Panjab University OCET Model Question Paper : Panjab University

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Type of Announcement : OCET Model Question Paper

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Subject : M.Sc. (Environment Science)
Time : 90 minutes
Number of Questions : 75
Maximum Marks : 75

1. The UN Conference on Environment and Development in June 1992 was held in :
(A) Stockholm, Sweden (B) Adelaide, Australia
(C) New Delhi, India (D) Rio de Janerio, Brazil
2. Which one of the following is not suitable for medical waste disposal ?
(A) Autoclaving (B) Incineration
(C) Composting (D) Chemical disinfection
3. The quality of modern life is …………to the demographic quotient.
(A) Equal to (B) Inversely proportional
(C) Directly proportional (D) Has no relation
4. A primary group whose members are roughly equal in status is known as :
(A) Social group (B) Institutional group (C) Educational group (D) Peer group
5. Ecomark scheme of India was launched in :
(A) 1990 (B) 1991 (C) 1992 (D) 1995
6. Who amongst the following is associated with ‘chipko movement’ ?
(A) S.L. Bahuguna (B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Medha Patkar (D) Arundhati Roy
7. Hygrister is an instrument used to measure :
(A) Atmospheric pressure (B) Atmospheric temperature
(C) Atmospheric humidity (D) Solar radiation
8. Which of the following is not a water borne disease ?
(A) Schistosomiasis (B) Gastroenteritis
(C) Typhoid (D) Parkinson disease
9. A cut off meander filled with standing water is called :
(A) Oxbow lake (B) Delta (C) Estuary (D) Retention pond
10. Minimum thickness of carry bags made of virgin plastic or recycled plastic should not be less than :
(A) 10 microns (B) 20 microns (C) 25 microns (D) 30 microns
11. UNFCCC stands for :
(A) United Nations Framework Controversies on Climate Change
(B) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(C) United Nations Freedom Control on Climate Change
(D) United Nations Framework Convention on Carbon Credits
12. Which one of the following is the measure of dispersion ?
(A) Mean (B) Mode (C) Median (D) Standard deviation
13. The term ‘skewness’ refers to :
(A) Uniform symmetry (B) Lack of symmetry
(C) Distribution (D) Central tendency
14. As the sample size increases, the value of standard error tends to :
(A) Decrease (B) Increase (C) Remains the same (D) May increase or decrease
15. Population has to be given special attention, as it is an ever-increasing problem especially in India; therefore Population Day is celebrated every year on :
(A) June 6 (B) July 11 (C) August 15 (D) September 18
16. Under which of the following Act ‘noise’ has been specifically included as one of the pollutant :
(A) The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
(B) The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
(C) The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
(D) The Forest Act, 1980
17. The term ‘sustainable development’ was brought into common use by the :
(A) UNCED, 1992 (B) Rio Declaration
(C) World Commission on Environment & Development, 1987 (D) Agenda 21
18. The main component of the landfill gas :
(A) methane & carbon dioxide (B) nitrogen oxides
(C) sulphur dioxide (D) ammonia
19. The United Nations declared the year 2010 as International year of :
(A) Biodiversity (B) Water Conservation
(C) Climate Change (D) Renewable Energy
20. Which property of water is linked with the moderate temperature of islands throughout the world ?
(A) Poor conductivity (B) Vast supply of internal energy
(C) High specific heat (D) High evaporation rate
21. For which colour refractive index of the glass is maximum ?
(A) Red (B) Blue (C) Indigo (D) Violet
22. Potential difference between a live wire and a neutral wire is :
(A) 220 V (B) 110 V (C) 440 V (D) 550 V
23. Which of the following gas is not a component of biogas ?
(A) Sulphur dioxide (B) Nitrogen (C) Methane (D) Carbon dioxide
24. DDT molecule is :
(A) Hydrophobic, colourless, crystalline (B) Hydrophobic, coloured, crystalline
(C) Hydrophilic, colourless, crystalline (D) Hydrophilic, coloured, liquid
25. During summer milkman usually adds ……… to milk so that it does not turn sour.
(A) Baking soda (B) NaCl (C) Lemon juice (D) Benzene
26. Potato chips manufacturers fill the packets of chips with ………gas to prevent the chips from getting oxidized.
(A) Sulphur dioxide (B) Nitrogen (C) Methane (D) Carbon dioxide
27. Which of the following is a bio-remedial technique ?
(A) Composting (B) Oxidation (C) Reduction (D) Sedimentation
28. The eating up of metals by the action of air, moisture or a chemical on their surface is called :
(A) Attrition (B) Abrasion (C) Adsorption (D) Corrosion
M.Sc. (Environment Science)/A/OEC-22674 6
29. Which of the following constitute a food chain ?
(A) Grass, wheat, mango (B) Grass, cow, elephant
(C) Grass, goat, human (D) Grass, fish, cow
30. Self regulatory mechanism in an ecosystem is called :
(A) Homeostasis (B) Auto regulation (C) Entropy (D) Amplitude
31. Of the total amount of energy that passes from one trophic level to another, about 10% is :
(A) Transpired (B) Burnt in respiration (C) Stored in body tissues (D) Lost as heat
32. Species that have a major impact on ecosystem is known as :
(A) Flag species (B) Keystone species (C) Pioneer species (D) Crown species
33. Diabetic mellitus is caused due to deficiency of :
(A) Insulin (B) Glucagon (C) Thyroxin (D) Prolactin
34. Cerebral hemispheres are the centers of :
(A) Reflex actions (B) Thinking and memory (C) Posture and equilibrium (D) Vision
35. In which of the following multiple fission occurs ?
(A) Plasmodium (B) Hydra (C) Yeast (D) Amoeba
36. Genetic drift operates only in :
(A) Smaller populations (B) Larger populations
(C) Mendelian populations (D) Island populations
37. Through hydrolysis complex organic molecules are broken down into :
(A) Carbonic acid and alcohol (B) Sugars, amino acids, fatty acids
(C) Hydrogen, CO2, NH3 (D) CH4 and CO
38. Flow of energy in an ecosystem is :
(A) Cyclic (B) Uni-directional (C) Scattered (D) Bi-directional
39. Every element has a whole spectrum of possible effects on a particular plant or animal. This dose dependency can be depicted by :
(A) Dose threshold curve (B) Dose dependency curve
(C) Dose response curve (D) Dose balance curve
40. Wetlands where source of water is snow and are acidic and nutrient poor are called :
(A) Swamps (B) Marshes (C) Bogs (D) Everglades
41. Which of the following has the biggest area ?
(A) National zoological park (B) Biosphere reserve
(C) National Park (D) Wildlife sanctuary
42. Cryo-preservation is an example of …………preservation.
(A) in-situ (B) ex-situ (C) Both A and B (D) Neither A nor B
43. The heliocentric theory of the solar system was evolved by :
(A) Kant (B) Copernicus (C) Galileo (D) Kepler
44. Which of the following contains the maximum biodiversity on the surface of the earth ?
(A) Temperate zone (B) Torrid zone (C) Arid zone (D) Tropical zone
45. Our earth is in the shape of :
(A) Geoid (B) Ellipse (C) Parabola (D) Sphere
46. Largest consumers of coal in India are :
(A) Thermal power plants (B) Cement industries
(C) Steel industries (D) Fertilizer industries
47. Which of the following can grow on water logged soil ?
(A) Rice (B) Wheat (C) Maize (D) Millets
48. Between what heights is the ozone layer found in the atmosphere ?
(A) 2—3 Km (B) 0—1 Km (C) 19—30 Km (D) 70—80 Km
49. The important sinks of most atmospheric gases are :
(A) Oceans (B) Vegetation (C) Buildings (D) Both A & B
50. Of the total fresh water available, the amount trapped in snow constitutes :
(A) 16% (B) 98% (C) 80% (D) 70%

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