AP SET Question Paper APSET Osmania University : State Eligibility Test

Name of the Organisation : Osmania University, Hyderabad (apset.org)
Type of Announcement : Question Paper Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test (AP.SET) 2013

Question Papers here : http://www.apset.org/qp/qpapset2012.htm
Home Page : apset.org/

A.P. State Eligibility Test – 2012

The main objective is to assess the teaching and research capabilities of the candidates. Therefore, the test is aimed at assessing the teaching and general/research aptitude as well as their awareness. They are expected to possess and exhibit cognitive abilities. Cognitive abilities include comprehension, analysis, evaluation, understanding the structure of arguments and deductive and inductive reasoning. The candidates are also expected to have a general awareness and knowledgeof sources of information. They should be aware of interaction between people, environment and natural resources and their impact on quality of life. The details are given in the following sections:

1. Each section gets equal weightage: Five questions and 10 marks from each section.
2. Whenever pictorial questions are set for the sighted candidates a passage followed by equal number of questions should be set for the visually handicapped candidates.

I. Teaching Aptitude
Teaching: Nature, objectives, characteristics and basic requirements;
Learner’s characteristics;
Factors affecting teaching;
Methods of teaching;
Teaching aids;
Evaluation systems.

II. Research Aptitude
Research: Meaning, characteristics and types;
Steps of Research;
Methods of Research;
Research Ethics;
Paper, article, workshop, seminar, conference and symposium;
Thesis writing: its characteristics and format.

1. One of the following behaviour does not confirm to research ethics. Identify the behaviour
(A) Copying passages from a book along with acknowledgement
(B) Arriving at a generalisation which the researcher feels as truth even though data do not support it
(C) Formulating hypothesis which is not confirmed by review of literature
(D) Using statistical techniques in qualitative research
2. One of the following forums will be directly relevant for administrative actions
(A) Seminar (B) Conference (C) Workshop (D) Symposium
3. Quality of a good thesis is judged by three of the following four qualities
(i) Coherence across objectives and findings
(ii) Consistency between data, analysis and interpretation
(iii) A comprehensive review of literature
(iv) Number of references cited in the thesis
(A) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(B) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(C) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(D) (i), (iii) and (iv)
4. Three of the following four attributes characterise research. Identify the one which is not an attribute of research
(A) Research is purposive
(B) Findings of research can be generalised for all contexts
(C) Research is logical and objective
(D) Research is based on accurate data
5. Match the following :
(a) Experimental (p) Continuity of Method observations over time
(b) Descriptive (q) Internal Method criticism of data
(c) Historical (r) Stratified Method sample
(d) Longitudinal (s) Equivalence of Method groups
(A) (aq), (br), (cs) and (dp)
(B) (br), (cq), (dp) and (as)
(C) (cp), (dq), (as) and (br)
(D) (dq), (cp), (bs) and (ar)
6. Reorganise the following in an appropriate sequence
(i) Analysis and interpretation of data
(ii) Preparation of Research Report
(iii) Identification and selection of a problem
(iv) Formulation of a research design
(v) Collection of data
(A) (iii), (iv), (i), (ii) and (v)
(B) (iii), (iv), (i), (v) and (ii)
(C) (iii), (v), (iv), (i) and (ii)
(D) (iii), (iv), (v), (i) and (ii)
7. Identify any three factors which contribute to effective teaching
(i) Art of communication
(ii) Subject mastery
(iii) Smart and handsome looks
(iv) Rapport with students
(A) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(B) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(C) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(D) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
8. Programmed instruction is based on the principles of learning which is known as
(A) Software learning
(B) Motivation
(C) Reinforcement
(D) Systematic programming
9. Sentence completion tests are objective type of tests which measure
(A) Recognition ability
(B) Sentence knowledge
(C) Association skill
(D) Recall ability
10. Teaching is best described as a
(A) Occupation
(B) Vocation
(C) Profession
(D) Career
11. The chief objective of teaching is
(A) Transmission of existing knowledge
(B) Stimulate curiosity of students to discover knowledge
(C) Help children to do well in examinations
(D) To facilitate research
12. A “Good” learner is one who
(A) Listens attentively to teachers
(B) Has a questioning frame of mind
(C) Spends considerable time in library
(D) Prepares well for examination

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