analyticstraining.in Analytics Training Institute Bangalore : Advanced Excel Training

Name Of The Training Institute : Analytics Training Institute ( analyticstraining.in )
Training Offered : Advanced Excel Training
Location Of The Training Institute : Bangalore

Website : https://www.analyticstraining.in/

Advanced Excel Training :
Duration: 20 Hours
Dashboard reports provide Managers with information regarding the key performance indicators of the business at a glance. Excel along with VBA is a powerful tool to create these dashboards that provide analysis and insights in a timely manner.
Course Modules :
** Working with Controls
** Command Button, Text Box and Label, Combo Box, User Forms, Scroll Bar and Check Box
** Create a simple calculator dashboard.
** Using the above functions to make simple parts of a dashboard.
** Using Pivot Table to make simple dashboard.
** Dynamic Charts, Rolling Charts, Formatting Charts, Format as Table, Naming a Range
** Introduction to VBA
Programming Language, VBA, OOP, Objects,
Data Types, Variables, Procedures & Operators
** Recording a Macro and Editing the Macro
** User-Defined Functions
** Control Statements
Do Loops
** Error Handling and Debugging
** Worksheet and Workbook Events
** ActiveX Controls
User form Data Entry Form
Data entry with simple dashboard
** Connecting Excel to Outlook & PowerPoint(Requires strong VBA skills)

Excel Basics :
Duration: 12 Hours
Excel is by far the world’s most popular spreadsheet, useful for everything from maintaining simple household budgets to building sophisticates financial, models or designing complex dashboards. Excel in its universality is now a must have skill in every business environment. According to Microsoft Office Live Director of Marketing Michael Schultz, “roughly half a billion people use MS Office”, making Excel the world’s most popular spreadsheet application by a mile.
Course Modules :
** Navigating Through Excel
Formatting, sorting, filter, subtotals, grouping and data validation.
** Basic Functions
Text, Stat & Math Formulae and Logical
** Advanced Functions
Reference ” Lookups, Match and Index
Using Reference, Logical and Formulae functions in combination
** Pivot Tables and Charts
Case Studies using Pivot Tables

Machine Learning :
While our text analytics session takes on the world of unstructured data, there’s another form of unstructured data that often goes unnoticed. Audio, photo and video data are notoriously difficult to analyze with traditional statistical methods.
For instance, if you wanted to build face recognition software, how do you train your computer to find a face? How does a computer read human handwriting? How do you build a car that drives itself?
For these problems and many more, machine learning is becoming increasingly the default solution. Very few people on the planet take on such high levels of expertise to be able to create machine learning algorithms and are employed by the biggest companies you hear of.
LinkedIn, Google, Yahoo, Twitter and many other big brands hire top notch talent for their machine learning skills. A fair warning though, you will be challenged intensely in the 8 hour program.
In the session, we will be exploring topics mentioned here and other lesser known concepts.
** The learning problem
** Landscape of application and problem areas
Learning algorithms: random forest, support vector machines, gradient boosting models amongst other.
Process workflow: data col lection, cleaning, processing and manipulation
In class project: Build an algorithm than can identify human handwriting with error rates of 1 in 1000

Address :
88, 1st Floor,
KK Centre, Jyothi Nivas College Road
Industrial Layout, 5th Block, Koramangala
Bangalore – 560 095

Categories: Training Institute
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