ngcnalgonda.org Model Question Paper : Nagarjuna Government College

Name of the Organisation : Nagarjuna Government College (ngcnalgonda.org)
Type of Announcement : Model Question paper

Model Question paper here : http://ngcnalgonda.org/Departments/geology/modelpapers.html
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B.Sc III semester Geology
Model Question paper
Paper: III
( Igneous petrology and Sedimentary Petrology)
Time:2 ½ Hrs max. Marks:40
Section A ( marks: 4×8=32)
Answer all questions, each question carry equal marks.
1. Write an essay on intrusive forms of Igneous rocks.
Or Describe the textures of igneous rocks
2. What are the basis for classification of Igneous rocks.
Or Write about the origin of Igneous rocks.
3. Describe the structures of sedimentary rocks.
Or Write an essay on chemical weathering of rocks.
4. How sedimentary rocks are classified as clastic and nonclastic.
Or Write about continental environment.

Section B ( marks: 4×2=8)
Answer any four from the following
5. Amygdaloidal and vasicular.
6. Types of rocks.
7. Granite.
8. Eutectic
9. Lithification
10. Grain size
11. Rudaceous rocks
12. Sandstone.

Paper: IV
( Metamorphic petrology and Structural Geology)
Time:2 ½ Hrs
max. Marks:40

Section A ( marks: 4×8=32)
Answer all questions, each question carry equal marks.
1. Write about structures of metamorphic rocks.
Or Describe the textures of metamorphic rocks.
2. Write about the cataclastic metamorphism of argillaceous rocks.
Or Thermal metamorphism of Calcareous rocks
3. Geometrical and genetical classification of Joints
Or Write an essay on Folds.
4. Recognition of Faults in the field effects of faults on the outcrops.
Or Write an essay on Unconformities.

Section B (marks: 4×2=8)
Answer any four from the following
5. Agents of metamorphism.
6. Stress minerals.
7. anatexis and palingenesis
8. Litparlit.
9. Strike, dip and apparent dip
10. Outcrop
11. Fault
12. Inlier and outlier

Paper: V
Time:2 ½ Hrs
Max. Marks:40

Section A (marks: 4×8=32)
Answer all questions, each question carry equal marks.
1. Write an essay on Modes of preservation of fossils.
Or Describe the classification, morphology and age of Brachiopod,
2. Write about morphological features and age of the Gastropods.
Or Explain classification, morphological features and age of Trilobites.
3. Write about the stratigraphic principles.
Or Write an essay on succession of Cuddapah system.
4. Describe Gondwana system with their classification and their fossil content.
Or Describe Geology of Andhra Pradesh.

Section B ( marks: 4×2=8)
Answer any four from the following
5. Micraster
6. Radiolarians
7. Classification of Lamellibranchia
8. Glossopteris and Gangamopteris
9. Kurmool succession
10. Chronostratigraphic units
11. Age of the Deccan traps
12. Vertebrate fossils of Siwaliks

Paper: VI (Economic Geology)
Time:2 ½ Hrs
Max. Marks:40

Section A ( marks: 4×8=32)
Answer all questions, each question carry equal marks.
1.Write an essay on magmatic deposits.
Or Describe Bateman’s classification.
2. Write about the Placer deposits.
Or Write an essay on Oxidation and supergene enrichment.
3. Describe the mineralogy, occurrence, distribution and uses of Copper deposits in India.
Or Write an essay on Lead and Zinc deposits in India.
4. Describe the origin and occurrence of Oil and natural gases in India
Or Write an essay on Mineral resources of Andhra Pradesh.

Section B ( marks: 4×2=8)
Answer any four from the following
5. Tenor and Grade
6. Ore and Gangue mineral
7. Residual deposits
8. Contact metasomatism
9. Iron ore minerals
10. Uses of Atomic minerals
11. Coal
12. Cement

B.Sc VI semester Geology
Paper: VII
Model Question paper
Time:2 ½ Hrs
Max. Marks:40

Section A (marks: 4×8=32)
Answer all questions, each question carry equal marks.
1. Define the Hydrology and Hydrogeology? Write the scope and the application of Hydrogeology?
Or Describe the hydrological cycle figure with neat sketches?
2. Write about t the vertical distribution of groundwater?
Or Describe the drainage basins and their physical characteristics?
3. Write an essay brief on ground water provenances of India?
Or What is an aquifer? Classify different types of aquifers?
4. Describe about the different types of wells in detailed?
Or Determine about the aquifer properties of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks?

Section B (marks: 4×2=8)
Answer any four from the following
5. Juvenile and Connate water.
6. Recharge and discharges.
7. Aquitard and Aquiclude.
8. Darcy’s law.
9. Specific yield and Specific retention.
10. Perched water table.
11. Isotropic and Anisotropic aquifers.
12. Transmissivity and Storage coefficient.


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    • Geology is the science comprising the study of solid Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which they change. Geology can also refer generally to the study of the solid features of any celestial body.

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