Target Soft Systems Chennai targetsoft.in : Android Mobile Application Development Training

Company Name : Target Soft Systems (targetsoft.in)
Training Offered : Android Mobile Application Development Training
Location : Chennai

Website : http://www.targetsoft.in/

Mobile Application Training :
Mobile application, also called as mobile apps, is a term used to describe software applications that can run on smart phones and other mobile devices and also to connect to Internet or Intranet based application.

Mobile application development is the process by which application software is developed for small low-power handheld devices such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones. These applications are either pre-installed on phones during manufacture, downloaded by customers from various mobile software distribution platforms, or can also be

web applications delivered to the Mobile Device user. A mobile app may be a Mobile Advertising, Instant Messaging, Mobile Music and many other applications.

Mobile Application Development Platforms :
Android, iOS, BlackBerry, HP webOS, Symbian OS, Bada from Samsung, and Windows Mobile support typical application binaries as found on personal computers with code which executes in the native machine format of the processor (the ARM architecture is a dominant design used on many current models). Windows Mobile can also be compiled to x86 executables for debugging on a PC without a processor emulator, and also supports the Portable Executable (PE) format associated with the .NET Framework. Windows Mobile, Android, HP webOS and iOS offer free SDKs and integrated development environments to developers.

Android Apps Development :
** Introduction of Android
** Brief of android
** Views and View Group
** Adapter
** Intents
** Menus
** Notification
** Services
** Broadcast Receiver
** Google Map And GPS
** Database and Content provider
** Media Player and Telephony
** Camera
** Web services
** Sensor Management APIs
** Bluetooth & Wi-Fi and networking
** Debugging
** Security Model
** Open GL
** Design Patterns
** Deployment

For More Details, Click Here

Contact Us :
Target Soft systems
8/3, Sarojini Street,
T. Nagar,
Chennai 600 017 India

Email ID : enquiry@targetsoft.in

Categories: Training Institute
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