SKIMS Model Question Paper : Staff Nurses Test

Name of the Organisation : Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (skims.ac.in)
Type of Announcement : Model Question Paper for Staff Nurses Test

Sample Question Paper : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/7549-ModelPaperStaffNurse.doc
Home Page http://www.skims.ac.in/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=313%3Amodel-test-papers-for-staff-nurses-test&Itemid=164

Section No. Section No. of Questions :
1. Nursing Knowledge 40
2. Hospital Administration 40
3. Service Aptitude 35
4. Communication Skills 35
Total 150
The test is of three hours duration. There will be no negative marking.

Note: These questions are illustrative. The pattern, scope, arrangement, variety, difficulty level, etc in the actual question paper may vary.

1. Administration of oral polio vaccine to the children is a measure of
(1) Health promotion (2) Specific protection
(3) Treatment (4) Rehabilitation
2.Oral rehydration fluid does not contain
(1) Sodium chloride (2) Calcium lactate
(3) Bicarbonate (4) Glucose
3.All are live vaccines except
(1) Measles (2) BCG
(3) OPV (4) Hepatitis B
4. “Sleeping sickness” is due to the bite of
(1) Sand fly (2) Tse-Tse Fly
(3) Bed Bug (4) White fly
5. Growth is monitored by
(1) Height (2) Weight
(3) Growth chart (4)Anthrabiometric measurement
6. FSH is produced by
(1)Thyroid gland (2) Posterior pituitary
(3) Anterior pituitary (4) Gonads
7.Health education is
(1) Health promotion (2) Health distortion
(3) Thorough public health (4) Not prevalent
8. The risk of infection is increased in hospitals by all except
(1) Dry sweeping
(2) Repeated sorting of linen at various places
(3) Ineffective air conditioning
(4) Mechanized floor cleaners
9. BOD stands for
(1) Biological Oxygen Demand (2) Basal Oxygen Demand
(3) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (4) Bacterial Oxygen Demand
10. Minimization of waste may be achieved by all except
(1) Segregation
(2) Returning outdated drugs to manufacturer
(3) Employing proper spill containment procedures
(4) Purchasing as per ABC analysis

1. A nurse on her initiation in the profession undertakes
(1)Hippocratic oath
(2) Nightingale’s pledge
(3) Declaration of Geneva
(4) None of the above
2. The major proportion of work of the Red Cross Society is
(1) Disaster response
(2) Health and community care
(3) Capacity building
(4) Humanitarian value promotion
3. The fees applicable for seeking information under RTI for applicants not belonging to BPL category is
(1) Rs 5 (2) Rs 10
(3) Rs 50 (4) Rs 100
4. The average daily census in a hospital is calculated at
(1) 0600 hrs
(2) 1200 hrs
(3) 1800 hrs
(4) 2359 hrs
5. Which one of the following match with ‘surrogate motherhood’
(1) Second marriage for having a child
(2) Lending of womb to childless couple
(3) Artificial insemination with sperm of person other than spouse
(4) Adoption
6. In a case of fire, the initial evacuation is
(1) Vertical upwards (2) Vertical downwards
(3) Horizontal (4) Tangentially
7. The transmission of the biologic agent Bacillus anthracic is by
(1) Inhalation
(2) Skin contamination
(3) Ingestion
(4) All are correct
8. ICU should generally be of
(1) 4-5 beds
(2) 6-15 beds
(3) 16-20 beds
(4) 25-30 beds
9. When you see a clustre of slums in your neighborhood, what comes to your mind?
(1) Slums should be immediately removed to a far off place
(2) Slums are a scar on our cities
(3) Persons living in slums should also have a place to live
(4) Try and ignore the issue
10. On receipt of bad performance review, you would
(1) become extremely angry
(2) be disappointed and frustrated
(3) try and take criticism in stride and learn some lessons
(4) go and fight with your boss

Directions (Questions 1-2): In each of the following questions a related pair of words or phrases given.Each pair is followed by four other pairs of words. Choose the pair that best expresses the relationship as bythe original pair.
1. Harm : Damage
(1) sweet : sour (2) stout : weak
(3) injure : incapacitate (4) hook : crook
2. Contradict : Contravene
(1) deny : refute (2) confuse : satisfy
(3) compensate : damage (4) profane : vulgarity

Directions (Questions 3-4): In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives choose theone which is closest in meaning to the underlined word and can replace it without changing the meaning of thesentence.
3. He gave me a detailed account of the meeting.
(1) report (2) summary (3) explanation (4) precis
4. It is so gratifying to know that there are not many small-pox cases these days.
(1) pleasing (2) surprising (3) satisfying (4) happy

Direction (Question 5) : In the question, choose the world which is most opposite in meaning of theunderlined world in the sentence.
5. This is only the most tenuous evidence for it.
(1) abundant (2) enough (3) reasonable (4) less

Directions (Questions 6-7) : In these questions, fill in the blank with most appropriate word from the givenalternatives to complete the sentences meaningfully.
6. A new shop ________ opened in the building, since last week.
(1) will be (2) has been (3) is (4) would be
7. My first lesson __________ forgiveness came from my father.
(1) on (2) in (3) about (4) upon

Direction (Question 8) : In the question four sentences are given. Choose the sentence which is grammatically wrong.
8. (1) She had finished her work when I met her.
(2) Do you believe in God?
(3) He cut his hand with a knife.
(4) He challenged me for a duel.

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