ABES IT Group of Institutions Model Question Paper : BTech, MBA & MCA

Name of the Organisation : ABES IT Group of Institutions (abesit.in)
Type of Announcement : Model Question Paper

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ABES IT Group of Institutions
AUC-001: Human Values & Professional Ethics
B.Tech, MBA & MCA
Model Question Paper I 2012
Max. Marks: 50
Max. Time: 2:00 hours
Note: The question paper contains three sections, all questions are compulsory.
This section contains five short answer questions. Attempt all questions: (2×5=10)
Q 1. What is meant by the term ‘Happiness’?
Q 2. What does the term undivided society represents?
Q 3. Respect means ‘Right Evaluation’. Justify.
Q 4. What is meant by the term ‘Swasthya’?
Q 5. What do you mean by the term ‘Innateness’?
This section contains five questions. Attempt any three questions: (3×5=15)
Q 6. What do you mean by the term Professional Ethics?
Q 7. What exactly is implied by the term – ‘nature’? Explain.
Q 8. Bring out the difference between reverence & gratitude.
Q 9. What do you understand by the terms values & skills? Explain how values & skills are complementary?
Q 10. “Existence = Nature submerged in space”- Elaborate this point.
This section contains five questions. Attempt all questions: (5×5=25)
Q 11. Attempt any one part :
(a) What do you mean by holistic management model? List down the specific characteristics of such a model.
(b) Explain how different orders in nature have mutually fulfilling coexistence?
Q 12. Attempt any one part :
(a) Differentiate between the needs of the Self & the Body. Illustrate with examples.
(b) What is the meaning of respect? How do we disrespect others due to lack of right understanding of this feeling?
Q 13. Attempt any one part :
(a) What are the values in interaction of human beings with the material things? Give one example of each.
(b) What are the programs to take care of the body? Explain.
Q 14. Attempt any one part :
(a) What are the broad criteria for evaluation of technologies, production systems & management models?
(b) How does the feeling of Sanyama facilitate the correct appraisal of our physical needs?
Q 15. Attempt any one part :
(a) What do you mean by ‘conformance’? Explain the conformance in the four orders.
(b) What is the role of material order & bio-order in the fulfillment of human needs?

ABES IT Group of Institutions
MBA Semester 4
Model Question Paper 1 2012
Max. Marks:100
Max. Time: 3 hours
This question paper contains three Sections. All the Sections are compulsory.
Section A
This section contains 10 short answer questions. Attempt all of them(word limit:50-
75 words) (2X10)=20
1. Mention any two distinct characteristics of the Japanese style of corporate governance.
2. Define corporate governance.
3. What does the Teleological Ethical Theory focus upon?.
4. What do you understand by corporate citizenship?
5. What do you understand by Intellectual Property Rights?
6. Write in short about hostile takeover.
7. What is ERP?
8. Define TQM.
9. Define Supply Chain Management.
10.What do you mean by vertical integration?
Section B
This section contains 5 medium answer questions. Attempt any 3 of them(word limit: 100 to 200 words) (10X3)=30
1. Discuss the OECD principles of Corporate Governance.
2. “In late 1999, a government-appointed committee under the leadership of Shri Kumar Mangalam Birla, released a draft of India’s first national code on corporate governance for listed companies.”Highlight the main constituents of National Code On Corporate Governance .
3. Write in brief about the CII code on Corporate Governance (April 1998)
4. Discuss the major recommendations of the Cadbury Committee.
5. What do you understand by brand equity? Is it necessary for an organisation to follow ethical practices in order to establish brand equity?
Section C
This section contains 5 questions.Attempt all of them(word limit:300-500 words) (10X5)=50
6. (a) Discuss the Sarbanes Oxley Act,2002 .
(b) Discuss the recommendations of SEBI on Corporate Governance.
7. (a) Discuss the ‘push’ and ‘pull’ promotional strategies with examples.
(b) Explain the role of ethics in the area of Information Technology.
8. (a) Discuss the important feature of Indian ethos. How the teachings from Vedas help in understanding management?
(b) Explain the process of patents and trademarks.
9. (a) What do you mean by corporate restructuring?
(b) Discuss the key focus of the Greenbury Report(1995).
10. (a) “The Hampel Committee was created in 1995 to review implementation of the findings of the Cadbury and Greenbury Committees”.Explain.
(b)Discuss the various ethical practices an organisation should adopt in the area of Human Resource Management.

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