UP Transport : Apply Smart Card Driving License Online

Name of the Organization : Uttar Pradesh Transport Department (uptransport.org)
Type of Facility : Apply Smart Card Driving License Online
Location : Uttar Pradesh

Website : http://www.uptransport.org/index.html

Guidelines for obtaining your Smart Card Driving Licence :
The issuance of SARATHI software based Smart Card Driving Licenses started on January 9, 2013. The first phase covered transport offices of ten districts – Lucknow, Kanpur, Ghaziabad, Agra, Meerut, Jhansi, Allahabad, Barabanki, Varanasi and Aligarh. The remaining offices are being taken up in six successive phases whereby all transport offices will start issuance of Smart Card Driving Licenses by end-April, 2013.

This page has been developed as a platform to give the discerning citizen clear guidelines through which he / she can apply for, and obtain Smart Card Driving License (SCDL) without the need to depend on any outside agency. Please follow the following steps and approach the concerned office with all requisite documents to obtain your SCDL quickly and hassle-free.

Please note that :
** For your Learner License, please approach the RTO / ARTO office of only that city under whose jurisdiction your place of residence is located, and for where your address proof is being submitted with your DL application form.
** For issuance of Permanent DL / renewal of expired DL / issuance of IDP / Conversion of valid DL into SCDL please apply only to the RTO / ARTO office from where the original Learner License / Permanent Driving License was previously issued.
** For conversion of your valid DL into SCDL please come to the office from where it was issued, submit an application on plain paper, attach your valid DL, pay the fees and have your biometrics captured.

Step One :
Download the required application form / instruction by clicking on the link below
1. Application form for grant of Learner’s License – Form 2 / Instructions in Hindi / English
2. Application Form for Permanent Driving License – Form 4 / Instructions in Hindi / English
3. Application Form for International Driving Permit – Form 4 A
4. Application Form for renewal of Driving License – Form 9
5. Form of Medical declaration / Medical certificate, to be attached, as required. – Forms 1 & 1A

Download Here

Step Two :
Know your documents which need to be attached with your application form

I. Proof of Age (any one from out of the following) :
1. Electoral Roll
2. LIC Policy
3. School certificate
4. Pass port
5. Birth Certificate
6. Certificate granted by the RMP, not below rank of Civil Surgeon

Please remember to bring the originals of the documents whose attested copies are enclosed.

II. Proof of Residence (any one from out of the following) :
1. Life Insurance Policy
2. Pass Port
3. Electoral Roll
4. Pay slip issued by any office in the Central/State or a local body
5. Pension Pass Book
6. Arms License
7. ID card issued by Central / State govt

Please remember to bring the originals of the documents whose attested copies are enclosed.

III. Certificate issued by any approved Driver Training School : (from where driving training has been received.)
1. Necessary in case of DL for Transport vehicles
2. Optional in case of DL for Non-transport vehicles. This will provide you exemption from driving test

Step Three :
Know the amount of fees to be paid
1. Grant of Learner’s License for each class of vehicle (on paper) – Rs 30.00
2. Permanent Driving License on Smart Card – Rs 200.00
3. International Driving Permit (on paper) – Rs 500.00
4. Renewal of Driving License on Smart Card – Rs 200.00
5. Driving test for each class of vehicle – Rs 50.00
6. Endorsement of new class of vehicle on Smart Card DL – Rs 200.00
7. Renewal of DL on Smart Card after expiry of grace period – Rs 200.00 + penalty AT Rs 50 per year

Step Four :
Book your Online Time Slot
1. In case you wish to apply for a SCDL in RTO offices in Lucknow, an online Time-Slot Booking System is being started to provide citizens of these cities the facility to reserve a prior appointment (time slot) online, and visit the transport office for applying for learner / permanent / renewal driving license on the date / time of their choice. Online Time-Slot Booking facility is also being started for RTO offices in Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi, Agra and Ghaziabad from January 22, 2013.
2. The online Time Slot Booking System will provide three time slots on all working days – 10.30 AM to 11.30 AM, 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM or 12.30 PM to 1.30 PM. The citizens will be able to book any one of the three available time slots. Each time slot would have a capacity of 60 applicants, while the slot bookings would be available 15 days in advance. Additionally, the 12.30 PM to 1.30 PM time slot has been reserved for ladies and senior citizens, if they desire to take advantage of this preferential time slot. They will however, have the choice of booking any of the other two time slots also.
3. The time slot booking page will open a booking form which would require the applicant to fill up required details like name, address, date of birth etc. On acceptance of the form, the website will display a booking confirmation receipt, which will have to be printed and brought to the concerned office at the appointed date and time.

Online Time Slot Booking Here

Step Five :
Come personally to the concerned RTO / ARTO office. Please come to the RTO / ARTO office personally where you wish to apply, since the issue of SCDL involves the capture of your bio-metrics and photograph. In case you have booked a time slot, please come at the pre-appointed time.

You should have the following documents when you come :
** Complete application form
** Proof of residence
** Proof of age
** Certificate from Driver Training School, if mandatory. (List of approved Driver Training Schools).
** Photographs pasted on the form wherever required.
** A self-addressed stamped envelop in which your DL will be sent to you by registered / speed post.

At the office, you will have to undergo the following procedure :
** Get your documents checked
** Pay the fees at the fee counter
** Go on to the biometrics counter where your fingerprints, photograph and personal details will be recorded in the database. While your details are being fed in, you can also cross check them in the dual monitor, and specify corrections if required.
** Appear for the driver test (exempted in case you have a certificate from the approved Driver Training Schools. See list).

After these processes are complete, you are free to go home. Your DL will be sent to your address by post. However, if you don’t receive your DL in the post within 7-10 days, please intimate the concerned office.

Please note that in case you are applying for renewal of DL, remember to ask for an in lieu Authorization Certificate from the office.



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