LBS Kerala SET Model Question Paper : State Eligibility Test

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Type of Announcement : State Eligibility Test – SET – December – 2013 Question Paper

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1. A set of kins whose members trace descent from a common ancestor through known links is known as,
A) Clan B) Lineage C) Moiety D) Phratry
2. A group of persons of similar age and the same sex who move through some or all of life’s stages together is called,
A) Associations B) Age-grade C) Age set D) Descent group
3. Anthropologist who studies cultures that can be or have been observed first hand from a comparative or historical point of view is called,
A) Ethnographer B) Participant Observer C) Ethnologist D) Archaeologist
4. A group of people who occupy a specific locality and share common cultural traditions is called,
A) Association B) Society C) Community D) Institution
5. Author of the book ‘The Evolution of Culture’ published in 1959
A) Raymond Firth B) Radcliffe Brown C) Malinowski D) Leslie A. White
6. The marriage of a woman to a number of husbands who are brothers is called ,
A) Sorroral polygyny B) Adelphic polyandry C) Levirate D) Fraternal polyandry
7. The classic example of ghost marriage
A) Toda of Nilgiris B) Kattunaicken C) Nuer of Africa D) Argonauts of Western Pacific
8. A collection of families, related by ties of blood, which lives together in one household is called as,
A) Joint family B) Extended family C) Conjugal family D) Polygamous family
9. A mode of kinship reckoning in which all relatives of the same sex and generation are referred to by the same term is called,
A) Eskimo system B) Crow system C) Hawaiian system D) Iroquois system
10. A type of marital exchange in which the wife’s group provides substantial gifts to the husband’s family,
A) Kula exchange B) Dowry C) Bride-price D) Gift
11. Kin based groups in which all the members of the group are related to each other by kinship or marriage ties are called,
A) Chiefdom B) Band C) State D) Tribe
12. Transhumance is the term connected with,
A) Agriculture B) Horticulture C) Sericulture D) Pastoralism
13. The system of exchange between people, who are more distantly related than are members of the same band or household
A) Generalized reciprocity B) Negative reciprocity C) Balanced reciprocity D) Redistribution
14. Name the festive event within a regional exchange system among tribes of the North Pacific coast of North America
A) Potlatch B) Kula C) Silent trade D) Reciprocity
15. Name the post marital residence pattern in which a couple establishes a new place of residence rather than living with or near either set of parents A) Patrilocality B) Matrilocality C) Neolocality D) Uxorilocal 16. Name the sacred impersonal force in Melanesian and Polynesian religions A) Cargo cults B) Mana C) Magic D) Communitas 17. Culturally defined activities associated with the transition from one place or stage of life to another A) Monotheism B) Animism C) Taboo D) Rites of passage 18. Name the stone technology based on a projectile point that was fastened to the end of a hunting spear and flourished between 12000 and 11000 B.P. in North America. A) Harpoons B) Clovis tradition C) Blade –tool D) Hand axe 19. The belief that one’s own culture is superior to all others A) Egocentrism B) Ethnocentrism C) Cultural relativism D) Cultural adaptation 20. Name the anthropologist who studied Trobriand Islanders between 1915-1918 A) A.B Weiner B) Levi-Strauss C) Radcliffe Brown D) B.Malinowski 21. Scientist who developed the first comprehensive classification of plants and animals A) Erasmus Darwin B) Carlous Linnaeus C) Charles Darwin D) Charles Lyell
22. Bio-chemically different forms of a given gene are known as
A) Chromosomes B) RNA C) DNA D) Alleles
23. The relative size of protruding body parts tends to increase in warmer climates. This rule is known as
A) Bergmann’s rule B) Weisman’s rule C) Allen’s rule D) Mendel’s rule
24. Gregor Mendel conducted his experiments in the garden pea known as
A) Pisum sativum B) Cajanus cajan C) Vigna unguiculata D) Sitona lineatus
25. Law of Independent Assortment was suggested by
A) Charles Darwin B) Gregor Mendel C) August Weisman D) Lamarck
26. Following independent assortment of chromosomes, new arrangements of hereditary units produced through bisexual reproduction. This process is called,
A) Speciation B) Mutation C) Recombination D) Genetic drift
27. Independent operation of similar selective forces by which analogies are produced is called,
A) Macro evolution B) Unilinear evolution C) Micro evolution D) Convergent evolution
28. The branch of science that studies fossil and living apes, monkeys and prosimians, including their behaviour and social life
A) Primatology B) Paleontology C) Archaeology D) Socio biology
29. Name the zoological ape family living in Europe during the middle and late Miocene, probably includes the common ancestor of the lesser apes and the great apes
A) Sivapithecus B) Ramapithecus C) Dryopithecids D) Omomyids
30. Name the middle Paleolithic tool making tradition associated with Neanderthals
A) Microlith B) Acheulian C) Mousterian D) Blade tool

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