IBPS CWE Clerical Cadre Online Exam : Mock Test & Questions

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Type of Announcement : IBPS CWE – Clerical Cadre Online Exam Mock Test & Questions

IBPS CWE – Clerical Cadre 2012 Online Exam Mock Test here : https://www.digialm.com//OnlineAssessment/index.html?167@@M152
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Section : General Awareness
1) Mr. Donald Rumsfeld was the _____
Foreign Minister of Britain, Foreign Secretary of U.S.A., Foreign Minister of France, Deputy Prime Minister of France, None of these
2) The Government of India had set a goal to provide safe drinking water to all in rural areas by the year _____
2003, 2005 , 2010, 2004, 2006
3) In the election of the President of India the members of which of the following cast their votes ?
Members of the Lok Sabha only, Members of the Rajya Sabha only, Members of the State Assembalies only, Members of the both the houses and also of State Assembalies, None of these
4 ) Mr. Abdul Sattar was the _____
Vice-President of Pakistan, Former Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Present Chief Justice of Pakistan, Former Chief Justice of Pakistan, None of these
5) Which of the following is TRUE about the over flight of Pakistani Aeroplanes in the skies of India ?
(A) Over flight of Pakistani Aircrafts is totally banned.
(B) Only those Aircrafts who do not belong to Pakistan but have taken off from there are allowed to cross Indian sky.
(C) There is no such ban these days.
Only A, Only B, Only C, Only A & B , None of them is true
6) Who amongst the following is the President of the National Conference at present ?
Mr. Farooq Abdullah, Mr. Omar Abdullah , Mr. Mahmood Butt, Mr. Sikandar Bakht, None of these
7) Which of the following is True about the dissolution of the Parliament of Nepal ?
(A) The King of Nepal dissolved the Pratinidhi Sabha (the lower house) only.
(B) The Pratinidhi Sabha got dissolved almost 4 years ahead of its scheduled term.
(C) Nepali Congress and Cabinet of Nepal Govt. were not in favour of dissolution.
Only A & C, Only B, Only C, Only A & B, Only A
8) Which of the following SAARC countries is facing a severe problem of Maoist ?
Bangladesh, Myanmar, Fiji, Bhutan, None of these
9) Which of the following is the target fixed for raising through disinvestments of various PSUs ?
Rs. 10,000/- crores, Rs. 15,000/- crores, Rs. 12,000/- crores, Rs. 20,000/- crores
None of these
10) Which one of the following is TRUE about the patents Bill passed by the Parliament ?
(A) The bill was passed in the joint session of the Parliament.
(B) The Govt. will have a power to enforce licencing of patents if they are misused by multinationals.
(C) The bill will help in easy availability of drugs at affordable prices.
Only A, Only B, Only C, Only A & C, Only B & C
11) Which of the following companies/groups has now 26% stake in Indian Petrochemical Corporation Ltd. (I P C L) ?
Reliance Group, Mangalore Refineries, I B P Ltd. , Tata Refinaries, None of these
12) Which of the following statements is TRUE about U. S. A.\’s role in Iraq – Kuwait problem ?
(A) USA has deployed a special delegation to convince Gulf countries that Saddam Hussain should be thrown out of power.
(B) USA has a range of war planes and weapons positioned in Kuwait to protect Kuwait from any possible attack from Iraq.
(C) There is total change in USA\’s policy in this regard as it is now supporting Iraq\’s view point.
(D) Kuwait does not want US intervention any more to normalize its relations with Iraq.
Only A , Only B, Only C, Only D, Only A & B
13) Who amongst the following leaders is/was the founder of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) which completed it\’s three years in June 2002 ?
Sri Vasant Sathe, Sri Sharad Pawar, Sri Padam Sinh Patil, Sri Shankar Rao Chauhan, None of these
14) People are advised to consume/take which of the following tablets/injection to protect themselves from nuclear radiation in the event of nuclear war ?
Potassium Iodide , Calcium Iodide, Potassium Sulphide , Calcium Benjonite, None of these
15) The Air India is planning a tie up with which of the following airlines ?
Virgin Atlantic , North-West Airlines, British Airways , Japan Airlines, None of these
16) Apple is considered a good source of vitamin _____
K , B, A, D, C
17) Who amongst the following is the director of the film \’The Legend of Bhagat Singh\’ ?
Ajay Devgan , Satish Kaushik, A. R. Rehman , Raj Kumar Santoshi, Annu Kapoor
18) The Government of India has reduced the customs duty on agricultural machines from 25 per cent to _____
0.225 , 0.23 , 0.2 , 0.18 , None of these
19) The Government of India has set up a new Insurance Corporation to provide insurance cover solely to _____
Truck operators , Govt. employees, Small and Marginal farmers , Air passengers and employees of the air lines , Politicians
20) Which of the following awards was conferred upon famous medical scientist Indira Nath ?
UNESCO MS L\’oreal Award , Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Award, Kalinga Prize, Homi Bhabha Award for use of Science in Social Service , None of these
21) Which of the following statements about Agri-Export Zones is correct ?
(A) The Govt. has set up 10 new Zones to promote exports of agri products.
(B) Five new Zones are created to promote only farm products.
(C) Now the number of agri export Zones has become 20.
Only A , Only B , Only B & C , Only C , Only A & C
22) Helpage India\’, who got a grant of about 79 thousand US $ from Japan, is an NGO working for the _____
infants who lost their parents in Gujarat earth quake , farmers and farm workers, disadvantaged elderly people, unskilled workers who lost their jobs due to mergers and closures, commercial sex workers willing to join the main stream of the society
23) Which of the following states got a World Bank loan for water supply and sanitation related projects of about US $ 300 million ?
Uttar Pradesh & Karnataka , Karnataka & Tamil Nadu , Tamil Nadu & Uttar Pradesh , Uttar Pradesh & Bihar , None of these
24) Which of the following statements is TRUE about India-China Trade ? (Year 2000 – 2001)
(A) The trade amounted to about $ 3.5 billion.
(B) Chinese exports were up by 26%.
(C) China is the biggest trading partner of India in South Asia.
Only A , Only B , Only C , Only A & C, All the three are true
25) Which of the following has joined the membership of ASEAN ?
China , Singapore , Combodia , Vietnam , Myanmar
26) Mr. A. D. Karve who got an international award for his outstanding discovery is basically a _____
Medical practitioner , Agricultural scientist, Economist, Nuclear Physicist , Film producer / director
27) The original name of FIFA World Cup when it started first in 1930 was _____
Jules Rimet Cup , Donald Cup , Durand Cup, Wilson Cup , None of these
28) In the International Systems of measurement, the \’Kelvin\’ is the unit of _____
The electric current , Length , Mass , Temperature , Intensity of light
29) Which of the following was being observed as the \’Year of Women Empowerment\’ in India ?
1999 , 2000 , 2001 , 2002 , None of these
30) Which of the following is considered as second largest economic activity after agriculture in India ?
Handloom , Poultry farming , Teaching & Private Tuitions , Carpentary , None of these
31) A passenger aircraft from which of the following countries crashed in a South Korean mountain ?
Singapore , China , Russia , Korea , Japan
32) The Banking operations in India were paralysed throughout the country as employees went on a strike protesting against _____
The new legislation pertaining recovery of NPAs , Different wage structure in each bank , The disinvestment and anti labour policies of the Govt. , Govt.\’s Decision to allow banks to announce another VRS , Govt.\’s Decision to give a free hand to some foreign banks to takeover small banks / loss making banks
33) Which of the following countries is the head of the Inter Governmental panel on climate change, Geneva ?
China , India , Bangladesh , Pakistan , None of these
34) The International Policy makers conference on AIDS/HIV : towards a world without AIDS\’ was organized in _____
Kabul , Islamabad , Dhaka , South Africa , New Delhi
35) The Air India gifted three air crafts to which of the following countries as a part of its reconstruction package ?
Sri Lanka , East Timor , Ethiopia , Afghanistan , None of these
36) Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2001 passed by the Lok Sabha ?
(A) Intermediaries and brokers will not be allowed to become surrogate insurance agents.
(B) Efforts will be made to strengthen LIC and other insurance companies to have a major share in the business.
(C) The Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority (IRDA) will be replaced by a new corporation.
Only A , Only B , Only C , Only B & C , Only B & A
37) Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the \’Duleep Trophy\’ finals ?
(A) Final was played between West and East Zones.
(B) West Zone lost the match by six wickets.
(C) East Zone won the trophy second time in succession.
Only A , Only B, Only C, Only B & C, None of these
38) The first Devang Mehta award for innovation in \’Information Technology\’ was given away to which of the following organizations/projects ?
Simputer – Computer project , C. M. C. , Infosys Technologies Ltd., Telephony project of Birla – Tata – AT & T , None of these
39) Daw Aung San Suukyi who was in news is the _____
Prime Minister of Indonesia , Leader of opposition in Myanmar , Prime Minister of Singapore , Leader of Opposition in Singapore , None of these
40) What was India\’s share in Primary energy consumption in 2000-01 (as per figures released recently) of the World\’s total consumption ?
0.02 , 0.03, 0.075 , 0.12, 0.14
41) Which of the following countries has developed the fastest computer of the World which is installed in it\’s Earth Simulator Research and Development Centre ?
U S A , France , Russia, Japan , None of these
42) India launched seven satellites by 2007 under which of the following series ?
INSAT – 3 , INSAT – 3B, GSAT – 3, GSAT – 4 , INSAT – 4
43) Sri Dileep Padgaonkar who was in news is associated with which of the following groups of publications ?
Times of India , Indian Express , Hindustan Times, Anand Bajar Patrika, None of these
44) Immediately before his resignation Lionel Jospin was the _____
Prime Minister of Sudan , President of Sudan, Prime Minister of France, President of France, Secretary General of the U N O\’s Security Council
45) Which of the following is the reason owing to which the Indian Air Force decided to ground MIG – 21 air crafts ?
Some of its aircrafts met with an accident in recent past in quick succession , The aircrafts are being replaced by the newly acquired latest aircrafts , MIG – 21 will now be made available to private companies on lease , W. T. O. has put a sanction on the company who manufactured these aircrafts, hence maintenance is difficult , None of these
46) The 9th South Asia Federation Games (SAF) were held in March 2003 in _____
New Delhi , Islamabad , Bangalore , Dhaka , Rangoon
47) The National Flag Code of India has taken effect from _____
15th August 2001 , 15th August 2000 , 26th January 2001 , 26th January 2002 , 15th August 1999
48) The Shramjeevi Express Train runs between _____
New Delhi – Howrah , Patna – Howrah, Howrah – Guwahati , Patna – New Delhi , Lucknow – New Delhi
49) Mr. Nguyen Thi Binh is the _____
President of Korea , Vice President of Korea, Vice President of Vietnam, President of Vietnam , None of these
50) Abhinav Bindra is associated with which of the following games/sports ?
Cricket , Swimming , Badminton, Golf , Shooting


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