Bihar Board Model Question Paper : Class XII

Name of the Organisation : Bihar School Examination Board (biharboard.bih.nic.in)
Type of Announcement : Model Question Papers for Class XI

Model Question Papers for Class XII : http://biharboard.bih.nic.in/ModelQSClassXII.htm
Model Question Papers for Class XI : http://biharboard.bih.nic.in/ModelQSClassXI.htm
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I. In following Questions Q. No.–1 to 10 there are only one correct answer. You have to choose that correct answer.
1. GM Plants are useful in
(A) increasing crop yield
(B) producing disease resistant plants
(C) increasing dronght resistant plants
(D) all of these
2. The theory of Origin of Species by natural selection was proposed by—
(A) (Charles Darwin) (B) (Lamarck)
(C) (Ernst Hacckel) (D) (Malthus)
3. An enzyme used to cut DNA—
(A) (Pectinase) (B) (Ligase)
(C) (Restriction endonuclease) (D) (Lysozyme)
4. What is the position of a tiger in a food cha in shown below ?
(Grass ? Deer ? Tiger)
(A) (Producer) (B) (Primary Consumer)
(C)(Secondary Consumer) (D) (Decomposer)
5. Replcation of DNA needs
(A) (DNA Ligase)
(B) (DNA Ploymerase)
(C) (DNA Polymerase and DNA Ligase)
(D) (Translocase and RNA Polymerase)
6. (Dudhwa National Park is situated in )
(A) (Assam) (B) (U.P.)
(C)(Gujarat) (D) (West Bengal)
7. Seeds of fruits are transformed
(A) (Corolla) (B) (style)
(C) (wall of avary) (D) (ovule)
8. Which one of the following is oviparous?
(A) (Flowering plants) (B) (Crocodile)
(C)(Woman) (D) (Monkey)
9. Cancer of epithelial tissue is called
(A) (Lymphona) (B) (Liposa)
(C) (Leukaemia) (D) (Carinoma)
10. Which are of the following works as biofertilizer in Paddy field ?
(A)(blue-grane algae) (B) (yeast)
(C) (funge) (D) (insect pest)

II. In each question from Q. No. 11 to 15 two statements (Statement I and Statement II) are given choice the correct option for each question out of options (a), (b), (c) and (d) on the basis of given statements. 5 × 1 = 5
(a) If both the statements are true and statement Ii is the correct explanation of statement I.
(b)If both the statements are true and statement II is not the correct explanation of statement I.
(c) If statement I is true and statemejnt Ii is talse.
(d) If statement I is false and statement II is true.
11. Opium is a narcotic drug.
Opium is obtained from a plant Papaver sominiferum.
12. (Statement)&I : Insulin produced by the application of biotechnology is known as humulin.
(Statement)&II : Insulin is a type of hormone.
13. (Statement)&I : Archacopteryx is a connecting link between-birds and mammals.
(Statement)&II : Archaeopteryx is an extinct bird.
14. (Statement)&I : Green plants are known as producers.
(Statement)&II : They convert light energy into chemical energy.
15. dFku (Statement)&I : Male gametes are haploid cells
(Statement)&II : Male gametes have n number of chromo somes.

III. Q. No.16 to 18 is for right have more than one correct answer. Select the correct answer to each questions. 3 × 1 = 3
16. Surgical methods adopted for population control are)
(A) (Vasectomy) (B) L=kh ulcanh (tubeclomy)
(C) MTP (D) (Condom)
17. Method of protein synthesis involves
(A) (Replication) (B) (Tanscription)
(C) (Translocation) (D) (Duplication)
18. Which one of the following is included in animal husbandry?
(A) (Bee keeping) (B) (Poultry farming)
(C) (Fish farming) (D) (Organic farming)

IV. Q. No. 19 to 22 are of 2 column matching type. Match correctly. 4 × 1 = 4
19. (Global warming)` (A) (Hybridoma technology)
20. (Monoclonal antibodies) (B) (Bacteria and Fungi)
21. (Clitoris) (C) CO2
22. (Antibiotics) (D) (Homologons to penis)

V. Q. No. 23 to 25 are comprehensive type. Read carefully the passage and select one correct of given four questions. 3 × 2 = 6
All the organisms found on the earth maintain their continuity by reproduction. By the proces of reproduction organisms produce same offsprings. Although the offsprings are similar in appearance. They differ from each other at least in some characters. This is called variation. As you know in all organisms nucleus are found in the cells Nucleus contains chromosomes made up of DNA and protect. These chromosomes are the carrier of hereditary characters, which pass from parents to offsprings.
23. Which one of the following is the carrier of heredilary characters ?)
(A) (Chromosome) (B) (Mitochondria)
(C) (Nucleous) (D) (Protein molecule)
24. The differences found in the similar aftsprings reproduced by common parents are called
(A) (Evolntion) (B) (Variation)
(C) ‘ (Mutation) (D) (homologous structures)
25. By which phenomenon each organism maintains its continuity ?
(A) (Evolution) (B) ‘ (Heredity)
(C) (Reproduction) (D) (Variation)

Full List of Questions Refer the Link : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/8751-MQS-Science-XII.pdf


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