Annamalai University Model Question Paper : MA English

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Type of Announcement : Model Question Paper

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Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
SECTION – A (5 × 8 = 40)
Answer any FIVE of the following
ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
I. Annotate the following :
1. (a) For hym was levere have at his beddes heed Twenty-bookes, clad in blak or reed, Of Aristotle and his philosophie.
(b) For if a preest be foul, on whom we truste, No wonder is a lewd man to ruste; And shame it is, if a prest take keepe, A shiten shepherde and a clene sheepe.
2. (a) And great Elisaes glorious name may ring Through all the world, filled with thy wide Alarmes Which some brave muse may sing To ages following.
(b) Like radiant Hesper when his golden hayre In the ocean billows he hath Bathed fayre.
Descended to the rivers open viewing, With a great traine ensuing.
3. (a) But if the while I think on thee dear friend All losses are restored, and sorrows end.
(b) And from the forlorn world his visage hide Stealing unseen to West with this disagree; Even so my sun one early morn did shine. With all trimphant splendour on my brow,
4. (a) If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last, When other petty griefs have done their spite, But in the onset come, so shall I taste.
(b) A breach, but an expansion Like gold to ayery thinnesse beate.
5. (a) And let them not too much apply themselves to the disposition of the children, as thinking they will take best to that which they have most mind to.
(b) This is certain that a man that studieth Of revenge keeps his own wounds green, Which otherwise heal and well.
6. (a) I write them a bill with mine own blood, The date is expired, this the time And he will fetch me
(b) Yes,and I will purchase Devonshire, and Cornwall, And make them perfect Indies! You adimire now?
II. Write short notes on the following in about 200 words each:
7. (a) How does Surrey treat the conventional theme of love in his poem prescribed for your study?
(b) Bring out the lack of self-awareness in the characters of Changeling.
8. (a) Write a note on the religious and social customs of Utopia.
(b) Write a note on the conflict between appearance and reality.
SECTION – B (3 × 20 = 60)
Answer any THREE of the following .
ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
9. (a) “Chaucers characters are individuals as well as types.- Discuss.
(b) How does Spencer reconcile his vision of ideal with his sense of the actual in Prothalmion ?
10. (a) How does Donne differ from conventional expressions in his poems?
(b) Bring out the metaphysical traits revealed in Marvel’s “To His Coy Mistress.”
11. (a) Was Sidney a classical critic or a romantic one was he both? Give reasons for your answer.
(b) From your reading of Bacon’s essays “Of Fortune” and “Of Riches”, what impression have formed of Bacon as an administrator and economist?
12. (a) Write a critical appreciation of the play Dr. Faustus.
(b) In what way is it true that Mammon gulls himself? Can this statement be made of the other victims?
13. (a) Consider Changeling as a tragedy of high order.
(b) Comment on The Duchess of Malfi as a revenge tragedy.

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
SECTION – A (5 × 8 = 40)
Answer any FIVE of the following ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
I. Annotate the following passages :
1. (a) For good unknown sure is not bad, or bad And yet unknown is as not had at all.
(b) Fickle their state whom God Most favours; who can please him long?
2. (a) So Romulus, ‘tis sung, by Tiber’s brook Presage of sway from twice six vultures took
(b) Poor Cornus see his frantic wife elope And curses wit, and poetry and Pope
3. (a) He and Chaucer, among other things had this in common, that they refined their mother tongue.
(b) Chaucer followed Nature everywhere; but was never so bold to go beyond her.
4. (a) Poor Plats got between Hobbes and the seven wise masters and Virgil was hammed in with Dryden on one side and withers on the other.
(b) His helmet was of old rusty iron, but vizard was brass, which tainted by his breath, corrupted into copperas, nor wanted gall from the same fountain.
5. (a) She is more mistress of herself, than to be under the necessity of such a resignation.
(b) For my part, my youth may wear and waste, but it shall never rust in my possession.
6. (a) Female frailty! We must all come to it, if we live to be old, and feel the craving of a false appetite when the true is decayed.
(b) You would affect a cruelty, which is not in your nature; your true vanity is in the power of pleasing.
II. Write short notes on the following in about 200 words each:
7. (a) In what way was Thomson a child of his time and in what way was he an innnovator?
(b) Bring out the theme of Gray’s “Elegy Written in The Country Churchyard.”
8. (a) Explain the Coverly Household.
(b) Analyse the character of Mrs.Malaprop.
9. (a) Attempt an estimate of the character of Satan from your study of “Paradise Lost” – Book – IX.
(b) In what sense was Thomas Gray a forerunner of the Romantic Poets?
10. (a) Consider Dryden as a pioneer in comparative criticism from your study of his “Preface to the Fables.”
(b) Give judicious estimate of Johnson as a critic of Shakespeare.
11. (a) Consider, “The Way of the World” as a Comedy of Manners.
(b) Examine “She Stoops to Conquer” as an anti-sentimental comedy.
12. (a) Consider “The Pilgrim’s Progress” as a religious work.
(b) Describe the atmosphere of the “Island of Sadness” in “Robinson Cruseo.”
13. (a) How does Fielding develop his theme in “Tom Jones”?
(b) Consider “The Vicar of Wakefield” as a social novel.


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