becbgk.edu Model Question Paper MTech Examination : BEC Bagalkot

Name of the Organisation : Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot (becbgk.edu)
Type of Announcement : Model Question Paper

Model Question paper : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/7700-PG-09-Model-QP-2Sem.pdf
Home Page : http://becbgk.edu/

Second Semester M. Tech. Examination, MAY/JUNE 2009
Duration : 3 Hrs
Max Marks 100
Answer any five full questions choosing at least one from each unit.

1. a. Write in detail about different Operating system strategies . 10 Marks.
b. Differentiate between abstract resource and physical resource examples to each. 10 Marks.
2. a. What are two basic responsibilities of operating system and Explain functions of operating system 10 Marks.
b. What are the different I/O strategies? Brief one of the strategies. How do you optimize the access time on disks? List the steps of one of the methods. 10 Marks.

3. a. Write about process scheduler organization and context switching in detail. 10 Marks.
b. Explain what you mean by preemptive scheduling strategy and non preemptive scheduling strategy give example any on scheduling strategy. 10 Marks
4. a. What is a semaphore? List different types of semaphores and their implementations. 6 Marks
b. What is the dining philosopher’s problem? Give AND synchronization to solve the problem for n=2. 6 Marks
c. What is Deadlock? List the conditions for Deadlock and the steps to be taken to overcome each . 8 Marks

5. a. Give the external view of Memory manager and write about address space management10 Marks
b. Explain two memory allocation strategies in detail. 10 Marks
6. a. Give explanation to static and dynamic paging algorithms with example to each. 12 Marks
b. Write in detail about block management in detail. 8 Marks

7. a. Write about kernel organization in Linux and its services. 12 Marks
b. Write in detail about Linux Memory management . 8 Marks
8. write notes on 10+10 =20 Marks
i. Static and dynamic Drivers in LINUX
ii. PROC and Ext2 File System

Model Question Paper
Second Semester M.Tech CSE (Autonomous) Software Engineering
Max.Marks: 100
Duration: 3hrs
Note: Answer any five full questions choosing atleast one from each unit.

Q.1 a) Compare various software development process models. (10)
b) Giving examples explain how the software delivery is a challenge. (10)
Q.2 a) Explain the structure of software requirement document proposed by IEEE. (10)
b) Differentiate between functional and non-functional requirements by giving examples. (10)

Q.3 a) Using examples, explain the differences between an object and object class. (10)
b) Explain various architectural models that may be used to develop a software. (10)
Q.4 a) What are the advantages of graphical information presentation? (10)
b) What are the differences between evolutionary and throwaway prototypes? (10)

Q.5 a) What are the differences between verification and validation? (08)
b) What is software inspection? What are its advantages? (08)
c) What is cleanroom software development? (04)

Q.6 a) What is equivalence partitioning? Give an example. (08)
b) What are the two important phases of testing and explain them? (08)
c) What is regression testing? (04)

Q.7 a) What are the factors governing staff selection? (10)
b) Explain P-CMM. (10)
Q.8 a) What are the factors affecting software cost estimation? (08)
b) How COCOMO helps to estimate the cost of a software? (12)

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