System-RSS Reader

Contact us :
Indiafin Research & Development
A 108 B, Sector 58
NOIDA (UP) 201301
Email. info@indiafinresearch.com
Web : http://indiafinresearch.com

Categories: Training Institute
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